Loving Animals Enough to Listen

Just watched a beautiful 54-minute documentary about a particularly warm, endearing, and tuned-in animal communicator — a woman whose heart is so loving and open, with a demeanor so gentle and kind, animals readily trust her and respond by engaging in meaningful communications with her.

I’m sure many readers have read about, seen programs about, and even experienced animal communications, as have I. But this particular woman has a way about her that teaches almost by pure emanation – direct loving transmission – and while this doc has been around a while, it was new to me and I’m very happy to share it with you.

In under an hour we gain meaningful insight into not just dogs and cats, but racehorses, goats, an elderly elephant, a very sad bird who lost all its feathers due to a medication… and even ants. I’m currently in a major ongoing “battle” with ants, so that vignette couldn’t have been timelier for me!

This is the most touching documentary about animals that I may have ever seen. It is my most coveted ‘superpower’ to be this tuned in to be able to have meaningful 2-way conversation with animals. They are so precious, sensitive, and intelligent and have a LOT to share with us if we’d only listen!

(Btw the two photos in this post are not from the film.)

Here’s the video, for those who care about animals and are ready for something special:

9 comments on “Loving Animals Enough to Listen

      • OH so sorry, Toni and Jason; this is a woman I’d not heard of before (Samantha Khury) – here’s the blurb, maybe it’s available elsewhere that you could see? It appears to be about 20 years old, but is a particularly touching (imho!) profile. ox:W

        ” Samantha Khury claims she can communicate with animals telepathically, and persuade them to cease problematic behaviors. She diagnosed one cat, Casey, as “depressed because he’s unemployed.” The owners found Casey a “job” and they all lived happily ever after. She is sought after not just by pet owners but by animal professionals such as race horse trainers and zookeepers. Beyond the humor and absurdity, the film deepens into a meditation on human-animal relationships.”

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Reblogged this on Deer Heart Reiki Blog and commented:
    Animals are so dear to me. No matter what kind. If we listen they will tell us what they want. And many times it’s not what we would assume. Enjoy. Thank you for sharing this post


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