Simon on the Hot Now

Quickie post to recommend this video of Simon Parkes & Linda McCallum in mature, thoughtful conversation about this unprecedented evo-cosmic window we’re in now.


If depth & articulation stimulate your head, give your attention to this for 90 minutes. Good, useful fodder for the hopper.

Entering the 5th


We shall see what’s incoming… meanwhile, Matt nails it re: where I, for one, have been in recent years. It has been a formidable wilderness adventure.

By the way, notice in the graphic above the “nod” to (hint of) the hexagonal (honeycomb) cells in the lower right? From my earliest ‘visions’ re: this dimensional shift, I’ve seen these as representing our exit from the tyrannical boxes of the old matrix… into the ‘organic’ scaffolding of 5D and beyond. It appears this artist has similar perceptions. oxo Whitehawk


From Matt Kahn:

As we enter 5D consciousness, we have reached a new horizon of possibility, where all previous reference points cannot assist us in dissecting reality into separate categories of polarity. Instead of feeling sad while hoping to be happy, or even feeling happy, while hoping not to avoid any further sadness, we are neither sad nor happy. In the absence of sensing a high or noticing a low, we have returned to zero point, but without a defining sign of arrival.

Perhaps for you, your entry point has left you without a sense of who you are, including the melting away of each spiritual identity or attribute that your ego spent so much time striving to embody or desperately capture. Maybe there is no sense of where you are in time and space, which can cause you to imagine how you are somewhere far behind wherever you’ve been anticipating to go. Continue reading

Why Empaths Freeze Around Inauthentic People

Don’t we know it… this has come front/center for me (again) recently. Source linked below. oxo Whitehawk

imagesEver spent time with someone who on the surface seem as nice as pie but when with them you feel awful and struggle to form a sentence? This is a caused by your Empathic antenna sensing that all is not what it seems. You are detecting that what this person is showing is a fake persona created to hide something from others. Continue reading

By Whitehawk Posted in empath

Conscientious Neuroticism

Sharing this piece by Matthew Welsh today re: new research on neuroticism.

O-Sujeito-e-suas-Neuroses_21Social psychologists generally agree that all of our behavior can be categorized into 5 unique personality traits that they label Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.  Much of the research has shown that people who exhibit high levels of neuroticism (which is our tendency to experience “negative” emotions such as anger, anxiety, sadness, and depression) is correlated with poor health, unhappiness, and other problematic outcomes.

However, new research has come out that shows that people who exhibit high levels of Neuroticism, but also show high levels of Conscientiousness (which is our tendency to demonstrate self-discipline and aim for achievement against measures or outside expectations) actually have better health, happiness, and likelihood to achieve their goals. Continue reading

Liberating Trapped Light

I dreamed a tone ‘came in’ (tone = my interpretation of an energy; maybe the wave) and reverberated in my body, causing  “detonations” in many places where I’ve apparently been harboring blockages, likely for lifetimes.

Each blockage exploded, releasing powerful blasts of light (of various intensities) in the process. So much trapped light! Fireworks! Freedom from a thousand accumulated tyrannies!

Think I’ll work with this experience more in meditation/conscious creating.

Sharing in case the idea inspires any liberation of light on your end; maybe this will assist :)

Love to you, Whitehawk

Violet Rose Flame 528 Hz DNA/Clearing/Transmutation Ancient Star Language Transmissions

Beautiful 8-minute clearing & clarifying video experience offered by Shekina Rose.
Enjoy ~  ox W

This is for the Blue Rays—the ultra-sensitive empath transmuters, and the Starseed Light Workers—who have a tendency to take on energies from others and the world consciousness, to remember you are whole and Sovereign! To help you through the shift to release and clear you of anything holding you back; To shield and enhance your energy body in the power of divine Violet Rose Flame. Continue reading

The Separation of Worlds

Another deep dive with Lisa Renee, illuminating the nitty gritty of our momentous situation this month.  Discern as always.  ox W

This shift to the next density will radically impact our consciousness experience while in our body. For those on the Ascending path, the laws governing intelligent energy that create matter and realities is elevating into the next density. This event should greatly support restoring energetic balance into all of the bodies, experiencing more peace and ease in our lives, while feeling much less dense than before. LR

The Separation of Worlds

by Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During the end of this month, on September 28, 2015, the final of the four consecutive total lunar eclipses known as a tetrad will take place. This month’s Blood Moon signifies the conclusion of several cycles of time in our planetary evolution and history.  On the positive side, the consciousness body of the earth has evolved beyond 3D frequencies, opening up new future timelines in higher dimensions.  The NAA, however, is invested in maintaining the lower frequencies and timelines by any means, including inorganic AI technology. The result is that the organic timelines in the first density of matter on the third dimensional earth are coming to an end.

In the structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional octave. So within the structure of the Harmonic Universe of 3D earth, called the First Density, consciousness exists within three dimensions that manifest into six timelines. From now on these six timelines are being hijacked by the NAA and inorganically pushed to manifest in the lowest third dimensional frequencies, through artificial intelligence technology. Because the consciousness body of the earth plane has organically evolved to run higher than 3D frequencies, the only way to keep circulating these lower forces into the earth grid is through forced inorganic and artificial means.

