Hark The Heralds

Whitehawk here, sending breezy greetings from my blog perch.

Pondering synchros, those seemingly unrelated coincidences that come on in boom-boom-boom rapid succession to gain attention. My stream of consciousness concerning yesterday’s curious stream of phenomena follows; a video about event tracking is offered at the end.


Good Omens (Amazon Prime)

Yesterday brought a flurry of versions of the word herald, which were seemingly complemented by a few synchronistic vignettes in nature. Busy day for this observer!

noun: herald; plural noun: heralds
  1. an official messenger bringing news
  2. a person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen

Yesterday two people with homonyms of the name came under my nose – one whose first name was Harold; the other whose last name was Herrold. This morning WordPress put a blogger’s post entitled Angelic Herald in my Reader feed as a suggestion. Three in a row – enough to make my mind go hark! (Edit: 2 more came in within a 24-hour window.)

Then in nature yesterday afternoon, Continue reading

The Event. The Singularity. A Message from One.

Naked singularity might evade cosmic censor | Science News[Updated 5/15/20 to include torus image & comment after video]

This intriguing message just came out via Sophia Love, who has been getting awakened in the wee hours with some major information about a pivotal event she’s told is soon to occur for us all. [As always: for your discernment. W]

Listening to this brought the sci-fi TV show “Flash Forward” to mind… maybe you’ll understand what I mean if you listen to Sophia and are familiar with that program.

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Karma, Sex & Those Gnarly Thoughtforms

Here’s one from the archives that seems fitting to repost in tandem with the Violet Flame message I (re)posted earlier (that initially went out without a title – oops!). I was pretty charged about this at the time; my circumstances then definitely prompted the post. Perhaps it will serve someone today.

by Whitehawk

Unless one is an advanced spiritual initiate practicing meticulous lightbody hygiene, a huge array of thoughtforms accumulate in the human energy field. Often, clairvoyants can see them clustered around a person. They are just there, in everyone, like a cage full of various pets (or pests), tending to influence (or wreak havoc on) a life in such a variety of ways, they can become quite capable of taking over as a person’s primary navigation system, for better or worse, depending on prevailing themes.

feminine surrenderThoughts are indeed things (or beings, even), verrry powerful once they are loosed by a fertile mind — especially if energized by strong emotion — and verrry magnetic to more of the same. They broadcast invitations to resonant others to come join them and their beneficent host/creators, being us, sometimes to the point of burning down the house with their explosive potentialities.

They can also be likened to viruses, reproducing exponentially in the operating system of a life, as we cluelessly, sloppily, and naively obsess over various dramas in which we participate — in starring roles, as supportive cast, or “merely” as hooked voyeurs — all of which are investments of the energy of our attention. Of course, if one’s thoughts are 100% pure, loving and godly… then hey, no problem! But this post isn’t about that blessed state.

Consider that one destiny of these highly charged and magnetic thoughtforms can be the inception of addictions: ie, to the way one feels under the influence of a drug, or a person (ie guru or celebrity supplication/ worship are prime examples… or just a compelling peer connection), or sex. Sex is hugely powerful; ground zero in the “nuclear neighborhood” of the lower chakras. It is a portal to the divine if worked with in frequencies of high love and/or sacred intent. In the intoxicatingly charged dominant/ submissive dynamic between particularly aligned (or misaligned) male/ female polarities, it can be an ignition sequence for losing all control before you know what hit you if you don’t practice concerted management of your faculties. Continue reading

Changes in the Field

The Council message via Ron Head that I’m sharing below reminded me of an experience I had recently – which was a first for me, and amazing for me, too.

Hello Matrix (the actual one, not the movie :)

One ordinary afternoon, apropos of nothing at all, my visual field was suddenly … penetrated by? … filled with? …  shifted into? (groping for words) … the holographic matrix that scaffolds this reality.
Or my reality?


Or my ephemeral construct in that moment?

(Typical: more questions than answers!)

