Light Language

I don’t know the source from which the following was excerpted, but I’m supposing one of Marciniak’s books, which would suggest that the vintage is at least several years. As always, offered for your discerning ponderance. In her context, implants are of benevolent service to humanity’s awakening.

Also mentioned here are the symbols – how many of us are seeing symbols now? They’re turning up everywhere!

This piece sent me off writing about my rather intense recent experience that I share in the “Implants” post, coming next to this blog.

Love to you, Whitehawk

by Barbara Marciniak

The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as the Language of Light. You are implanted with a structure, a geometric form, which triggers certain information within you. It also facilitates, for those who work with you, the sending of information directly into your being.

The large majority of you are implanted, and, if you are not now, shortly you will be if you choose to open and align yourself. No one is implanted who does not choose it. This structure of the Language of Light is a way of receiving information and energy to facilitate your development. It is a method of learning without doing it through books or through the intellect. It involves opening to the belief that there is indeed a hierarchy, immense beyond your comprehension, that has been working with humanity since the very beginning. Continue reading

If You Could Be Anything

The player can be virtually transported into any form of life and “carry on” in the virtual context of that life, which could be a seed, a blade or leaf, an insect or animal, you just hop into that “form” and carry on with whatever comes your way in that embodiment.

I find this video game idea fascinating and refreshing! I’d love to experience Everything – which is the name of this unusual game.

From what I gather, this is not a game that involves competition or killing the other players. It seems to be a chance to “become” almost anything you can think of, and see how you deal with the new environment you’ll be navigating as that other living form. So – walking in the Other’s shoes, you might say. It might be a fabulous learning tool for understanding compassion, empathy… who knows how far down a rabbit hole this virtual environment can go?

The Everything gameplay youtube offers a good glimpse into the game’s virtual world – find that below. 

An L.A.-Based Artist Created a Video Game Where You Can Be "Everything"

An L.A.-Based Artist Created a Video Game Where You Can Be “Everything”

Planting New Seeds in a Fractal Timeline

My personal trend of late has been away from channeled material… but this is worth taking on board, imho. So here’s a recent talk from Kryon for your consideration. It’s all about how we manage this God consciousness we embody as the living fractals we are in a new grid. (Grid: energetic scaffolding upon which reality manifests.)

Heads up: no prophecies exist here!

Only our collective awakened consciousness creates in each unfolding moment.

The time has arrived in which we are favorably and powerfully potentiated by the frequencies now dominating this sector. NO LONGER are we weighted down under a stubborn negative agenda (and the grid system that supported this agenda throughout time as we’ve known it).

Let us practice knowing this and “being” accordingly. Doing so (“doing a new being”?)  will help chaos find benevolent resolve. Continue reading

Kundalini & the Amplification of Senses

Anyone who’s experienced activated kundalini has likely experienced overwhelming sensory amplification. A couple of years ago (maybe more) this woman, Brooke Robertson, came to my awareness when she was a “kundalini newbie”  hanging out with a teacher who goes by the name Chrism.

Now she appears to be on her own posting videos about her experiences from a vantage point of accumulated personal knowing. Perhaps something here for those whose kundalini has risen and is creating confusing sensory overload – a very distracting situation that can affect one sense at a time or numerous senses at once.   Love all… Whitehawk

As an afterthought I’m also including an earlier video of Brooke’s on the topic “Fragmentation/ Dark Night of the Soul.” The influence of “Chrism” is apparent in this second one; they have obviously since parted ways.  

Continue reading

Geomagnetic Changes & Influences on Earth & Humans

Energetic Synthesis’ Lisa Renee’s latest article for your discerning consideration.  Whitehawk

In the ES community we have been paying great attention to the importance of the 2012-2017 evolution window and preparing for the immense transition the planet is undergoing this year, as conscious and informed as possible.  This is in sharp contrast to so many who have no idea that these global changes are happening, or how they are being directly impacted.

We are seeing more people start to lose coherence, exhibit lunacy, or having their light bodies knocked out of their physical body.  This produces a lack of physical coordination, clumsiness and disorientation, people that are not grounded within their physical body, as the foundation beneath our feet is changing. Continue reading

Preparing for the Promise

Today I’m feeling moved to call attention to a creative being who packs power in her expression: Alison Nappi.  While combing through graphics for this post, I laid eyes on the one here and instantly felt the fit.


