Empath & Narcissist = NO

This is a situation with which I am well acquainted, and it is an acutely painful lesson. At first the attraction of these opposites can seem so magnetic… but slow down, take a breath, and look at what’s going on here. Alex Miles (who’s female, btw) writes an astute assessment of each party in this ill-advised interpersonal combination. Reposted from Elephant Journal.  It occurs to me that this early WwW post might also resonate for you, if this topic is of interest.  ox Whitehawk


We know that “narcissist” has become a bit of a buzzword recently, and some folks are quick to apply it to an ex-lover or family member or friend. While awareness of this concept is healthy, so is remembering that it is, in a mental health context, a serious condition that shouldn’t be applied to someone you’re mad at because they stole your mirror. ~ Eds. 

I am an empath. I discovered I was an empath after I got involved in a very deep and highly destructive relationship with a narcissist.

I am writing this article from the perspective of an empath, however, would love to read the view from the opposite side if there are any narcissists that would like to offer their perception on this. Continue reading

Being a Beacon in Shifting Times

What follows is something of a synopsis of a discovered collection of illuminations recorded via technology way ahead of our time. These records are actually quite deep, extensive, esoteric, and “ancient future” – The WingMakers material.  This overview was compiled by a third party, linked below. This same party wrote a longer version of a synopsis as well; also find that link below.

There are various judgments about this source of profound information. It’s a mysterious phenom… though numerous similar subterranean caches of evolved wisdom have also been found around the planet, like lessons for humans left behind by a superior race.

Exactly who are the WingMakers? Perhaps that’s a discovery mission you might want to undertake, if curiosity is piqued.  I offer what follows for your consideration.

Love to you – Whitehawk

Toward Divine Wisdom & Understanding Shifting Paradigms

Divine Wisdom, Understanding

The wisdom and understanding of our own divine essence is like a beacon that invites us inward toward ever deeper connection with ourselves and with all around us. Yet rather than look within, most prefer to look outward for wisdom, thus sustaining a dependence on a vast hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the Divine. In all our wanderings away from the Divine, humankind has obscured its most compelling features through a persistent belief in limitations arising out of the controlling mechanisms of this hierarchy.

The Divine dances outside of the confines of any hierarchical structures. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all life within the universe. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each soul’s innate design and ultimate destiny. The essence of the Divine is far beyond mental conception, yet humanity’s tendency is to resort to the limiting language of the hierarchical paradigm to define and understand it.

The Hierarchical Paradigm: Searching for Connection and Wholeness

When people are unaware of their inner wisdom and wholeness, they tend to search for order and security outside themselves. [We also project – and protect – our own shadow by finding fault in others & events outside ourselves. -W]  Uncertain of their place within the hierarchical order of the world, they define themselves based upon their insecurities. Individuals thus become only pieces of their wholeness and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase, they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty.

Within the hierarchy, many in high positions of power have taken advantage of our collective insecurities in attempting to guide the development of all humankind. They have obscured the direct connection between the individual and the Divine through a variety of means designed to intercede between our inner essence and our divine source.

Each individual can come to know themselves to be free of all forms of hierarchical control. Continue reading

You: The Now Maker

Good reminder from Sophia Love.  Gratitude, Whitehawk


As We Shift: Mandela and the Now Makers

Let’s talk about who we are.  What’s occurring lately is a landscape of extremes.  This is one being rapidly painted and re-painted over and over by those controllers invested in keeping the status quo.  That’s the last time they will be mentioned.  This moment, right now, is about letting all of that go.  We are on sacred ground, where miracles occur.  We are Now Makers.

Recently, what’s happened is a sort of side-tracking moment.  Consumed with self, there’s been a pre-occupation with things that are, in truth, defined by actions, not worry.  We are here to create. Continue reading

Parasites of the Mind

Another deep and thoughtful journey from Paul Levy. When I first heard the phrase “parasites of the mind” about 20 years ago, it really SAID IT, imo. It spoke to me. Levy refers to this gnarly “growth experience” as wetiko. More recently the label archons has become more common.

