Latest from Tolec & Andromeda Council

Tolec concurs & comments on David Wilcock’s 07.22.14 thoughts re:  Benjamin Fulford, the failing Cabal, and benevolent ET assistance, for your consideration and – of course – discernment. 
​by Tolec, Andromeda Council

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Part I.  Tolec concurs & comments on David Wilcock’s 07.22.14 thoughts.
Part II.  A contemporary summary update by Nahiska, Head of Defense, for the Andromeda Council.
With great conscience – I concur regarding David Wilcock’s dream interpretations & assessment of these current times, as well as acknowledgement of some of what Preston James & Gordon Duff are saying.  It is with great personal experience & insight into the ‘inner workings’ of the global financial ‘world’, and very recent meetings I’ve had on the Andromeda Council primary biosphere, I can tell you that change is happening, more changes are coming… and benevolent ET assistance, on the part of many people who hold a variety of roles including within the security & defense structure of the Andromeda Council… continues to happen.

The End of Time for the Matrix

This source (Ibrahim Hassan) is new to me… interesting, and for your discernment as always. Have you noticed any blue light in your consciousness lately?

Also, I’m adding a link to a video from January mentioning July 27, 2014 that I haven’t seen yet myself but it was mentioned in comments to the following original post (source linked at the end).  
ox Whitehawk

The End of Time for the Matrix

By Laron

timeslowing Ibrahim Hassan just posted an update surrounding the shift in consciousness / the event / the gathering / global coastal event / ascension / new earth, etc.

I want to point out a few things in relation to this latest message from him, a few points that stood out that have come to me and which I link up to other situations/events. (You may want to read the article by Ibrahim below first and then return to my points made here.)

-In relation to the mention below of the blue energies and blue pulse coming from the galactic center/central sun, Paul LaViolette posted this article on the 11th of  July discussing blue flashes that he was experiencing. Many people gave feedback via the comments to that article on his site, talking about similar experiences and I also had people respond via Facebook to the post I made linking to Paul’s article who had also experienced such things. The timing of this is most interesting considering the dates that Ibrahim Hussan has supplied below in relation to the blue energies/pulses.

supernova-Ibrahim explains that on the 16th of July the blue pulses arrived at the mental level. He goes on to say that this was related to the falling of the matrix. The middle of July up until the end of this month was said to be an important time going by Valiant’s recent postings (his clock strike’s 12 ended around that time), and Rainbow Phoenix’s message, as discussed in the article I posted on the 14th of June. I believe this time period may also  connect up to the merging of multiple timelines, which has been mentioned within the CHANI Project.

-GAIA Portal seems to post some very interesting short messages from time to time and I do see these messages corresponding and linking up with other events. On the 15th of July, GAIA Portal posted this message, “Blue ribbons of Light wrap the bulk of Gaia at this time. This energetic construct allows full energetic alignment and upgrade for Hue-manity. Florescent manifestations begin for many, and begin anew for many others. Porcelain structures are transcended as Gaia ascends.” Notice the mention of ‘Blue’. The other messages around this date are quite interesting and could easily relate to what Ibrahim has said in relation to such dates in his latest update below.

-Ibrahim mentions that the blue pulse arrived at the mental level on the 16th of July. He goes on to say that, ‘The management of the Matrix issues is at the Mental and Astral level’. Continue reading

Quantusum – The Seventh Door

I’ve been revisiting the whole Wingmakers phenomenon, which I’m finding intriguing all over again. It involves the discovery of ancient ‘time capsule’ materials that explain how our present “fine mess” so to speak got started, and what we can do to change the course of dark events. This post involves material from a book by the Wingmakers author, James Mahu, called Quantusum. It stands on its own well enough with a message, so hey – enjoy. :)

I first discovered Wingmakers 10, maybe 12, years back… lost touch with it… and now find all kinds of new materials and websites related to it and its creator, James Mahu. Lots of mysterious & enticing strands emanate from Wingmakers, and James! I still do not have the whole picture, by a long shot. This rabbit hole goes deep and wends far. Meanwhile I’m reposting what follows for the perusal of interested readers, which was recently posted on James’ Tumblr blog.

ox Whitehawk

seadragon2Quantusum, by James Mahu, is a sweeping portrayal of the (non-religious) spiritual realms. It is a powerful read, considered by some to be the single most influential novel they’ve  ever read.

