And Thanks for All the Fish

When the sun goes down, terrestrial activity slows down, cools off, and falls asleep. The stars appear in the deep black sky and the short cycles of terrestrial life give way to cosmic eternities. That is the moment chosen by a tiny soul to leave the Earth.

Maiou, merci, adieu, je rejoins le cosmos (I rejoin the cosmos)

Animated short by French filmmaker Simon Feat

Bright News About Black Holes

What if black holes do not, as we’ve been taught, suck everything into a mysterious dark void, but rather create everything in the cosmos? Even copious water?

Once again I share a 30-minute talk from one of my favorite interviewers, Regina Meredith, who’s with Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton talking about recent and amazing discoveries re: black holes. (This is one of Regina’s indie offerings, not her subscriber-based program.)

Manjir rose to international fame with the publication of her first book, Punk Science, about 15 years ago and continues to write, speak, and teach about consciousness and physics very accessibly. Quantum cosmology! Breathing black holes! I found it very interesting and will likely give it another watch. We’re in a magical universe, and the former precincts of “hard science,” according to deeper recent observations, have not done it justice.

Regina’s blurb:

The science of Black Holes is relatively new and it’s no surprise that, under the lens of scientific materialism, they have been deemed as a great destroyer, devouring everything in their path. But what if this is the exact opposite function of Black Holes? What if they are the great Life Givers? Continue reading

Awakening to the Synchronic Order

Resonant Moon 15, Kin 246 (January 24, 2018) marked the 79th birthday of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan.  His original Vision stands true today and his work deserves to be well studied.

Here is an excerpt from Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: the Visionary Life and Work of Jose Arguelles in honor of his solar return:

Awakening to the Synchronic Order

Virtual reality shows that we are starved for release into a parallel world, an imaginal realm that is not just a rejection of our worst nightmares, but of our highest most sublime aspirations.
—José Argüelles

There will come a time when the birds will fall from the trees, the rivers will be poisoned and the wolves will die in the forests. But then the warriors of the rainbow will appear and save the world.
—Prophecy of the Cree Indians

One time is ending, but another is just beginning, an entirely new era in the history of the Earth: the noosphere. This is the message of José Argüelles. We are leaving the world of pure sensory matter, and entering a world of mind and telepathy. In this new world of the noosphere, time is not what a clock measures, but a factor of synchronicity, and the synchronization of our minds into ever expanding consciousness.

C.G. Jung first introduced the idea of synchronicity to the modern mind in 1952, with his famous exposition, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. This was the same year as the discovery of the tomb of the great Pacal in Chiapas, Mexico. This tomb— the enigma of the man whose body was buried there—was to become a central facet to José’s life, especially in his investigation of the Mayan calendar and culture.

After years of study and experimentation, José discovered that synchronicity is based on an underlying mathematical order akin to the underlying mathematics of the Mayan calendar, though this information is universal, and not strictly “Mayan.” He labeled this the “synchronic order,” the cosmic ordering principle of synchronicity.

Continue reading

The End of the World As We Know It’ve mentioned here before that back in the 80’s I relocated to Boulder, Co, and joined the core team that created the global Harmonic Convergence event, as dreamed into manifestation by visionary artist and Mayan “son,” Jose Arguelles.

That was my earliest exposure to Arguelles, and to this day I hold him in a warm heart-space of respect, while also admitting I’ve not yet fully wrapped my mind around his whole cosmology. Still – I luvs me a good visionary ;)

The phrase time is art comes from him. His ideas are evocative and their time for ripening is, I believe, upon us. I’m feeling the higher frequencies and my life is taking a creative upswing. (Body still trying to adjust and doing some complaining about “coming along on the ride,” but the spirit keeps encouraging the biology.)

You with me? Time to shine – like the moon and the stars and the sun – of your soul. Whitehawk

It’s the End of the World As We Know It
by Jennifer Palmer

It’s the end of the world… and the beginning of joy

Did you get the upgrade?