A closer hunch re: this phenom might be  that it’s the medium into which this hologram is projected.

The above (and commonly discussed) idea that we each project our own versions of this reality into our immediate field… which syncs up with resonant others, and on further into collective fields or matrixes, thus creating our mutually agreed-upon hologram – resonates with the Council message I’m including below.

So: everywhere I looked… everything I looked at… was contained in – or was integral to – this incredible energetic matrix.

If I could overlay a photo of the room I’m in onto this image of a wavy matrix, it would be a reasonable facsimile of what I saw… tho the cells in this image appear triangular, whereas what I saw was a net of (I’m pretty sure) tiny squares. But the field was wavy like this and areas of it seemed to “fold over” other areas. Continue reading

The Inner Wellspring

A quick glance around the web shows me that the topic of light language (of which there are endless varieties, in verbal and graphic forms) is kind of on trend currently.

Is it becoming a more common human experience? Or just one of those things that’s a bit energized because it’s mysterious, intriguing, and rare?

Many people (mostly women, from what I’ve seen thus far) speak or sing so-called light languages, while others scribe glyphs that they receive on the inner planes. Some really do seem inspired; others seem inauthentic. (Same goes for virtually any subject or field.) At any rate, the topic is “up.” Continue reading

About Implants…

The previous post about Light Language (Star Codes, etc) brought to mind a recent experience of mine that may or may not be related to the notion of “implants” (also mentioned in last post).

I’ve wondered about implants for many years – specifically re: whether I had any. What purpose(s) such devices may have served regarding the wide array of odysseys I’ve experienced since childhood… I don’t know. One recurring experience involved spontaneous nose bleeds, often occurring during the night while I (presumably) slept, the blood coming from a place far up the right nostril, where apparently small implanted things have been found in some experiencers. Continue reading

If You Could Be Anything

The player can be virtually transported into any form of life and “carry on” in the virtual context of that life, which could be a seed, a blade or leaf, an insect or animal, you just hop into that “form” and carry on with whatever comes your way in that embodiment.

I find this video game idea fascinating and refreshing! I’d love to experience Everything – which is the name of this unusual game.

From what I gather, this is not a game that involves competition or killing the other players. It seems to be a chance to “become” almost anything you can think of, and see how you deal with the new environment you’ll be navigating as that other living form. So – walking in the Other’s shoes, you might say. It might be a fabulous learning tool for understanding compassion, empathy… who knows how far down a rabbit hole this virtual environment can go?

The Everything gameplay youtube offers a good glimpse into the game’s virtual world – find that below. 

An L.A.-Based Artist Created a Video Game Where You Can Be "Everything"

An L.A.-Based Artist Created a Video Game Where You Can Be “Everything”

Living in the Liminal


The story I’m sharing here (after a rather substantial personal lead-in) is from a new blog called The Numinous Den (linked at end).

At first I thought I was reading “another typical ghost story,” but this blogger – going only by the initials JR – imparted a depth of consideration that speaks to what so many of us are experiencing now as this shift progresses, and so is relevant to the Whitehawk blog.

JR tells a story of a young couple who, as newlyweds, buy an old fixer-upper house… and “activity” starts up in the house. He offers an illuminating hypothesis as to why phenomena began occurring: they had entered “the liminal,” meaning a kind of psycho-energetic boundary or threshold zone that became activated by all manner of changing conditions in that space. I’ll leave it to you to read JR’s examination of this, below.

It’s actually a good example of this quantum reality that humans have managed to keep pretty much the same over time merely by habitual (or controlled by the mainstream) consciousness. Continue reading

Listening to & Learning from Animals

15241144_1448139298548156_2065736462368211729_nWonderful conversations here between two highly intelligent and highly conscious people about communicating with animals.

The stories they share in these two 25-minute videos of the program, “Thinking Allowed,” will be well appreciated by anyone whose life involves animals. I’ve been a Thinking Allowed fan since the 80’s and hold creator/host Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, in high regard for carrying the torch all this time, and as engagingly as he does.

