The Alchemy of Now

I started a new practice yesterday of setting intention to align with Cosmic Harmony above all else (or before any other request or affirmation or beginning), and include an invitation for any helpers in any form to support me in my goal to be in harmony with the natural benevolence of the cosmos as a zero point from which all else springs through and around me.

Loving it so far! … and mentioning in case it inspires you to play with it. Sometimes a fresh spin or phrase or image can refresh an entire trajectory, even if the basic idea isn’t new.

Bless everything!  {{{Bless you.}}}


The Beginning Awaits You – Step Into It

by Andrew Martin


I was sitting out on my deck this morning enjoying the warmth and peace of the morning. I asked my team what was on tap for today. My question lately has been “How can I serve the life that is calling me forth?”

The answer came through loud and clear:

We love the video you recorded yesterday. The message is simple and true. To be as you have been so focused on becoming is your task today. You asked how may you be of service to the life you came here to live? You serve your life, your self, and all that is by living now as you have been striving to be. You have so long dreamed of a life that feels free and true. You have been so diligently working to remove anything that blocks the path to joy and happiness. Continue reading

Diversity on Steroids

It’s been quite a while since I’ve listened to a long talk by Andromedan contactee Alex Collier… but I’m listening to this freshly posted webinar (he gives these talks regularly now) … and he’s dropping enough nuggets along the way that I’m going to post it, even before seeing the full 1:47:00 of material myself. I’m trusting it’ll be interesting.

He mentioned conversing with Mornay, his ‘Andromedan contact,’ so I’m looking forward to hearing what info he received there. Continue reading

When You’re in “That Space”

I believe I posted Chas Eisenstein’s original article about the “Space Between [your] Stories” … and here’s a revisit to this theme by way of Lissa Rankin. Many of us (if not all at some point) have known/ are now in/ will experience this possibly frightening place. Be gentle with self & others who ‘fall into’ what can feel like a deep dark dry well, an endless blank hallway, or outer reaches of the galaxy. Keep the faith, this is a journey; it’s the challenges that we’re actually here to grow, evolve, or serve through. oxo Whitehawk

The Space Between Stories


This week, I experienced a trauma that collapsed my story of self, yet a new story has not yet emerged. Charles Eisenstein calls this “the space between stories.” Many of us are in this space between stories right now, when you feel lost, ungrounded, dislocated, as if your roots have been pulled up and you’re not quite sure where to land. Everything you thought you knew—about yourself and the world—is now in question. Even our systems—the medical system, our political systems, the education system, the banking system—they’re in the space between stories too. We know the old way is falling apart, yet the new way has not yet been born.

As Charles writes in The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible:

So please, if you are in the sacred space between stories, allow yourself to be there. It is frightening to lose the old structures of security, but you will find that even as you might lose things that were unthinkable to lose, you will be okay. There is a kind of grace that protects us in the space between stories. It is not that you won’t lose your marriage, your money, your job, or your health. In fact, it is very likely that you will lose one of these things. It is that you will discover that even having lost that, you are still okay. You will find yourself in closer contact to something much more precious, something that fires cannot burn and thieves cannot steal, something that no one can take and cannot be lost.

Earlier this week, I attended the memorial of the sixth person I loved who has died in the past six months. Along with others, I witnessed the deceased’s fiancé navigate her own space between stories. They were supposed to get married this year, and instead, they had to say goodbye. As she got up to speak at the memorial, she looked up at his photo on the projected screen and, with tears in her eyes, she said, “What are you doing up there?” The woman who was supposed to be the maid of honor hosted the ceremony as we all held each other in arms of grieving, celebrating, laughing, crying love. When we realize we are not in this lost space alone, we find comfort in the communion of the raw, unguarded, blown open heart.

Who Am I?

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About Empaths

My latest blazing experience with empathy was during the recent massive earthquake in Ecuador. That night, my lightbody felt as tho someone gripped it by the handles, so to speak, and shook it violently within an inch of its life. It wasn’t until the next morning, when I’d learned about the devastation in Ecuador, that I knew what my experience represented.


Empathy isn’t always about other people… Earth empathy is a very real thing as well, as demonstrated (in one way) by feeling violently shaken viscerally but without physicality. Empathy can attune with anything, really – animals, plants, mountains, bodies of water …

How is it that we pick up on some emotions, conditions, or events and not others? We each come with our own frequency dials, apparently, that “receive” various resonant signals from “out there,” for better or worse.*  Keeping energetic boundaries and hygiene can help.

Love & compassion,


* The actuality of there being – as quantum physics holds – no “out there” out there, has been handily suspended momentarily to serve this metaphor. :)

10 Things You Notice Near an Empath

By Aimee Halpin

I once called the insurance phone number to ask a question.  An hour later, the woman had shared her whole life story with me and I am not sure she ever answered my question, but I made her feel better.  What is an empath anyway and did I just make that up?  There are probably thousands of stories like this for me, but I want you to think about times you have interacted with someone and felt all the same feelings they have…or perhaps they have told you things you just didn’t really need to know. 

My entire life, I have felt different.  I think I have tried really hard to keep a lid on it all until the last 5 years.  Continue reading

Meditation, Entanglement & Political Climates

Bodhivastu+Logo+Stupa+Only.pngThere’s something molecular or quantum about humans.  Each human individual has an immense potential for structuring the universe all within themselves.

One can even go so far as to say that if only one individual reaches the ultimate in complete self-recognition, that there is almost nothing that cannot be influenced towards the positive in our entire universe.