I’m feelin it, y’all. The experience of living is changing as I become more and more woke. The events of my life have taken on a familiar quality, like I’m re-watching a movie I forgot I saw long ago.

There’s the strange, sometimes unsettling sense that all of this has already happened — not just snippets of Déjà vu but an overarching feeling that I went through living and dying and the credits rolled on the screen but when they did I was a very different person.

Back then, I could follow the story but I never got its deeper meaning. I know many others are experiencing this shift in perspective as well. Continue reading

Follow Your Yellow Brick Road Timeline

Energy Update: Overlapping and Collapsing Timelines, Plus Activations of Higher Ones

by Jelelle Awen

Overlapping, collapsing, and activations of higher timelines are all happening with more acceleration as all these light codes keep coming in this month and through the next month too.

Merging and overlapping timelines feel like multidimensional realities are overlaying into your current one. Standing at the kitchen counter and ‘seeing’ yourself aboard a Star BEing light ship is one example of this as your Star Being Metasoul aspect realities fuse into yours.

Another example is talking with someone and suddenly light language pours from your mouth. Or, you may see a scene from another era overlaid onto your current one, giving you ‘peeks’ and ‘glimpses’ into other lifetimes. You may hear and even smell this overlapping timeline too as you enter it in those moments. Continue reading

In the Interest of Time

This message from earlier in 2017 is worth taking on board so here you go – video and transcript from Maryann Rada. Bold type is mine for emphasis/attention. ox W

The time has come for a global revolution. While this is not news to many of you, we ask that you listen to what we have to say, as our perspective on what is happening is far enough removed from the maelstrom of emotion and logic breakdown that many are experiencing to give us some simplicity, some interpretive leeway, and thus perhaps some wisdom worth considering.

We have mentioned that what is happening on Earth is akin to what many others in our field of service have experienced on other worlds, at other times. However, none has been so markedly attuned to the vibrational synchronicity that exists within the multiplicity of worlds that is in your now.

You’ve heard it before: what happens on Earth now affects not only your world, but many. The ripple effect transcends time and material dimensions, and brings everything into the light of transformation. Continue reading

Another Glimpse of Higher Density Life

Had a delightful experience this morning. Woke up early (although 4:30 is a lot later than I’ve been waking for the last couple of months – typically 2:30 – 3:00, with no return to sleep)… got up, made coffee, let my little wild child (cat) in for a visit (his story here) because his meowing out in the darkness gets me every time…

Then at around 6:00 I suddenly felt like climbing back in bed, which is when this happened:

Instead of falling asleep, my body started humming with that long-familiar gentle energetic buzz. I just went with it… and suddenly I was standing outside my house chatting with a dear soul sister who lives across the country whom I haven’t seen in years. It was easy & natural to be enjoying her company like this out on the lawn; nice that she “projected over” for a visit!

On the road out front two small, white, 3-wheeled vehicles glid by, silently. (This image is as close as I could find… tho the ones I saw didn’t look this Porsche-like! They had a more teardrop-like shape, front to back… no front engine area.)

I seem to have shifted into a future version of this community I live in, which had evolved into what I’ll refer to as a “proper” community, meaning, the people have pulled together and collectively made it a more cohesive, sustainable population than it is now. As it is now we are essentially neighbors going about our own business, though most of us are pretty metaphysically oriented… in different ways. Continue reading

Timeline Split & August Eclipse Gateway

Massive cosmic gear-shifting ahead :)

Video by Sandra Walker; links to more below the screen.

Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a complex topic of conversation, be responsible and read the supportive articles. The intention is to reach Lightworkers who connect via youtube.