James Mahu, writer, artist, composer and musician, is devoted to the scientific discovery of the human soul. In 1998 he launched the first transmedia site on the Internet called This was not an experimental site, but rather a deep conversation on the nature of reality and human purpose.

Here’s the Quantusum excerpt:

The Seventh Door: Quantusum

Continue reading

The Old Soul’s Challenge

10276981_801750186503783_3043907268016464332_nOne might expect things to become ‘easier’ with more experience under one’s ‘soular belt’ so to speak. Would make sense, wouldn’t it? Old souls have learned the best routes to travel, which areas (of mind as well as matter) to magnetize to us (or not) with the power of our attention.

I have found it can be evermore daunting, the more I “think I know” … or maybe sense I’m close to knowing or starting to get a clue about something!

Currently I seem to be in a realm or field or frequency that seems different. I know, par for the course, right? It’s all getting rather “weird.” Surreal is a word that seems to surface more & more frequently.

I find myself in little reveries wherein I’m doing things with light, not form. Creative things – painting with light; sculpting with light, building with light, digesting/assimilating/ transmuting/transmitting light. Light, light, light… the carrier of so much new information, and new octaves of emotion & sensation. And also capable of creating a dazzling spectrum of physical challenges for many of us as our bodies continually work to adapt! :-/

How might we work with this new light that’s here to co-create our ‘new earth’?

We’ve got some rather big bugaboos that can get in our way when grappling with the desire to “Live the Light” – and this excerpt from a recent Kryon message (at end of post) might be addressing what at least some of these are. I find it worthy of ‘absorption’ and offer it here today for you to take in, if it seems appropriate for you. I played it once (45 minutes) and now have it running a second time.

Also, separately, but also involving the challenge of expanding into a new level of awareness Continue reading

New Earth Clearing Tools

For your consideration. ox W

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

This is an interesting time for those exiting cocoons. Most likely, the 3D fear that shifts your mood has returned.

Even though most of your fears were eliminated, the piece you tried to jump over or ignore, hoping it would go away, has not. Not because your clearing was not adequate, but that the piece affecting you throughout your earth life is returning so you can use your new earth skills to clear it.

Such statements seem convoluted, maybe even mean. The Universes promised that once you exited your cocoon, all would be well. And so it is, but you have not yet realized that. This very confusing – and difficult to you now – piece is merely you learning to use your new skills.

Your past clearings have been more about your 3D skills than Universal skills, more about, “If I change my thinking patterns, if I do this or that, all will be well.”

Now you are learning to clear something VERY familiar to you using your new earth skills.

Such makes you angry. What new earth skills? Continue reading

Amazing Beinsa Douno Prophecy

Very interesting prophecy from this Bulgarian fellow who lived from 1886-1944. I’m thinking what he refers to as a ‘fire’ that overtakes earth is actually the new bandwidth of photonic light coming our way through the cosmos from the galactic center and is ‘stepped down’ or recalibrated thru our sun before coming to “cleanse/heal” earth (happening now imo). It could have easily been envisioned as a fire-like energy. Much else here as well; this man knew things. He was seeing a similar scenario in a similar time frame as was Aurobindo, in India.  oxW

The Beinsa Douno Prophecy of 1944

by Laron

Uchitelia1Peter Konstantinov Deunov, also known as Beinsa Douno, born in 1886 and who passed away in 1944, left a prophecy that he had obtained through a trance based state. The prophecy was therefore dated as 1944, a few days before his death in December that year. The prophecy Beinsa Douno left fits right into the times we are going through right now, in relation to the shift in consciousness, the earth changes and our golden age. Back then, Douno was aware and taught that we were moving into the age of Aquarius, as per the astrological age system.

