Alien Interview – Roswell Survivor Speaks

What IS the True Nature of This Reality?

[Note: post was originally entitled “Roswell Gold Comes to Light” but some thought I was referring to the ore gold. What I meant was valuable info. ~W]

A happy find in my youtube lineup this morning: a series on the fascinating story of an alien interview that allegedly transpired between the lone surviving ‘visitor’ of the famous Roswell crash and an Air Force nurse who just happened to have had the telepathic bandwidth to communicate at length with the (poor, ailing, imprisoned) being.

This may be news to you: for a short while, a captured, living grey extraterrestrial had achieved an open channel with a woman who sort of “happened” to realize this small being was transmitting fascinating information to her. She quickly became the ‘most valuable player’ of the entire incident while she took pages and pages of dictation from the being during the few days it survived after the crash.

So while the military had the media telling the public that the Roswell incident was actually a weather balloon (gah!), this woman was harvesting a wealth of galactic intelligence from this being with a feminine essence, who referred to herself as an “IS BE” (intelligent being) for convenience. [Insert after my viewing: Actually, all embodied souls are considered IS BEs by this being… the reason for this is given in the videos. Her personal name was given as Airl. -W] Continue reading

Stalled re: Your Calling? is perhaps the best talk I’ve heard by Sandra Walter, and I’ve been tuning in to her off and on for at least a decade. It’s long (90 min), but blooms with thoughtful ponderables as the listener considers his/her own circumstances and gifts.

The ambience and overall tone of this conversation about the challenge so many of us experience (“What am I here to do? How can I serve?” etc) emanate from one who has obviously been on a long, often solo journey of deep seeking… finding…  sharing… falling… and courageously continuing on.

She has up-leveled her entire presence over the last year, from what I see/hear. I listened to this yesterday and intend to do so again. It’s an audio interview paired with beautiful video clips… an intro to an online course she’s offering, but stands on its own as supportive, inspiring, and thought-provoking.

Recommended for all – but a particularly direct ‘hit’ for those who feel somewhat stalled in the “calling department.”  Love, Whitehawk Continue reading

Fear, Chaos, and Steadfast Love

Passing along this message recently received by Sophia Love during the wee hours.

As for myself, I’m spelunking some personal tunnels and caves – and feeling pretty quiet while involved with this. Seems everyone I know has recently gone noticeably, viscerally deeper into this mysterious experience in which we’re all participating, in our own unique ways. It’s as though we’ve shifted into another energetic octave; it’s unmistakably different.

I sometimes seek out an innocent, nostalgic thing or music or event to just pause and appreciate it for what it represented back in time; its role in my heart and my world… I feel it fading as a natural process and want to hug, honor, and thank those sweet moments and learnings from my “road well stumbled” 3D life.

Bless you, bless all with so much compassion…  Whitehawk


As you will soon read, I was woken up for this message. This hasn’t happened in quite some time. I had been woken a few times in the previous week or two, but did not ask who it was. I think I will start now to do so again, as the energy is changing and apparently so are the rules for contact!

With love and appreciation for all that you are,

February 11, 2019 approximately 2:00 AM

Is someone wanting to connect and keeping me awake?

Yes! We are here Sophia! It is us! Your family in the Pleiades. We’d like to tell you some very exciting things. We have been wanting to share these things with you for some time.

You’ve woken me a few times, haven’t you?

We have. We know it is not your favorite time.

No, not really.

Yet tonight we feel rather urgent about contact.

Okay then, hi. Please go ahead with your reason for contact. You have my attention.

Yes, well, this will take some time to explain. As we witness your current planet in what appears to be escalating chaos, we simultaneously watch a most extraordinary circumstance. Continue reading

Download Your Upgrade

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon by [Dispenza, Joe]

Time Sensitive

Just a brief intro, as the clock ticks re: free access to this interview of Dr. Joe Dispenza enthusing about breaking through your habits of limitation.

If you’re in a place where your “normal” feels too small, tight, stagnant, or incessantly stressful (hellooo!), take a deep dive through your personal portal into the Quantum Field to merge with your SUPERNATURAL SELF.

You have 24 hours (if not a Gaia subscriber) to soak up this encouraging, inspiring session between Joe Dispenza and Lisa Garr in on GAIA TV. Continue reading