More & more Wayshowers are confirming the intel received in December 2016 about a timeline split, and it is wonderful. Let us unify to reveal the New Earth experience for all concerned. Weekly articles about these unfoldments and upcoming Gateways at  Intel links follow. Continue reading

Whitehawk Update #3 – Timeline Switching, Mandela FX…

What I’ll be imparting in this post gets hugely strange and likely involves what’s known as the Mandela Effect. My own little experiences pale in comparison with what I’ve been hearing from others. I’ll start ‘small’ and move up to the biggies from there.

I recently had a sweet little manifestation happen right on my bedside table. Something small, but meaningful, was suddenly there when I woke up one morning. Continue reading

Shifting Timelines, Friction, and Frequency Vibration

Greetings all – here’s a portion of a much larger piece by Bernhard Guenthe, for hungry minds. I may also post another excerpt after this one.

Meanwhile, my personal experiences and preoccupations of late have taken me places I’d like to share with you, but my blitzed attention span has made it challenging to write! I aspire to, so please stay tuned. Big love, Whitehawk


by Bernard Guenthe

What we are experiencing (and are currently in the midst of assimilating into our neurology) is a timeline-reality/realm split… this is a natural consequence of the collective path humanity chose to take, for not everyone is here in this “Now” to awaken.

Many of us experience this “splitting”/cleaving of timelines within our own personal relationships, be it with friends, lovers, or even family.

We also see it with regards to our lifestyle-location, and where we call “home”. Some people simply don’t resonate anymore with where they are currently living, particularly in dense populated areas, or with the job they’ve had for many years. As a result of that, it’s easy to complain about others, your location or a career that you don’t resonate with anymore.

Continue reading

Shifting Into Second Harmonic Universe

966d934b-1a6e-4422-b9ac-7d5517536cdfI’ve been looking into Lisa Renee’s material again, since hearing her recent interview with James Gilliland, and am sharing something I consider valuable to take on board from her website. I don’t know when it was written… but she’s of the “big shift at the end of 2017” persuasion, so this covers a lot of detail about that – detail that can sometimes get challenging to take in. I broke up a lot of paragraphs to perhaps make assimilation a bit easier, and added graphics.

I’ll just come out and say that I’m feeling “all kinds of peculiar” going on; don’t know if it’s just me (possible) or if there’s something bigger going on that’s affecting others (probably; likely absolutely).

Something has suddenly ramped up at warp speed… it can feel harder to hold on, which is manifesting in all manner of subtle and overt forms of freak-out. Old, maybe even ancient & karmic “contents under pressure” seem to be blowing, impacting humanity psychically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Look around; what do you see?

What follows may be “gold” for some, while some will feel it’s not for them. I suggest the more intentioned reader set aside some quiet time to focus on this, because it is a deep dive.

Love all & always, Whitehawk

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

by Lisa Renee

The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave. This skips the entire planetary consciousness field, therefore the collective human consciousness, into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies.

Many of us on the ascension  timeline have already transcended these lower dimensional timelines. What is important to discern is that this is a planetary event that is impacting everyone on the earth and beyond.

At the end of 2017, the planetary body is shifting into the higher frequency band that is located in the next Harmonic Universe. This event will change the planetary coordinates, planetary timelines, thus changing where the planet is actually located in Universal space-time. Continue reading

Your Memory Matrix & the Mandela Effect


This video I’m sharing today endeavors to offer an explanation of the phenomenon dubbed the Mandela Effect, ie, the observation that historical events and experiences are not what you knew them to be. A very common example often cited is, Nelson Mandela died in prison vs. Nelson Mandela survived prison and served as president of South Africa in the 1990’s.

Another one that “just keeps coming” concerns the circumstances of the JFK assassination: there “used to be” four people in the limo in which he was shot. “Now” there is an extra row of seats in the limo between John and Jackie Kennedy and the driver, occupied by two more passengers in the car (the governor of Texas and his wife).