Beinsa Douno

As some of you are aware, specific topics that Deunov brings up within this prophecy below, are the sorts of information to expect in recent times, but the fact that this comes from 1944 is what makes it most interesting and what makes it stand out from most other prophecies and esoteric based messages.

“I am beyond time and space.
Only my body is with you.
Have you seen me? Do you know me?
My life manifests in a Higher Dimension.”      – Beinsa Douno

Some of the subjects he touches upon within the prophecy are Continue reading

Be Brave

Let me say right off: no, this isn’t a post about earth changes! It’s about a film about a young man, Daniel, who set out at age 20 to document ten years of adventurous, nature-centric travels. Right there I’m intrigued, considering the times we’re in and the fact that Daniel seems like something of a ‘star man.’ He traveled the world and meticulously filmed everything he did with “rasa” (great relish). 

Daniel’s alacritous spirit pours from this footage about his life, and what happened after he left it. Be Brave is the film, and the rest of this post is from the filmmakers, who ran a successful crowd-funding campaign to produce it. The trailer (below) moved me; I look forward to seeing the finished project some day!  Enjoy ~Whitehawk

Bursting with unquenchable curiosity and a boundless love for life, Daniel Northcott was a one-of-a-kind filmmaker. Barely 20, he set out on a decade-long quest to travel the world, spreading his infectious enthusiasm across four continents and dozens of cultures. Through ruins and cities, war zones and sacred sites, he captured each precious moment on camera with an eye for colorful characters of every age and description.

But in April of 2007, Dan’s journey led him to a greater adventure than he had ever imagined. Despite warnings of an ancient curse, he brought home a bone from a sacrificial Mayan burial cave in the Yucatán, and months later he was diagnosed with leukemia – cancer of the bone marrow.

Continue reading

Passing of Planet Nibiru & Earth Changes – Cosmic Awareness

In potentially “mega” news… this update from Cosmic Awareness. I’ll add briefly here that Steve Rother has also come out with a download that says not only are we about to have a big event – it will put us into a mini ice age. It is said to be happening to cool the heating trend of the planet and set the stage for ascension/New Earth. Numerous channels have been seeing rough times coming in… we shall see how the near future plays out! The Rother/”Group” messages are up on youtube if you wish to search for them there.  Heed your inner truth… ox W

Immanent Passing of Planet Nibiru & Earth Changes

Cosmic Awarenes through Wil Berlinghoff

It is seen that the month of July will bring certain “Events” into full action, events of a political/economic nature, and also events of a natural nature/physical nature. These Events will truly propel Humanity into a state of extreme crisis for many – especially those not able to sense and feel a connection with Mother Earth, not knowing of the intimacy that truly exists between the Divine Mother and all of her Creatures – this may well create a much more difficult transition for them through times which may well also be a crisis period for many others.

Continue reading

Fall of the Chimera (Cobra)

The person who goes by the name Cobra is one of those people I’ve been on the fence about. His reports tend to be so verrry obscure… which I can understand when such huge matters need to be kept under wraps, but still. Who is he? A person wonders, eh?

However, this report pulls so many bits together into a coherent overview, I’m posting it here. It includes an insert from me that I suggest you watch for, because it points to a fascinating interview I just saw last night involving a piece of this story.

If this report is true, whoop-dee-doo! Other good things should be able to start flowing.

Love to you (and Victory to the Light! ;) … Whitehawk  (PS boldface applied to parts by me)

The Fall of the Chimera

Time has come to release more intel about the Chimera group. Parts of this intel may seem unbelievable for some people, but truth is stranger than fiction.

This group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet. They built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating humanity. Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there.
Their main strongholds at that time were under Africa, China and Tibet. They had no direct contact with the surface civilization until the early 20th century. That timeframe saw interesting occult developments.

