How the Pole Shift Is Affecting Humanity

Sharing the following article & video from Open, which was originally on, for your discerning consideration. Open, from what I recall, was a successful Australian executive who, after a major life crisis (I’m thinking car accident but not certain), very proactively focused his life on creating media and classes about spiritual evolution.

Bless all, Whitehawk

How the Pole Shift is Affecting Humanity and the Planet
By OpenContributing writer for Wake Up World

Although the current Pole Shift on Earth has been spoken of many times before, I do not believe the full magnitude of the effects have been truly hoisted on board, or how this current one, combined with abrupt climate changes and Gaia’s 5D shift, creates the ‘perfect 3D storm’ scenario. We must understand how it is increasingly not only affecting the precious biosphere in which we live, but also the electromagnetic affects it has on the bodymind, and how it impacts our psyche.

It is becoming crucial we confront this inconvenient truth…

The Perfect Storm of 3D Earth Cleansing

In our new documentary PARADIGM SHIFT, we drew attention to the fact that the current Pole Shift will likely complete within the space of one human lifetime, as confirmed by Berkley scientists from California. It is becoming increasingly evident the impact this is ALREADY having on the activation of earthquakes and volcanoes around the world — such as Kilauea in Hawaii. As yet, we’re only in the early stages of this, but I can clearly feel it’s about to get more extreme, as the ‘hockey stick’ effects turn the curve and go vertical.

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More re: Pole Shift

(video below)

Back in April I posted about how off-kilter/wobbly I was feeling for an extended time, which led me to ultimately wonder if there might be some subtle shifting going on with the earth’s magnetic poles. I then discovered a piece by Detroit-area channel Micheila Sheldon, which I posted here, which seemed to support my theory re: shifting magnetic fields being the cause of my experience.

I  had a link to a Part 2 of that post, but part 2 disappeared – don’t know what happened there!* But I’m posting this video now, which might be considered to continue from where the original post left off.

May it serve… Love, Whitehawk

* Ok, the 2nd part of that previous post is still there but the link was broken somehow. It’s here, fyi.


In this live lecture and demonstration given in Rochester Hills, Michigan on March 17, 2018, Micheila Sheldan channels a variety of beings and collectives including the Council of Light, Pleiadians, Sirians, St. Thomas and Mary Magdalene.

The Council of Light provides an overview of the 2108 pole shift and how it is affecting our DNA and access to the Akash. They go into specific detail about how to apply our free will during this transition, including how our perceptions and emotions can magnetize lower vibrational timelines. Continue reading

Accelerating Pole Shifts & 5D

The following post by Open Hand appeared in Wake Up World, both linked below.  W

By Open

Image result for gaia
Evolving people who are really paying attention may well have noted the apparent increase in earthquake and volcanic action escalating across the globe. It’s to be expected. A magnetic pole reversal is taking place, which is quickening. It corresponds with a dwindling of Gaia’s protective magnetic shield, which in her past history, has always resulted in a great cleansing of the earth’s surface, as the light releases itself from the lower densities.

There are now some key signs that this has begun in earnest. It’s nothing for us to fear, but rather to embrace — because it will help unblock pent-up karmic energy that needs to be processed within our 5D Shift.

Accelerating Pole Shift and Its Effects

Just recently many of the major global volcanoes have become more active, especially so around the Pacific Ring of Fire. In the last year alone, there have been hundreds of minor quakes in Yellowstone Park — above the supermassive volcano — which is cause for awareness. We’re also seeing increased earth-shift activity in Central America, Japan, Indonesia, Hawaii and Australia to name but a few. You can get up-to-date news here: The Watchers

It’s to be expected, because the 5D shift is speeding up now. We’re about a hundred years into a crucial pole shift. These can usually take thousands of years to complete, but the current acceleration points toward a completion within just one human lifetime (see Berkeley News). Gaia’s history reveals that during such a shift, the magnetic field dwindles, which greatly reduces the shielding affect of incoming solar storms. This is what’s being witnessed right now. Here’s the latest (as of March 2018) courtesy of The Watchers: Continue reading

2018 Pole Shift – Part 2: Expanding Our Universal Library

This is a follow-up to Micheila’s previous writing (last post) on the 2018 crystalline pole shift. In this transmission, the Pleiadians break down exactly how pole shifts work within the core of Mother Gaia, giving us very simplistic examples so that we better understand the meaning, mechanics, and benefits of this upcoming energetic event.  

Love … Whitehawk

2018 Pole Shift – Expanding Our Universal Library

via Micheila Sheldan

As humanity experiences a pole shift in 2018, a variety of characteristic traits of your reality must begin to change and align to new grid patterns of information. The poles are calibrated to your current reality and connect the information that you have manifested and magnetized to solid form or physical matter. This is the overall responsibility of this facet of the earth’s structural energy – magnetics.

Magnetism is the basic law by which you draw and expand information into a physical reality. The universe upholds this within Mother Earth by aligning grids and Akashic record energy to support your manifestation and further creation; and also by activating you within the confines of your earth structure. So in other words, a system is in place to ensure that universal support is flowing through the earth into your physical experience beyond your realization, acceptance or access of this information. The poles are a critical aspect of your earth ascension timeline and alignment to the universe. Continue reading

2018 Pole Shift – Part 1: Electromagnetics & The Body

UPDATE: The video of this channeling wasn’t available when I originally posted the message last year. Please see this post for the vid. Also, I’m re-reading my intro and amazed to find how totally it relates to Micheila’s message about connecting the physical body to the lightbody, which I just posted today (1/12/19) ~W

Holy COW. I’ve been on quite an adventure over the past month or so. It’s been incredibly challenging to maintain anything remotely resembling equilibrium in this body.

Weeks passed before I could even locate words sufficient to describe what’s been going on. I’ll just cut to the chase here and explain as best I can, and as always invite comments from readers who’ve also felt energetically RAWKED lately.

So: I’ve been experiencing a perpetual sensation of my physical body being way out of sync with my energy body – my lightbody, in other words. This has just been off the map strange, kind of like my form has been bobbing around in a… tank?… of a fluid substance that is in constant motion. (I’m picturing those desk toys that slosh some kind of liquid back and forth in slow motion… imagine being trapped inside one of these. Also, the phrase “amorphous blob” resonates, ha!) Image result for "the wave" desk toy

All attempted physical movement – and mental focus – seemed to slosh in an energetic substance (my own energy body) that kept me in a constant state of off-centeredness, imbalance, confusion, inability to track thoughts or read… my entire being seemed liquid, formless, and unable to come into coherence.

My physicality was somehow seriously OUT of sync with my energetics. I don’t think I can be any more explicit than this. Extreme sensations of instability.

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