It spoke to me visually and viscerally about the individual’s frequency encountering the incoming frequency of the cosmos. At first the impact of meeting at this depth (the vesica pisces –aka piscis – in this image) can be intense, discordant, overwhelming, chaotic, even (especially, ultimately) system-shattering.

We are in the vesica pisces of a deep meeting NOW – the deepest encounter demanding the deepest integration by us that we may ever know in this life, and perhaps most others, as well.

This is our entré into energies of searing divine creativity with which we must become allies – even lovers in a sense – to proceed to manifest the luminous life I believe anyone who reads this blog is here to achieve:

Luminousity as an individual soul fully, unabashedly, deLightFully integrated within the collective One.

Think: infinite, exponential cosmic kundalini taking over the vehicle.

No more disenfranchisement or sense of being a once-free soul trapped in a contaminated petri dish.

Bless your participation in this blossoming NOW. Bless your experience of it, in it, and with it. Bless us, every one.

Big Love to you, Whitehawk

by Alison Nappi

When the hour is upon you, and the pain has already subsided into vague exhaustion… Continue reading

The Formula of Compassion

Some readers may remember Jelaila Starr from the “last millennium” … it just came to my attention that she was apparently re-contacted by her Nibiruan Council friend with the following tips re: compassion which might provide helpful guidance for reflection, particularly if you’re grappling with relationship issues.

I have no more to offer re: Jelaila, it was a long time ago when I didn’t know Nibiru from a hole in the ground, not to mention possible contact with someone claiming to be from there, but her link is provided at the end if you’re interested to pursue it/her. Also the formatting looks strange here but I’m offering it anyway because I know several people this might serve and likely many more I don’t know.  ~W

Continue reading

More re: Mogay, Archons & Us


More re: Mogay, Archons, and Us as We Move Deeper into Higher Frequencies

I’ve noticed a fresh wave of interest in the Interview with a Stranded Alien post from last year, so I watched it again and have more to say about this, and also would like to bring your attention to another interview while here, as both are related imo.

For your discernment

First: the Mogay entity coming through Kim (the channel) sounds like an archonic being putting a more… positive?… or at least more neutral… and expansive … spin on its “interface” with humanity than I’ve heard anywhere else.

In a way it brings to mind the epic Hidden Hand interview that I’ve discussed here intermittently over the years.

It’s actually a fascinating spin to take into consideration, explaining how this very alien “life form,” if one could even call it this (it’s a conscious electric energy), got catapulted into our solar system by a catastrophic cosmic event in an altogether other universe, leaving them stranded in a strange land, and doing what they had to to adapt to their circumstances.

Then: last night I listened to another interview that I’d also heard sometime last year, about a psychologist’s career dealing with scores of schizophrenics in prison (where schizophrenics typically end up, as public mental institutions have largely been defunded and shuttered in recent decades). Continue reading

Epic John Major Jenkins Interview

jmj3Update 7/3/17: I learned John passed earlier today of cancer. Bless his soul and his continuing journey. Love & Respect ~W

I was shocked to learn today (on John’s 53rd birthday) that he is suffering a life-threatening illness. John has been a lifelong impassioned researcher of Mayan cosmology and a major voice & author on the significance of the Mayan culture, calendar, and the year 2012.

His perspective on the 2012 phenom, however, was not that it was about “the end of time,” but rather, “the center of time.”

Interesting! .. but not on the gravy train of most other voices re: the 2012 phenomenon, and John found himself on the receiving end of much blow-back due to his independent findings and POV.

He was recently interviewed for over FIVE hours by friend “Jonathan Zap,” who trekked out from Boulder to John’s mountain home for what might turn out to be his “last word.” I’m sad to learn of this situation and can’t help but wonder (suspect) this illness befell him as his life’s work met with so much flack.

Below is what Zap posted about this meeting & interview on his (Zap’s) website; here is the direct link to the interview on youtube.

images-1If JMJ & his 2012/Mayan work are/were of interest to you, you might want to check in with him now. In a perfect world this interview would have been broken into manageable segments but as it is, it’s a full 5 hours that I’ve only heard the beginning of as of this moment.