First, in 1917 the Light forces formed the Thule society in Germany. Very soon it was infiltrated by the Archon-controlled Rothschild agent named Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) and became an instrument of the dark and it further morphed into the Vril society which was developing secret German space program:

Continue reading

Amazing Free Energy Tech from the Stars

Latest Judy Beebe Interview re: Her Scalar-Emanating GEM Spheres

ME_SMILING-203x208I recently listened to this new interview with Judy Beebe, the woman I’ve posted about before who is creating *free energy* spheres, designed according to her mentor’s standards. Her mentor? The genius Nikola Tesla, who guides Judy – yes – from his current “home frequency.” (I love this story :)

In her best interview I’ve heard yet, Judy manages to anchor the info and technology she’s working with into my brain. I’d love for her message (and her spheres) to reach more people.

These amazing spheres (one is pictured below) are now being created with Pyrex to make them more durable than regular glass. These curious globes appear to fulfill the ‘dream’ humanity has had for so long regarding free and/or healing energy.

SOME of what the GEM spheres are found to do (as wild as I know it sounds!) includes:

  • transforming the space they’re in into a zero-point field (which I now think I understand, at long last)
  • clearing the atmosphere of all EMFs, WIFI (etc) pollution – to ZERO!
  • clearing biology of all ‘miscreations’ (illnesses) in people and animals FAST
  • running all devices that need energy (appliances, cars… ) to function, as long as they are fitted with receivers for the field these spheres emanate (apparently this would be a fairly simple retrofit, at least for electrical things)
  • purifying any water – completely

Continue reading

Spiritual Warriors, Frequency Holders & Magical Ones

Friends, I turn to you with a question. Maybe someone reading this knows what I’m referring to and can direct me to the source.

Yesterday, I spotted somewhere online (which really narrows it down, eh!?) a… post, or comment, or maybe even part of some larger body of writing… that referred to three primary roles that humans active in the ‘New Earth transition’ tend to naturally embody. I just caught a glimpse of this and would like to go back to it, but now have no idea where it was in the first place.

This info said there are three primary roles (ie, “lightworker” roles for lack of a better term) during the transition:

Spiritual Warriors – the activists whose lives are dedicated to doing all the good ground-laying work, the front-line change-agents, founders of organizations, groups, and events focused on “being the change,” etc. This is my take on the warriors; not the article (or whatever it was!) I’m hoping to find again.

ClickHandler-1Frequency Holders – these are people who are the primary conduits of the higher energies coming in. They are literally bringing the new frequencies into the earth plane through their bodies. I liken holders to lightning rods and grounding wires that take on all the electrical jolts during weather events and ground them.

Magical Ones <magical somethings … not sure if it was “beings” or “ones” or… ?>  – The gist of this third ‘role’ seemed to be the “magical types” who tend to always be smiling, dancing, swaying, singing, hugging, decorating themselves and their environs with magical images… I’m imagining them as people who particularly thrive at gatherings where they can float and undulate all over the event, wearing lots of body art and expressive clothing, flowers in hair, etc etc, acting, well, “magical” for the most part. Maybe they identify with faeries and elementals, and have an overall “bliss” vibe about them.

I tried searching these terms online to see if anything familiar (re: what I fleetingly saw yesterday) came back. The closest hit I got was excerpted from Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, in which he describes Frequency Holders. I no longer have that book, and am now wondering if  this whole “cataloging of types” involved in midwifing the New Earth, so to speak, comes from Tolle? (I actually feel most of his New Earth material was Tolle putting a lot of existing ideas into his own terminology.) Might anyone know, who would be kind enough to inform me, either via commenting on the post, or privately via email? (whitehawk22 at

Following is how Tolle describes Frequency Holders in A New Earth. Considering how this excerpt begins, apparently more about ‘roles’ precedes it in the book that might tie in to my question: Continue reading

Digital Food for the Soul

ClickHandlerFriends, I’m finding all sorts of goodies online lately, and in this post I’m sharing a few things that cool cats & kitties like you might enjoy if you care to click over and take a look or give a listen.