Love to you, “cooties ‘n all,”



The Mind Parasites of Colin Wilson:
Fiction or Reality?

by Paul Levy

It should get our attention that every person or group of people that have discovered what the Native American people called wetiko unanimously consider it to be the most important topic—there’s not even any competition—to understand in our world today. To give one example: Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan refers to wetiko (though by a different name) as “the topic of all topics.” Called by many different names throughout history, the spirit of wetiko renders every other issue secondary, for wetiko is the over-arching umbrella that contains, subsumes, informs and underlies every form of self-and-other destruction that our species is acting out in our world. If we don’t come to terms with what wetiko—which can be conceived of as a virus of the mind—is revealing to us, nothing else will matter, as there will be no more human species. Wetiko inspires the darkest evil imaginable while, at the same time, potentially helps us to wake up to our true nature as creative beings. How wetiko winds up actually manifesting depends upon whether we recognize it as the on-going revelation that it is—it is showing us something about ourselves that is of supreme importance for us to know.

What makes a “wisdom tradition” worthy of the name is whether or not it illumines the covert operations of the wetiko bug. Continue reading

5th Stage Begins

Here’s one from Archangel Michael / Ronna Herman – the July message

Cosmic_TheHaloEffect.jpgBeloved masters, it is of vital importance that you endeavor to incorporate the higher states of awareness, along with the will and Self-discipline needed to correctly implement the higher frequencies of truth into your physical, everyday life style in order to become a Master on the Path. Vital information for each incarnation is stored within the Soul-Seed Atom.  However, the consciousness of the human personality must reach the required frequency patterns in order to access any advanced Cosmic information. Over time, desire is transformed into aspiration, and aspiration develops into a clear, definitive intuitive ability.

It is a proven fact that humanity evolves and gradually makes life changes through experiencing moments of crisis. The fusion of the Soul with the personality produces incredible changes in the ego-desire body consciousness, thus affecting every aspect of a human Being who is functioning within the physical plane existence. Living in the present moment, fully aware, without judgment or prejudice is the foundation of joyful, abundant living.  Past memories and future expectations/aspirations create your present reality and future experiences.

Remember: Spiritual Fire is the basis of all manifestation, which forms the background for human evolution. The power of the Universe is in the present moment of the NOW, within the STILL POINT between the past and the future. The STILL POINT of Creation is not a void—it is filled with White Fire God-Seed Atom energy—the Creator’s unmanifested potential.

When the time comes for a fragmented God-Seed Atom to experience the reality of a Fourth-Dimensional environment, the Sacred Triad stationed within the densest, entry-level of the Fifth Dimension sends forth the designated God-Seed Atom into the Seventh (highest) Sub-Plane within the Fourth-Dimension. The God-Seed Atom then sends forth a SPHERE of Light called the CAUSAL BODY, which becomes the OverSoul vessel for all of the Soul Fragments to be embodied within the Third /Fourth Dimensions.

Continue reading

Five Concepts for the New Human

One from Kryon for you. I had a rather spectacular experience with some of Kryon’s earliest material back in the 90s. It was on cassette! And it was in the earlier days of my cognizing (as Kryon says below) the idea of a grid of energetic scaffolding upon which our earthly reality has been built for millennia, which is now changing. It was big news at the time!

I also experienced a “changing of the guides” by performing a ritual Kryon recommended. Our stages of life benefit by new mentorship just as higher grades in school usually require new teachers. Requesting support from your “team” that fits your current level of awareness and will encourage you onward from that place is not only allowable, it’s advisable!

Yours in Compassionate Transformation,  Whitehawk  :)


Greetings, dear ones, I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Again we tell you that the name magnetic service is a metaphor, for the magnetic grid of the planet contains that which we call the posturing of consciousness. We’ve told you before that you could not live here on this planet without it. Early on, we told you that the magnetic attributes of Earth had to change because of the coming consciousness shift. That was in order for all to be ready for what’s coming. That’s the service that I originally came for and now that it has been accomplished by my grid group, I am simply a messenger.

People have said, “Well, where do you really come from, Kryon?” I told you this morning that I am not an entity and I’m not singular. It’s a Human bias that considers messages to only come from a singular source. Instead, I’m from the creative source, just like you are. I represent the pure consciousness of love and compassion and I speak through this Human Being who you see sitting in the chair.

Is this too unusual for you? Thirty years after the death of the one you call Jesus, Saul of Tarsus was in prison. However, now his name is Paul, and he’s writing what will someday become the Holy Scriptures. He’s sitting there by himself, and the man is filled with joy – tears are running down his cheeks and in the half-light of his cell, he is inscribing the words that so many millions will read one day. They will call it the word of God, but it’s not. It’s the word of Paul, under the influence of his beautiful God. That’s channelling. Directly, he is receiving information about the wonder of God, what has happened on the earth and the master of love.

