Waves of Love

Have you been feeling the =waves= pouring in recently? My sense of overall well-being and heartfulness seems to have increased in recent days. Let the trend continue for all!

This video is just a little offering that might be appreciated by readers of a ‘certain vintage’ in particular … lots of vignettes from the days way back, when four destined boys from post-war, bombed-out Liverpool came along bursting with something unlike anything the world had experienced before. So love-centric in their message. This is such a sweet, harmonious song (Words of Love) and the video is loaded with unique clips. May it lift you as it did me.

Collective Evolution III documentary released today

I bow to the Collective Evolution team for producing this expansive overview of the transformative shift in process now, from 9-11 to political awakening to spiritual awakening to precession of equinoxes to quantum physics to the cosmos to…

Video here: Continue reading

Levels of Awakening

by Sandra Walter

tree-fern-e194-color[1]Levels of awakening are provided for clarity on your process. As an Ascension Guide, my focus is on the process itself – support those who consciously choose to boldly walk into the unknown. There is no judgment on your level, your experience, or your participation at all. There never will be judgment on your experience; not from me or the higher realms.

This is not separation or a sorting out of who-is-where; we’re all on the same planet having vastly different experiences. The purpose here is to provide a clear understanding of where the awakened collective is at this juncture. Hopefully it will allow perspective on your journey, and an opportunity for Self-examination of what you would like to experience.

If you desire a different experience, it requires your participation.
If you desire a different external reality, it requires your participation.

Some levels are not complimentary to the Ascension of Gaia, the kingdoms, elementals and HUmanity, because they create disharmony. In a way, this is a request to make our work easier. But I cannot make that decision for you; leveling up is self-empowerment and must come from within. As the frequency rises, it shakes up the lower levels of everything until it aligns with harmony. This may be something to consider if your journey is getting overwhelming.

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The Constant Companions

In this post, Aisha North offers a perfect description of an aspect or manifestation of awakened kundalini: it can at times feel as though you’re being discombobbled beyond your tolerance limit.

Ascension and kundalini demonstrate that what’s going on now is about transmuting lower energies from not only this life, but other incarnations too; and not only yours, but also your bio-lineages (unresolved family issues) are bundled in with this vast process as well.

Ascension is in many ways a mass shamanic dis-memberment (as is kundalini on an individual level), integral to the journey toward re-membering and returning to our soul’s divinity and ultimate oneness with all.   ox Whitehawk

The Constant Companions

via Aisha North
A Short Update on the Energies – February 20, 2014

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs many of you may have noticed, this ongoing intensifying of energetic upgrading is barely taking a pause these days, and so, you may be apt to think that this time, it will be too much for your hapless body. That is certainly not the case here, for if you manage to dive below that churning surface of energetic chaos, you will find that you are actually growing more resilient and balanced by the day.

We know this may be cause for disbelief for many of you, for we are well aware that this round of energetic combustion will have lit a fire under the feet of many an issue that still lingers somewhere in your system. And yes, we do mean that as in issues stemming from earlier lives as well. For this is indeed the most thorough “housecleaning” you will ever have, and as such, this rattling of the cage will have the last few remnants of anything previously undiscovered rolling out from its hiding place.

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Leveling Up to Meet Miracles

This conversation between Barnet Bain and Freeman Michaels really resonated for me, so maybe you’ll enjoy catching the wave too! Two conscious, articulate, engaging men figuring it out re: emotional energy management as we traverse ‘disorganization,’ which may well be part and parcel with what’s coming as we intrepidly proceed further into this shift. Seventeen good minutes here.

Kundalini and the Emotions


Guest post by Chrism; thanks to Tom for forwardingImage

Everything is amplified within the Kundalini awakening none more so than the emotional traumas. Inside of our pain and our sorrow there can be confusion and blame and deep, very deep, hurt and injury to our self worth and our self expectations and our understandings of what love is expected to be. We can ask:

“Why? How? Did this happen?” “Why am I here alone?”

Yes I have authentic experience having been allowed to ask these very same questions earlier in my process. Inside of this Kundalini amplification of emotional isolation and pain the answers I give may not be enough to plug the hole you may be experiencing at this time. And they shouldn’t. They are there for your personal process to discover. These rips into your heart are there for the divine exaltation through the release of toxic programming and information – a conduit of release from mundane concepts that cannot co exist with the enlightenment process that comes with the Kundalini awakening.

But keep reading and the reasons will become clear that you must have this. It is a necessary part of the process of Kundalini awakening.

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