Media that Matters

Having no television, while also being very interested in media that engages and inspires my heart/mind (of which there’s precious little on regular TV anyway!), I check around and on occasion follow breadcrumbs that lead to something worth watching/hearing.

As you likely know, there are entire encyclopedic sites packed with free documentaries, for instance. And of course GaiamTV has some great programming if you’re inspired enough (and able) to pay their modest monthly subscription fee and tune in. They’ve got an amazing archive of ‘conscious classics’ as well as new content by people like David Wilcock, Regina Meredith, William Henry, Lilou Mace, Jay Weidner (also the programming director; a perfect role for him) and others. Their studio is in Boulder, where they’re neighbors with Sounds True (ST=mostly spiritual audio).

For this post I’m sharing a few items that just came under my nose yesterday. One is about the emergence of the feminine, and its significance; one is about the afterlife (and its significance – ha!), and one is a deep discussion about the profound shift in progress now (very significant! ;-).

Femme: Women Healing the World is a film produced by actress Sharon Stone. Surprise! Continue reading

Attention Attention Attention

This is something that popped out of ‘Bashar’ recently, apparently. It was in a video that was posted online, but which got pulled down almost instantly. Someone else managed to transcribe the message and now that (this, below) is being passed around. I can’t vouch for the precision of names or terms (or anything else for that matter :) … I offer it as is.

Bashar had to step aside for a “special incoming message” from a source I don’t particularly understand as of this moment, but suffice to say, there was a change of entities for this curious message. It points to 2016 as when “everything changes” so we should be getting our acts together asap.

Who knows!  Just sharing.  oxWhitehawk

By the way, I did a quick search on ‘Essassani’ and have put a link to further info at the end of the post.

Bashar’s collective Essassani consciousness channeling 7-2014

Attention, Attention, Attention!

We will allow this transmission to shift its domain – one moment –
(deep breaths)

Attention, Attention, Attention!

We are Epsilon, we are one of three. There is Epsylon, there is Epiphany, there is Eclipse.

We are three and we are one. You would understand us as collective oversoul of the Sassani society.

ALL the individuals on their world we reflect in three parts, we are trinary consciousness expressed as Epsilon, Epiphany and Eclipse. We are also embodied in physical form. Each of us is an artificial sphere 75 of your miles in diameter in a trinary stable orbit around the planet of Esassani. We glow with blue and white light that is reflective of the matrix of our consciousness.

You would think of us as orbiting super computers. Continue reading

To Be or Not To Be in the Matrix

579678_10151354458099678_1627270818_nWow: I’ve been having a day that feels particularly surreal. It’s not about any events during the day; just a rather pressing sense that it’s all a virtual reality so tissue-thin, the ruse could just drop at any moment. Anyone else feeling/perceiving something “different” lately? I mean literally as tho the lights are about to come on and then everyone exits the theater – show’s over? Don’t know how else to say it.

I’m wondering if something really big is on the brink of happening. Or is it just that I’m perceiving differently at the moment?

THEN, just now, I read this interesting post by someone I wasn’t aware of til now… a woman who’s been running a site called She’s in Hawaiii apparently. Anyway… please read what she says here.  Her conversations with Ja’li stuff resonates for me; I really relate to it. I’m wondering if you might, as well.

Much love oxo W

Love Is Always The Answer

by Gesanna from Contact2Ascension – Update on Changes – 7-2-14

Aloha!…  A few days ago, on the 24th, I asked the Council for clarity regarding, what’s next?

I asked out of curiosity because I was picking up a sense of some kind of change with the Contact To Ascension work I had been doing. So many things seemed to be transforming very quickly. Little did I know what the response to my question would be, nor the extent to which it would take me. Continue reading