Check the bulleted list of topics below to get an idea of its contents. The interview is audio only, but many photos provide visual documentation of John’s soul-driven life.

Love all, Whitehawk

John Major Jenkins — Reflecting on a Life of Discoveries and Tribulations

in Conversation with Jonathan Zap

Under somewhat ominous circumstances on Sunday, February 12th of 2017, I drove from where I live in Boulder to the home of my old friend and colleague, John Major Jenkins, who lives in Windsor, Colorado. It was a beautiful day with Colorado’s glorious high-altitude lighting and unseasonably warm temperatures.

The metaphorical weather, however, was out of synch with the actual weather because there were dark, storm clouds massing on the personal horizon of my old friend. John is facing a life-threatening health crisis, and the main purpose of my visit was to record the long conversation you have in front of you, an in-depth reflection on the meaning of John’s most important discoveries, and the triumphs and tribulations of a path of exploration he began when he first visited Mayan ruins at the age of twenty-two.

It is the sort of health crisis where one could still hope for miracles, or at least to be an extreme statistical outlier, but only a fool would neglect preparations to cross the event horizon. And John is no fool of course, and has been spending all his free time in ultimate deadline writing and publication mode. Continue reading

Is This All A Computer Simulation?

542943_10151247405904563_747558399_nQuick heads-up post to mention that GAIA is currently offering an intriguing episode of Buzzsaw – Sean Stone’s talk show – FREE to non-subscribers.

No idea how long this interview with ancient mysteries researcher Billy Carson will remain as free access, but it is an interesting and fast-paced half-hour ride that I recommend  you check out if you’re up for a little “mind flexing” about the nature of our universe.

Here’s the blurb:

The world over, whistleblowers are coming forward to reveal what they have been threatened to conceal for life. The power that the dark forces of government once held over their personnel is beginning to wane as the collective power of humanity continues to wax.

Standing upon the vanguard of this flood of information coming forth is Billy Carson. It has become his life’s mission to reveal forbidden knowledge ranging from ancient texts and the Emerald Tablet to forbidden technologies beckoning the dawn of a new age of humanity. All the while, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations have played a part in vexing and progressing human evolution. This interview with Sean Stone was originally webcast on February 27, 2017.

Is it all one massive SIM? See the conversation here: Continue reading

Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Meditate on this intel, it is provided for a deeper comprehension of our Ascension into pure Creator beingness.

In Ascension Path, we discuss how the SUN is used as a prism to project fractals of our consciousness into co-created realities. This is directly related to the holographic nature of our experience, the projection of planetary consciousness, dimensional bandwidths, timelines, and the illusion of an individual experience.

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Living in the Liminal


The story I’m sharing here (after a rather substantial personal lead-in) is from a new blog called The Numinous Den (linked at end).

At first I thought I was reading “another typical ghost story,” but this blogger – going only by the initials JR – imparted a depth of consideration that speaks to what so many of us are experiencing now as this shift progresses, and so is relevant to the Whitehawk blog.

JR tells a story of a young couple who, as newlyweds, buy an old fixer-upper house… and “activity” starts up in the house. He offers an illuminating hypothesis as to why phenomena began occurring: they had entered “the liminal,” meaning a kind of psycho-energetic boundary or threshold zone that became activated by all manner of changing conditions in that space. I’ll leave it to you to read JR’s examination of this, below.

It’s actually a good example of this quantum reality that humans have managed to keep pretty much the same over time merely by habitual (or controlled by the mainstream) consciousness. Continue reading

Difficulties & Complications with Kundalini Integration

vision-of-the-woman-clothed-in-the-sunThis video comes from a man associated with The Emerging Science Foundation who shares something of his own kundalini experiences – specifically, what he’s been dealing with post-awakening. He found that not much support is available for those who have been through the initial stages and have residual complications. He’s three years out from his K experience at this point. Perhaps what he shares will speak to some readers who’ve experienced kundalini. It is anything but a one-size-fits-all series of experiences.  ~W Continue reading