The British channel who posts on youtube as ‘Magenta Pixie’ offers an explanation of the Mandela Effect. It’s a bit of a ride that I will have to view another time or two myself for the sake of absorption. Perhaps you will enjoy it, or be stretched by it a bit, or use it as something to sharpen your own discernment on the matter of timelines converging and separating as our collective story moves forward (or around in circles!?).

Love to you, Whitehawk Continue reading

Mandela Effect Gets Personal?

I’ve only heard the first 12 minutes of this 2-hour “One People” program, but I’m stopping here to post it on this blog because I find the first story shared by Lisa (on the left in the video) fascinating, possibly very relevant, and moreover it triggered a memory of an experience my mother had many years ago, when I was living far from her, in Colorado.

(By the way, if the “Mandela Effect” phenom is unknown to you, a quick google of the term will bring you up to speed, pronto.)

The story I’m referring to in this “One People” video (at the bottom of the post) is a very striking one, about a woman’s visceral experience of an alternate, parallel-plane timeline  (a whole other lifeline for her AND her small autistic son, who ALSO experienced it). The first evidence of something anomalous happening was her sense of extreme vertigo. I’ll leave the rest for you to hear from Lisa, but as most readers are aware, I’ve been experiencing vertigo (to varying degrees) myself, and NOW I’m wondering if it might be related to merging/shuffling timelines!


Pictured: video timeline editor—so many takes, so many versions & characters & scenes  from which to decide placement in the story!

Consider this also, about my mother. Years ago, she and my dad had recently returned from a trip to China and were sitting in their kitchen when suddenly my mom sensed she was dying, right out of the blue. She felt seriously dizzy and thought she was leaving her body. She tried to get someone there to call ME, which didn’t happen, but thankfully she survived that weird experience and told me about it afterwards.

I then turned around and asked “the guides” what that was about, and was told her soul had maneuvered some kind of “partial exchange” among various aspects of itself, which involved/included the “aspect” sitting at the kitchen table. This was something I’d never heard of before (this was 25+ years ago). Her physical experience of this was the sense she was ‘leaving’ right then and there. Remember, the soul is the TOTALITY of the Self – all lives, and all versions of this life are always actively involved with the soul. Continue reading

Life Swapping: More on the Comatose Time Traveler

OK: I couldn’t leave this alone and to my surprise my quest led me to the website of someone I actually know! Incredible coinkidink. The site — Mark Macy’s — is linked at the end. Mark wrote the following, and has lots of interesting posts in his rich archives if you’re up for a ride.

BTW I’ve had visceral experiences of falling asleep in one life and waking up in another at that exact moment. Intriguing.

Also worth noting—we live in a quantum universe of infinite possible futures. I’m personally hoping to fast-track to a timeline that evolves at a faster pace than is laid out in Paul Dienach’s experience!   ox Whitehawk

Life-Swapping: The Amazing Story and Prophecies of Paul Dienach

by Mark Macy

A teacher of humanities goes into a year-long coma in 1921, assumes life in one of his incarnations—a famous physics professor living in the year 3906—and then returns to his body a year later, in 1922… waking up not only with a crash-course understanding of physics, but with working knowledge of what will transpire on Earth during the next 2,000 years.

Sounds like a pitch for a good sci-fi novel… but it’s actually the true-life story of Swiss schoolteacher Paul Amadeus Dienach, who emerged from a state of protracted narcolepsy in 1922, and recorded all of his vivid recollections in a journal… which would later become a book, The Valley of the Roses.

Paul Dienach was teaching Greek Studies in Switzerland at the time of the incident. Here’s the backstory… or “frontstory?”…:

In 3906, famous physics professor Andreas Northam suffers a serious accident and has a near-death experience (NDE). When he awakens moments later, he speaks in an unknown tongue (presumably 20th-Century Swiss), he doesn’t recognize his family members, and he’s unable to sleep. He’s perpetually awake. Meanwhile, in 1921, schoolteacher Dienach falls into a coma and is perpetually asleep for a year, unable to wake up. Continue reading