The “communicator” here is Miranda Scott, MA. This conversation ventures beyond most I’ve heard on the subject (all of which I find fascinating!) … it is such a significant step for evolving humanity to o-o-open to comprehending animals’ wisdom, experiences, and innate love as they share this planet with us.

The first video aired (and was posted on youtube) a couple months ago; the second is obviously from the same day, in a second recording session, but has just been posted online. Both are filled with astute insights re: animal consciousness. Ms. Scott is also a crisis responder, which adds an additional dimension to her overall perception of the important role that many animals, including PTSD therapy dogs (therapist dogs!) provide.

The topic is also timely for this blog, as I prepare to post Part 2 of The Cat Who Came Back. Continue reading

The Cat Who Came Back – Part 1

15697600_975923882508313_736194526772495389_nThis is a love story for those who dearly appreciate animals, and/or have known an exceptionally close bond with a beloved pet.

I once had a cat (or should I say, he once had me ;) who was the greatest cat in the world.

I know: that’s what they all say. Perhaps you’ll resonate when I tell you, this was a gift-from-heaven soul mate in the form of a beautiful, large, pure white, angelic, amber-eyed, magical feline being. Male. Continue reading

Mysticism & Madness

13103448_10153396749876394_1960118158192902923_n.jpgDavid McMillin came ‘into view’ yesterday … his particular niche might be of interest.

He has personal experience with kundalini—so helpful to any K experiencer seeking guidance, as “professionals” who are clueless about this energy tend to push drugs, which is beyond exasperating when you’re ‘in it.’

That said, McMillin is now a mental health professional who’s been around many people experiencing manic depression, for instance, and other states that may well be kundalini-related. He is also an adept student of Edgar Cayce as well as the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which Cayce claimed to be all about the human condition.

This hour-long video presentation features decent PowerPoint support to keep it from being just a lecture. He discusses kundalini, health, creativity, mental illness, and how the answer lies in balancing the energies to prevent flailing from ecstasy to agony over and over. Continue reading

Saved by Zero (Point)

Pulling up one of my early blog “classics” this morning… edited to include the FIXX video, Saved by Zero. Hope you like. ~W :)

I have a tendency to return from meaningful out-of-body “excursions” (OBEs) with audio coming from… somewhereNot the physical environment.

For years, for example, I had a major series of highly strange nocturnal adventures — off-planet, ET experiences — and when they happened, I’d be “brought back” to my body (3D awareness) by the sound of ringing bells (except the time I returned to the roar of a real black helicopter hanging outside the window, directly over the yard, seriously).

ALL KINDS of ringing bells would bring me back, it was pretty wild. Could be door bells — single rings, two-tone rings, melodic rings. Sometimes phones ringing — digital ringing, old-fashioned ringing, or cellular ring-tones. Also sometimes buzzers or school-bell rings. Any kind of bell I’ve ever heard was used somehow to rouse me from a significant out-of-body excursion, to ensure that I remember (and in my case, document) the experiences I was having, as opposed to just zoning off and sleeping them into oblivion. Today, I’m still being “returned” to ordinary consciousness by sounds, but these days they tend to spoken messages, or sometimes music.

zero pointA few months ago I was on a fantastic adventure one morning, where I was with my mother (who is on the ‘other side’). She was giving me a tour of the “new earth,” and providing clues as to my place in it (I’m ready for more details, Mom!!). I’ve had many excursions to where we earthlings are ultimately heading — which I interpret as a higher dimensional (less dense) plane — 5D, actually, will be our new “home base,” with access beyond from there.

So anyway, I’m out and about with Mom, and seeing some pretty cool “construction” going on at the site she brought me to. It resembled a charming village in mid-manifestation. The buildings were visually very appealing, and had zero ‘carbon footprint,’ presumably because in 5D all creation consists of light energy (as do we in our energy-body state), so there is no wasting of resources or bothersome issues like pollution. Photon energy is what it’s all about (which will be abundantly clear to all, very soon), and it’s free & permeating; there is no place where it isn’t. (I can hardly wait; this energy is inherently 100% corporate greed PROOF.) In higher dimensions we’ll still enjoy creating things like buildings, landscapes… all kinds of environments. In fact, anything that pleases us can be created by relatively simple means when in higher densities.

