Transfiguration: Truth and Triggers

Perhaps you’ll appreciate parts of Sandra Walter’s latest post re: her ongoing experiences in ascension on Mt. Shasta:

image002_0006Transfiguration – the embodiment of a very high light quotient which aligns us with Divine Will, Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Creative Intelligence for our higher purpose.

I felt transfiguration would be a lengthy process, something the body vehicle would need months and months to accomplish. Religion’s tales of people bursting into bright visible light seemed distorted, or at least exaggerated for effect. Last weekend changed everything for me, and my attempts to describe it cannot capture the full realm of this experience. I feel blessed beyond belief to be here, now, on this planet, experiencing the miraculous transfiguration of my beingness in such a conscious way.


The new frequency – this absolutely powerful level of lovelight intelligence, is becoming intense for a few of us. The Solar Cosmic Christ activations are penetrating everything and overpowering all that was – for those choosing to embody this right here, right now. I have been diligently serving on Mount Shasta all Summer, and this last gateway on August 25th was incredible. The new light is rushing in with such a force that it leaves me breathless, blissful and surrendering to the Divine Will. There is an ultimatum with this level of photonic light: Let go right now or it’s gonna hurt.

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Why I AM No Longer a Lightworker

Friends, I offer the following from Cameron Day for your consideration. If you are put off by what he shares, I encourage you to continue on to the ‘Solutions’ section further down, as I feel the advice therein is worthy regardless of one’s perceptions and beliefs.

Love all, Whitehawk

No, I haven’t turned to the dark-side, but rather I am transcending sides.  This article is probably the angeldemon2most important piece I have written to date, and in order to convey the full message, a bit of back-story is necessary.  Hang in there with me, and by the end you will understand why I will never call myself a “lightworker” again.

Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation.  The spell causes us to feel alone, vulnerable and isolated – cast out from the Heavenly Realms into a cruel, dog-eat-dog world.  This spell is pure fiction, a deception of the highest order, but it has taken hold deeply on this and other worlds.

Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other.  This elegantly simple binary imprint has become so prominent that we have lost sight of the larger holographic spell that spawned it.  Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality.

Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it.  This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge.  I find this term a highly accurate description, and from the point forward I will refer to it as the corrupt demiurge.

Dark vs (False) Light – Duality of the Demiurge

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Internal Structures of Ego

by Lisa Renee
August 2013

imagesDuring the Double Grand Trine astrological event at the end of July, we entered another period in the Ascension timeline which created a frequency split and a timeline split. This splitting in the timeline is that which narrows down the direction of the energetic pathway we are travelling. So during this time it is another shift forward that holds both endings and beginnings, many of us now being propelled into a new territory, direction, career, or residence.

As each of us on the planet is pushed to makes choices from either the higher self or ego self, these mental attitudes define the parameter of energies that we exist within as the “multidimensional being”. This means our mental state greatly impacts the internal energies within our aura, and we can be sandblasted quickly by the boomerang of ego thoughts. It is clear that the quality of our mental state and thoughts are relevant to the quality of energies that we may experience in our daily life. As one can imagine asking the question, “how many thoughts are you having per day?” 50,000? 100,000?

The amplified power behind the quality of vibrational energies that drives internal thoughts has greatly accelerated.

One reason is that the membranes that separated collective mind fields on the planet are in the process of dissolving. The dissolution of planetary mind membranes creates an expanding energy field of which contains more extremes of the collective mental energies which then coalesce together. As extreme energies coalesce (also known as polarity integration) this brings an increase of electrical charge and chaos to the environment.

Further, the combination of these extreme collective mental energies can Continue reading

Mindful Sex: Getting Off Without Checking Out


by Jessica Graham

25690_1370730741671_1033812125_1098374_5471872_sWhen I was fourteen I decided it was high time to lose my virginity. So I did. It happened in the backseat of a hot rod car— I think it was a green Chevelle—with an eighteen-year-old with tattoos and a ponytail. I kept my turquoise All-Star high tops on the whole time. I was high and don’t remember all that much of the experience. I just did it because I thought it had to be done; it didn’t really matter if I was actually present for it. I had never even made out with anyone before.

Later that year I had sex again; this time in a field with a twenty-year-old with a ponytail. I was also intoxicated again. This pattern went on for many years. Not always with older men with ponytails. Not always with men. What remained the same was my inability to really be conscious for sexual experiences. Even if I wasn’t drunk or high, I wasn’t really fully there. I was checked out in some way. I didn’t look into my lover’s eyes. I didn’t feel a sense of merging or the sacred. During the sex act I certainly didn’t tell them how much I cared for them. It was all about checking out and getting off; sex without presence or intimacy.

