Are You Experiencing a Spiritual Emergency?

Image of a depressed man and a candle symbolic of the spiritual emergency I’ve been in and out of “spiritual emergencies” during my “emergence” journey since about 1990. My first exposure to the phrase spiritual emergency was via Christina Grof in the book, The Stormy Search for the Self – still a valuable read if this subject speaks to you.

Also: I’ve always considered the Lonerwolf team – Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol – to know of what they speak, so I share this with confidence that someone out there needs it, or at least portions thereof. (It’s also currently published on Wakeup World.)   Bless us, every one!  Whitehawk

15 Signs You’re Experiencing a Spiritual Emergency

by Aletheia Luna

You’ve gone through a tremendous spiritual awakening. Your life perspective has changed drastically. You’re no longer the same person you once were a few years ago.

But something has gone horribly wrong.

While others on the spiritual path are reveling in their deep insights, you feel suffocated under the weight of an existential crisis.

While others are busy reconnecting with their meaning of life, you can barely function in a job or even get out of bed to shower.

While others feel a deeper sense of peace and alignment, you feel like you’re on the verge of going crazy or being sucked into the black hole of depression forever.

What on earth has happened? Continue reading

YOUR Hero’s Journey


Image result for hero's journey imagesEncouragement for the road ahead in this video exploration of famed mythologist Joseph Campbell’s studies and their continuing impact on our culture. A brief overview of what’s meant by “Hero’s Journey” is included as an intro.

No one is exempt from this experience; it is Life. Bless our individual and collective journeys, as they are the mentors that help us shape our souls.

Video follows

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Soul Resonance & Deep Shift

Tom Montalk’s clear handle on (often murky) matters of consciousness has been apparent to me for probably, oh, 12-15 years at this point. He gets it and communicates it well. (Video follows) Bless all, Whitehawk

Soul Resonance (and the Law of Attraction)
by Tom Montalk

Consciousness does influence reality… but Law of Attraction teachings miss the mark on how that really works and what it really means. To shift your reality, you must shift your consciousness at a deep level. Learn the 7 Signs that your consciousness has ACTUALLY shifted.

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