And, no money down. Ever.

What brought me back from this intriguing visit/tour with my mother was… yep… a “sound track” (interesting that in one of my career tracks I’m an audio producer ;-) which in this case was, of all things, the 80’s song, Saved by Zero, by FIXX. Saved by Zero was playing in the astral around me and escorted me into full beta consciousness. I ‘grokked’ that Saved by Zero was to help me understand (appealing to my rock-n-roll enculturation) that a primary solution to our troubles on this earth (ha, the fixx!) has to do with our realizing the existence and purpose of what’s called the zero-point field, or zero-point energy. And, while I was familiar with the phrase, I didn’t really understand what it meant. Continue reading

Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments

383739_489611594423588_505711310_nI’ve mentioned montauk.net as a resource before on this blog. Tom, the man behind the montauk site, does an impressive job of researching gritty matters that most ‘light workers’ do not want to even think about – but they are part and parcel of the situation here.

This article reminds us how crucial it is to take responsibility for the activity we let occupy our minds. What is alive (even if hiding in shadows) in our consciousness creates not only our experience but the greater world we all share; consciousness is the causal realm of the physical. We’ve been at a distinct disadvantage by being unable to see into this nonphysical dimension, and our ignorance has helped keep us down.

This and other pieces by Tom have been run on Wakeup-World, linked below. Numerous books suggested below as well.

Also related to this subject here on the Winging with Whitehawk blog: http://tinyurl.com/qhcxwzx.   oxW

By Montalk

Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality.

The present situation is analogous to how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.

Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thoughtforms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or larvae.

Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type.

These thoughtforms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thoughtforms generated by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thoughtforms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent.

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SSPs*, Superwaves & The Law of One

*SSPs = Secret Space Programs
[FWIW: I’ve added some remarks (my own) ‘About Corey Goode,’ in the comment section below this post. ~W]

My readers know by now my enthusiasm over Corey Goode’s “coming out” re: the many, many “ET Conferences” he’s attended. He attained  pronounced POI (person of interest) status for me personally this past March, when details regarding his experiences (at that point, still using a pseudonym) at a galactic conference exactly matched an experience I myself had in a significant OBE last November. His verification of what had been a major experience for ME was significant!

Then, my visitation by extremely bright, luminous spheres right here in my yard at 3AM the night of summer solstice further ‘bonded’ me, so to speak, with this whole “sphere being” presence that, apparently, MANY are now experiencing. (Spheres as distinct from orbs… two different things.)

Blue AvianCorey has been discussing this on his blog as well as in his new, ongoing series of interviews with David Wilcock on GaiamTV. There has been some blow-back about the Blue Avians (I won’t get into all that here), but I can personally vouch for the following: A) ET conferences ARE being held between ETs, earthlings “of high placement,” and include “regular starseeds” like myself in attendance, and B) conscious, brilliant “sphere beings” are REAL and they’re HERE, interacting with us.

I’m so grateful that Corey has stepped up and “come out” to the degree that he has!

Following is Michael Salla’s recap of Corey’s 5th appearance on GaiamTV‘s “Cosmic Disclosure” series.

Love all, Whitehawk

PS: Salla refers to Goode as a whistleblower, but to my mind “insider” is a better term for him.

Secret Space Programs Monitor Galactic Superwaves & Study The Law of One

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Challenge Your Old Reality to Initiate Magnificent SHIFT

Lisa Transcendence Brown’s flow-of-consciousness re: ascension is something to behold. She kind of sneaks up on your world view and vibrates the frozen light free in you, if you take it in :)  Enjoy the video – 13 fast-paced minutes.

Solstice Blessings, all ~ Whitehawk

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