For the Sensitives

After a couple of very busy weeks involving intensely-focused work and social things going on during ‘off time’ … I crashed — big time!

I wondered, is the current solar E/M blast nailing my lightbody?  The profuse chemtrails taking their toll?  Radiation from Japan???? “Ascension” in general, with all its anomalous signatures?  Talk about a ‘buffet’ of culprits!!

Then this little video came under my nose and I thought OH YEAH, *THIS.*   Continue reading

Getting Unplugged

How to unplug your energies from the powers that be (or — were)

Note: the following information comes from mystic, author & teacher Lucia Rene. The checklist in its original form includes Lucia’s services & materials for each item, beginning with her book, Unplugging from the Patriarchy — a slightly novel-ized accounting of her own journeys into the darkest, densest, most deeply anchored energies of the powers that be on this planet, and doing what she can, as a trained mystical warrior, to disconnect or unplug their profound dominance over humanity. I’ve culled just the steps themselves for this post. To follow through on Lucia’s offerings for each one, go here.

How do you unplug your energies from the patriarchal system and take up residence in the new world of heart-based energy? Here is Lucia’s checklist:

1. Unplug your energies from the patriarchy

The first step is to unplug your energies. The old paradigm is unraveling. If you hang onto the paradigm of the patriarchy—control, oppression, and fear—you run the risk of unraveling with it. Unplugging doesn’t mean getting off of the grid. It means withdrawing your energies from the system by reconciling whatever polarities you hold in your awareness field that keep you plugged into that system.

2. Unplug your ego

As the patriarchal system unravels, it is crucial that you have a way to process your emotional baggage and egoic structure. The Patriarchy is inside of us. The only way out of the Patriarchy is to go directly in to the patriarchal energies inside of you–to meet, honor, embrace, and merge with the fear at the root of every process. Your fears are your buy-ins to the patriarchal system. The physical Patriarchy only exists because we give it permission to exist. And we give it permission because we are afraid of change—afraid to move into the new paradigm of consciousness that is more open and free and universal. There are many good processing techniques available. Find one that suits you and use it whenever you are triggered.

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June 2011 Matthew

I found much of this message of value; I pass it along for your consideration  :) W

June 11, 2011

Golden Age threshhold on target; reasons for imminent arrival of space family; effects of high and low frequencies, suggestions for relief; spiritual perspective of dark ones on the planet; no mass exodus during Earth’s ascension; lightworkers’ participation in world transformation

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the most dedicated lightworkers have occasional moments of doubt that everything long promised can be successfully accomplished during the months remaining before Earth reaches the threshold of her Golden Age. This is understandable. You have only your history as a frame of reference for a realistic time span between the onset of major changes and stabilization afterwards.

2. But this is an era of revelations and transformation with speed and scope unlike any before in universal history, and once again we assure you that all darkness in your world will be gone by the end of your calendar year 2012. Furthermore, with everything in acceleration mode, linear time will pass more swiftly by the day, and the next eighteen months or so on your calendar will come and go faster than the past eighteen.

3. What you perceive as time actually is energy in motion, and as Earth continues her journey toward fourth density, she will enter ever higher, lighter energy planes as she approaches the continuum, where everything that you deem past, present and future is a series of events happening simultaneously. In this moment you cannot imagine that reality, but you will know it as you gain spiritual clarity and understanding of the universal laws. Ah, what wondrous knowledge and experiences await you!

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Epidemic of Light — Archangel Michael

This message struck me as a good balance to the last post from Anthabantian. Needless to say, engage discernment for all ‘incoming’ info, from anywhere these days! That said, Ronna Herman’s AA Michael messages have advised and uplifted me for many years.  ox W

Transmitted through Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, there is a Light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light; however, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of Light that their physical vessels can accommodate. You must be able to metabolize the God Light in order to benefit from it and make use of it.

Remember this term: MEMBRANES OF LIGHT, for it is important that this concept is clearly defined within your mind. There were membranes of Light placed across your memory when you began your journey into the illusionary realities of the third / fourth dimensions. There were membranes of Light placed at the entryway to your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart. There was / is a membrane of Light surrounding your Third Eye / your inner sight. When your Higher Self determines it is time for your Third Eye to open, it will be as if you received a surge of Sacred energy upon your brow. These specialized frequencies open the Seed Crystals of Light within the Pineal Gland, which initiates the ability for telepathic communication.

Most of you have heard of the Ring-Pass-Not, a thin Membrane of Light Radiation, which encircled the planet. It was a restrictive quarantine of sorts which was gradually dissolved from the Earth’s atmosphere, and the Cosmic information flood gates were flung open so that the next level of Cosmic Wisdom could pour forth to a select group of World Servers / Cosmic Messengers. Everyone of these brave Souls have, for many lifetimes, been in an intense preparatory stage in the higher realms. This intense training period was necessary in order to bring forth these advanced teachings in an accurate, orderly and timely method. It is Cosmic Law that you must integrate and experience each level of new truth in order to move to the next, more advanced level. It is a unique and specialized path of initiation. The Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light do not openly teach in public. They work entirely through their disciples and initiates, mostly by conveying inspiration. Initiates work on the mental levels, also mostly behind the scenes. However, a select group are actively teaching out in the world, for inspiring others to become World Servers is their most important task.

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Latest Message from the Andromedan Starship Anthabantian

via Mark Kimmel

It is with a sense of urgency that we come to you with this message. Events that will ultimately lead to Earth’s transformation are accelerating. These next months will be filled with even more earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and abnormal weather. You will also witness further disintegration of governments, banks, corporations, and religions.

Against this reality, there is a cover-up of massive proportions going on. By design it is just beyond the range of your perception, beyond your 3rd dimensional beliefs. The purpose of this cover-up is a vain attempt by the elites of your governments, banks, corporations, and religions to survive the coming earth changes and to come out on top of the meltdown of the institutions they erected to gain and then to preserve their wealth, power, influence, and security. On the other hand the vast majority of people are being encouraged to continue lives ignorant of this larger picture and ignorant of the end of 3rd dimensional civilization.

Ours is an even larger view of current events, one that will enable all to not only weather the impending chaos, but to create wondrous new lives for themselves. The way in which this will happen Continue reading

Awakening as One

This is such an impressive video I don’t want to front-load your experience with more than I already am with my ‘impressive’ comment. Please watch when you have 41 minutes of quiet time during which you may ‘tune in’ without distraction. I bow to the producers. Wow.

In All Fairy-ness

Do You Believe? 

Is it reasonable to believe that as the dimensions merge, and the veils (or membranes) between them thin, we will be exposed to all manner of “new” (to us) life forms who live on higher planes? Such a variety of interdimensional phenomena are being captured via cameras of late — still and video.

Following is a video montage of little light beings in flight that one can’t help but associate with fairies. Are they? I’d like to introduce you to Planet Dove’s interdimensional photographic journal by way of this video. Then visit her enchanting blog for more!