But when a modern man sits in a chair and gives you updated messages from the creative source about the great shift, there are many who object and say, “Impossible!” This is your discernment, dear ones, and there is no judgment of your belief. But we continue to ask you to discern – at least discern this situation and feel it. Discern the energy of what you are hearing right now. Are you going to listen to these words and understand and hear them, or are you going to feel them? We invite you to feel the compassion and the love for each of you, or have you already got your mind made up that it isn’t happening?


Continue reading

Psychic Struggle & Synchronotron

This one offers the unique POV of Stephanie South, aka Red Queen, who was Jose Arguelles’ (aka Valum Votan) last partner and copious co-creator of the multi-volumed “Cosmic History Chronicles.” This post blends Mayan Prophecy & I-Ching perspectives re: what lies ahead.  (btw the final graphic links to the source of this material) 

There are two camps re: when the “new cycle” really kicks in: one, as I’ve presented here before, is this Fall (2016)… Stephanie’s info looks to autumn 2017 as the deciding shift into the next cycle (as do a few others). The anticipation is excruciating, isn’t it!  ~W :)

At this very moment the lines of destiny are being unraveled and rewoven into a new pattern.

From one perspective, it appears there is a battle within the Planet mind between the conditioned historical force and the cosmic freedom of the new, the noosphere. But it is only the old that is doing battle. Ancient story. Ancient forces. Ancient powers at play.


The story replays itself until we learn the lessons.

All the perturbations we are experiencing in the world today are a result of adjustments involved in the biosphere-noosphere transition with its many implications, overlapping forcefields and timelines. We are at the point where all that was hidden (throughout aeons) is now being revealed. Though some are not ready to know.

Continue reading

Rampage of Lightning & Kundalini


Putting this out for any response/input that might come from readers – tapping the wisdom of the tribe, so to speak, IF anyone has had experience with this who might care to share.

A week or so ago, we had an unusual nocturnal weather event here. It began normally enough: a thunderstorm. Rain poured and at one point thunder and lightning were happening simultaneously immediately overhead, which is of course very loud, unsettling, and too close for comfort. I do not aspire to be struck by lightning any more than I have been already via my own inner lightning, kundalini.

But what came next presented a “new kind of weirdness” for me; I wondered then and still wonder now if this was kundalini related. Continue reading

Then, Now & Then Again: Timeline Madness

I’ve been wanting to put a few things out here for a while now. Perhaps some of my thoughts will resonate on your end. It might come out more piecemeal than “perfect flow” but so be it. I may come back and whittle it down… what we have here is a tsunami of consciousness.

bh_gwsPortals & Gateways & Waves – Oh My

As those who know me (in life) or have been following the Whitehawk blog are aware, I AM – and have been for decades – very interested in this phenom commonly referred to as “The Shift,” or “Ascension.” I’m obviously someone who came into this plane (“in a hurry” as some would say, explaining my choice of family to be born into) to participate somehow in service to this cosmic event.

What this looked like early on (decades back) was: the earth’s magnetics would weaken, the planet would flip in a massive planetary “cleanse,” lands would disappear under the seas while other lands would surface (or re-surface) after centuries resting in The Deep. Humanity would finally SEE the error of the juvenile bravado it perpetuated during this entire period of 26,000 years when the propensity for domination and control at the expense of basically ALL ELSE would lead to heinous crimes against all that’s sacred – LIFE ITSELF in all its varieties: the furred, feathered & finned beings; vegetation, mineral; land, sea, and air… the whole blooming gestault. Continue reading

How to Approach an Elder

fj.jpgWhen I saw this article offered by Native American Medicine Woman (and Elder), Fawn Journeyhawk, I was reminded of my early days of spiritual exploration, when the Native American way held such strong and meaningful attraction for me: Walk gently upon the Mother. Speak truth. Maintain honor. Take only what you need, and bless it for what it provides. Share with the tribe. Practice sacred ritual. And so on.

This all began for me in my early 20’s when a boyfriend gave me the book, Rolling Thunder, about a medicine man by that name. Deeply moved this city kid’s heart!

I read numerous accounts by young white people who sought to understand the “medicine way,” and grappled with how to “be” with the elders holding the wisdom. Young Americans were a rebellious, often snarky bunch, full of self importance! ~ Which did not impress the wisdom keepers one iota. The elders would simply send the clueless on their way.

No offering of respect? No humility? Impatient? No teaching. No apprenticeship. No time for you. Period.

And one’s demeanor couldn’t be faked. An Elder will see the truth of you. Continue reading