Thus, to keep the low electromagnetic energies and the mind control programs circulating and operating in the asleep masses, artificial frequencies and artificial timelines are being written and pulsed out into the lowest frequency fields. These last ditch efforts create a tremendous electrical pressure and burden on some areas of the planet. This is similar to how piezoelectric compressors are used for energy conversion in solid materials, by squeezing and compacting matter to extract a high-pressure electrical charge. Many of us can feel this sensation of electrical pressure and compaction in our bodies at this time. Continue reading

Cosmic Wave-X Gamma Radiation 9/28/15

11880336_10200816665335778_1323263126549563019_nYes I’m still on this “Wave X/Event Horizon/Ascension/Gamma/Shift” theme. We may be about to experience the most phenomenal occurrence in the history of everything — so I’m checking around – while others are thrilled to bits that football season is back on TV.

Before getting to the video, tho, I want to share this photo of a large (about 6′ tall) rose quartz crystal that ‘lives’ across the road here. This Brazilian crystal is having a LOT of interesting energetic phenomena going on lately – numerous photos of this activity are around. This is the best one I found where the crystal is actually visible in the midst of the phenom. There’ve been orbs there for years; now we have these beams… or are they streaks? Or some variation of pillars??  Something different is up with the crystal! It, too, is in a shift. Maybe the ‘being within’ is waking up, or stepping out, or serving in an broadcasting capacity, distributing the gamma waves out into the neighborhood :)

The Video

I liked this man’s (“Indian in the Machine”) reading of the message from new messenger  (to me at least) Michael Love… purportedly AA Michael speaking about what’s ahead. The narration reminds me stylistically of those “Emergency Announcements” that come on TV on rare occasion… making it sound all the more vividly real. Not foreboding, just a straight-on style that I’m responding to and accepting somehow.

Moreover, this take on what’s incoming is basically aligned what I’m personally feeling is likely the deal. If people start disappearing, that will certainly be interesting! But my sense is, a distinctly positive wave of energy will wash in, and we will notice this, and afterwards start the long process of integrating it into our suddenly blossoming hearts and minds, and be organically inspired to start doing life correctly and with love for all of it, at long last. Continue reading

A Channel’s “See You on the Other Side” Video

Susie Beiler says TTFN

As long as I posted Susie’s channeled messages about the September “wave” event, I thought I’d include her “final farewell” video too, as she “heard” that her own trajectory will be to dematerialize and return to Source when this divine energy pours in full throttle. So this gal has put it ALL out there for everyone to witness and deal with as they will.

I’m appreciating her trust in her experiences enough to share so transparently. I also relate to her mention of just not “seeing” beyond the end of this month… not seeing anything to “do” or “plan” etc.

On Becoming/Being Whitehawk

10712964_10152325537392038_6134144014669382234_nActually this has been my situation since my own kundalini-initiated ascension… after which my physical form was left in this degrading, duality-ravaged hologram, feeling as “in but not of” the world as it gets, while the vast lion’s share of who I was no longer existed here!

Whitehawk‘s wingspan reaches into worlds… but the perch here at ground level is out on a tenuous limb.

In energetic terms, the “magnetic core” of the being I was changed its signature to such a degree, the former life – including the cherished “inner life” – no longer constellated around it/”me.”

If the planets lost their “sync” with the sun, they’d just wander off into space, having no further purpose orbiting this particular star. My inner sun and the outer system were no longer in sync; no longer a vibrational match. But the New remained in the void—a perfect setup for 3D hardship.

Continue reading

The September Transition to “New DNA Earth”

imagesA friend drew my attention to this channel, Susie Beiler, who has a series of videos up (12 total) on youtube specifically addressing the “September Transition to the New DNA Earth” expected at some point in the days following the Equinox.

Susie’s messages, said to come from Prime Creator, actually have a number of… I’ll say revisions… to the “ascension plans” some of us have heard about for decades now.  “New DNA Earth” is the term used by the source of these messages, presumably because all dna will be receiving enhancements, or the impulse to “awaken,” or both.

If you are one who has been feeeellling this transitional energy trickling in, awaiting its full impact through all manner of challenges (as have I!) and wondering IF it will ever happen, and HOW it will… I present these two videos for you to consider and of course take into the heart of your personal truth for assessment. Continue reading

Kali Takes on the Empire

Been meaning to post on this for a while.

I’m referring to the startling image of the goddess KALI that covered the Empire State Building in New York last month. POW – what a sight!

hindu-goddessI have to say, there could hardly be a more impressive form of “messaging the masses” than this! It was HUGE. RED. INCREDIBLY DRAMATIC IN THE DARKNESS… and SO MYSTERIOUS!

It was the Hindu ‘destroyer goddess’ KALI dominating the icon of THE EMPIRE – the Empire State Building – in NYC, the “empire metropolis” of the western world, if not the entire planet.

Kali is a fierce if not downright frightening image to behold. She transmits a FERAL energy… untamed… unlike the other Hindu deities who appear so gracious and surrounded by flowers. Kali is typically represented as a wild woman in the midst of a primal dance (or stomp!) of destruction, with her red tongue fully extended and human skulls dangling from her necklace and belt like trophies of past “projects.”

Scary as she appears, she is worshiped for her role in clearing away the rotten, decayed clutter that must be cleared so that the blessed NEW may be created—in our case the prophesied golden age after a seemingly eternal period of misery and darkness. Continue reading