5D Beings in a 3D/4D World

A friend thoughtfully sent me this video (below), knowing something of my plight… which is similar to what this woman shares here. I’ve always referred to myself as a ‘Bridge Being’ or ‘Bridge Builder,’ meaning I’ve been someone who has always been about building bridges to connect the old world to the new – through my writing, the media I’ve produced, and events I’ve organized. And of course by just being me in daily life.

However, since my kundalini and ‘Deep Light’ passages, I no longer seem to be on the bridge. I seem to have ‘crossed’ into a field where I just do not relate to standard 3D ideas, ideals, relationships, etc, at all anymore. As I said to my friend, it seems I am now on the other side of this transition, waving back from the shore rather than building a bridge in this direction from the ‘old paradigm.’ The old bridge model seems to have evaporated.

A more apt description for transitioning or transporting to 5D and up might be more along the lines of a portal, or stargate… which is already integrated in the lightbody structure; it’s now a matter of hitting the frequency that trigglove-or-above-raise-your-vibration-300x190ers that function of the lightbody that will shift everything.

The challenge here is the extraordinary density of the old paradigm, which is as “heavenly” as deep, boiling tar at this point. Actually, the challenge is in training oneself to “not notice” the sickening stink and sucking stickiness of the tar and carry on with our own ascending journey while our souls beckon us forth.

We are to merge with our higher selves – THE GOD OF US – and the more we know this, the STRONGER our HABIT OF KNOWING THIS in every waking moment (and even in every dream), the smoother this will all proceed, and the sooner we’ll realize there is no boiling tar. The video where Teal explains accessing the akashic records actually applies here, if you’ve been paying attention! :)

My intro to this video went on longer than the one-liner I’d intended! Here’s Daniela Breen, from down under:

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