When I started meditating I was still very disconnected from my sexuality. I had begun to recognize that thoughts and emotions were not as solid as I thought. Meditation showed me parts of myself that had been previously unavailable, but I wasn’t quite ready to delve into my sexual life. Then I read a book that talked about looking into your partner’s eyes while you climaxed. I thought, “No way. Never going to happen.” Continue reading

The Wanderer’s Handbook

(Questionnaire below plus a free e-book available via link at the end.)

tumblr_mpf6vywPYR1rycn25o1_500I mentioned in a recent post that as of late I’ve had a resurgence of nocturnal adventures, which had, by and large, dried up for quite a sad stretch of time recently. These cosmic journeys have been integral to my life experience (and my soul’s exploration) for as long as I’ve been alive. For them to just stop was like having a large portion of my soul whacked away! But now they have resumed, and my sense of wonder has been re-ignited… I am whole! Somehow the concept of wandering (as in, wandering the cosmos) came to me this morning. So I visited the “L & L Research” website, where I found this questionnaire and (more significantly) the entire Wanderers Handbook to bring to your attention.

I imagine many, if not most, readers of this blog are ‘Wanderers.’ This term originated from the entity RA, Continue reading

Prime Creator Speaks: It’s Done

7269_510042552385807_444831863_nA friend sent this message to me this morning. I just wrote a tome to him in response! I’ll spare my readers the logjam of ‘material’ that came up for me when I read this amazing, astounding, ‘it’s ALL happening NOW’ message from Source… but I will bite my tongue so you may have your own unfettered experience of this information. Comments are welcome (readers of this blog are a very quiet bunch, typically!). This is a long and detailed transmission. Here we go…

Prime Creator Speaks:

My Dear Ones, I do not often speak with you directly, but it is such an extraordinary time that I am taking this opportunity to tell you more about your world, and how important it is that you now concentrate very hard on raising your vibrations, especially those of you who have been so busy working, earning money to pay your bills and care for your families.

This time is over, done.  There will be no more bills to pay, no more worries about how you will feed your families, educate them, or survive during your retirement. Your retirement will be glorious beyond your wildest dreams, it will cost you nothing, and it begins now, no matter what your chronological age on Earth.  This will not be a retirement from Life, nor will it be a death.  You are now on the threshold of a magnificent journey to the stars. Continue reading

Attunement of the Sun & How It Affects Behaviour

The following comes from Callista, the wife of the man who channels “Cosmic Awareness” material in Australia. mutating sun(Forgive me, I’m blanking his name – Will ‘something’? – and rushing to the extent of not looking it up in this moment. Their link is at the end of this message for you if you choose to follow up.)  She has apparently distilled some of a recent message delivered to their private membership to share with the public.

There’s a lot of focus on September currently from many sources, suggesting changes coming in every way, from a powerful up-tick in photon energies pouring into our solar system from the galactic center, which will open a window for humans to either ‘jump’ with the new rarified fields or drop their body suits and continue on without them, to a global financial revaluation, debt forgiveness, and reset, to ets finally coming out of the galactic closet to help us clean things up with their advanced technologies and learn how to deal with access to greatly expanded consciousness.

Maybe all this will happen; maybe none will – I don’t profess to know much of anything at this point! It’s proceeding in ways that no one could have predicted, with continual changes in plan as we go. This has never happened before (a planetary ascension endeavoring to take living beings with it instead of the usual total shift & ‘cleansing’ and starting anew with close to zero population) – I do know I’m seeing (in others) and feeling another wave of old (and rather dramatic) karmic emotional shadow stuff getting flushed up lately in another “release [or integration] opportunity.” I’m also suddenly dreaming and having some interesting ‘experiences’ again, after a long dry spell in the psychic desert.

The beat goes on… in increased volume and pronounced syncopation, it seems. What else is there to do but continue to dance with those luminous photons and discover where this unprecedented marathon ultimately leads!    Love all  ~ Whitehawk

Attunement of the Sun and How It Affects Human Behaviour – August 2013

The Collective is experiencing a crisis of imagination. Our crisis is to stay inspired in order to be creative. We are inventing ourselves as we go, in order to handle the “out of the box” experience we are going through. The use of imagination and subsequent creative activity allows more freedom in our lives. We are not used to inventing ourselves – this leads to a crisis of imagination in order to be inspired. This crisis affects our adrenals and the autonomic nervous system – beware of “scattering”.

What do we do with the sensation that we are more than we think we are? It’s difficult for our nerves to figure it out. The Mind/Body connection is essential – the belief system in the Mind needs to catch up to what the Body is doing. Dealing with grief is a major component because we are shedding beliefs that have kept us ‘safe’ for many lifetimes, and the ego is uncomfortable with the letting go of these beliefs.

The Sun is in a struggle for attunement. Our Sun was originally a double star and it is activating the binary star system. Before the last cosmic war we were in a binary system, then during the war the Sun was taken off course and some of the Galaxy fell in onto itself. The Sun is now energetically merging with its binary twin again, creating a new portal. This portal has been offline in this Galaxy for a long time. All planetary bodies in the local Galaxy are affected when the Sun is emitting X-class Gamma ray bursts. This is facilitating the whole shift of the Solar System. It is a natural phenomenon – the stars act as navigators to enable a shift at our end of the Universe. Now there is increased activity in the Solar System in general allowing other contingent plans to come on line.

There is now a vibrational shift into new timelines. Continue reading