We call the fact that this process works, “The four miraculous activities of Awakened Ones,” more commonly known as the four Buddha activities.

Entanglement happens when our minds particularize, obscure and judge.  Everything becomes particulate at that moment. Space fragments and separates into compartments.  There is nothing wrong with that but there is another side to the universe.

Attention Attention Attention

This BASHAR message came up in conversation yesterday, and since the timeframe mentioned is careening our way, I’m posting it again. (This lead-in includes a link to navigate to the original post in full.)  It seems advisable that we all take stock of our personal worlds between now and this fall, and concertedly come into alignment with the highest visions & intentions we have for ourselves in the interim. What exactly might this “everything will change” message might entail… I cannot say. I suspect it will involve banking and government dissolution, which would impact all else in western civilization. The structures and systems we’ve been served by confined by are zooming toward their expiration date and our personal power will be guided by our individual and unique “north stars.” Following is the original post from 2014:

Winging with Whitehawk

This is something that popped out of ‘Bashar’ recently, apparently. It was in a video that was posted online, but which got pulled down almost instantly. Someone else managed to transcribe the message and now that (this, below) is being passed around. I can’t vouch for the precision of names or terms (or anything else for that matter :) … I offer it as is.

Bashar had to step aside for a “special incoming message” from a source I don’t particularly understand as of this moment, but suffice to say, there was a change of entities for this curious message. It points to 2016 as when “everything changes” so we should be getting our acts together asap.

Who knows!  Just sharing.  oxWhitehawk

By the way, I did a quick search on ‘Essassani’ and have put a link to further info at the end of the post.

Bashar’s collective Essassani consciousness…

View original post 625 more words

The Matter of Plasma

Here is Lisa Renee’s latest deep dive. I broke up some of the very long paragraphs for ease of reading.  ~W

Dear Ascending Family,

tumblr_inline_mu9wujOJgh1r9cfv8Plasmas are the most common form of matter, encompassing more than 99% of the space in the visible universe. Plasma permeates the entire solar system, as well as the interstellar and intergalactic environments. Yet very few people are aware of Plasma or what it is. When we are observing the Milky Way, the constellations or a bright star in the night sky, we are seeing luminous spheres of plasma that are held together by their own internal magnetic field. The nearest visible luminous sphere of plasma to the earth, is the Sun.

Plasmas are electromagnetic systems made from groupings of particles, which exhibit an overall zero net charge in its collective result.  Plasma can also be described as an ionized gas existing within an electrically neutral medium, or in groups of unbound positive and negative particles. Plasmas are extremely conductive, and they carry electrical currents and generate magnetic fields. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is a type of gaseous substance that consists of ions and free electrons.

However, gases and plasmas are distinct states of matter. Plasmas display vastly different properties and complexities, which far exceed those found in gases or other states of matter.  A distinguishing quality of Plasma is that it has collective behavior, which changes its impact in a field, based upon the whole. Plasma is difficult to study because it is extremely hot and does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless it is enclosed in a container.

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Life as Art – More from Bowie

This video communique has some transmission problems (possibly by Bowie’s energies) but this message contains more philosophical dialog than the other two, so I’m posting for those interested in the unique consciousness that is (still) David Bowie.

This transmission courtesy Elisa Medhus and her crossed-over son, Eric – who makes connections with souls “upstairs” – Continue reading

Care for Ascending Animals

Steven reiki animal logo greens.jpg

Some of us feel the waves of ascension more than others. Animals may well feel vibrational changes even more acutely than humans.

Their responses to shifting photonic tides may not occur simultaneously with yours, as everything, with its own unique energetic signature, hits “reverb” in its own timing.

Please keep in heart and mind the experiences of any animals in your life… animals can have challenging days too, and your awareness, compassion, and care can make a big difference to them.  ox W

Ascending Schumann Resonance

Many online articles and videos talk about the energy shifts that are happening now, and specifically, how the Earth’s ascending resonant frequency is affecting humanity. What most of these references do not mention is how these changes are also affecting our animal friends. Animals, domesticated or wild, have a much stronger link with Mother Earth that most humans. It stands to reason, therefore, that they are experiencing ascension symptoms of their own.

Ascension Symptoms in Animals

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Working with Transmutation

531754_380275865405095_1370125295_n - Version 2Sharing a couple of videos here by a woman who participated in one of my earlier ascension groups.  Wow that seems lifetimes ago!

That group was an online community that provided some connection with others who were navigating the exponentially amped-up energies and experiences which are part and parcel of this experience I typically refer to as our ascension.

We are moving into far more rarified fields of the cosmos that involve profound transformations in how we perceive and participate in life itself… I’ll call it the Truth of Life Itself here, as our planet has been locked into a false matrix created by occult consciousness that had (well, still has) an agenda of feeding off the stress energies that generate from being chained into a system not of our true essence and not benevolent.

Following is Meg Benedicte presenting at the recent Conscious Life Expo in LA. The video includes a visualization process that might serve you. Numerous references rang for me re: my own experiences and understandings. I’m including the graphic of the lotus & light above as one I use to visualize “receiving” the light (as is mentioned in the process) that you might find helpful. Continue reading

Living in Luxury – with the Dead

You can’t, as they say, make this stuff up! A bit afield of my usual fare, but quite fascinating, so here it is. Prepare to be astounded; a load of photos follow.  Whitehawk

Beverly Hills of the Dead: Luxury Tombs Complete with Kitchens & Air Conditioning

By MessyNessy


A friend of mine just returned from travelling in the Philippines and told me I should look into a cemetery located in the capital of Manila where the dead have better houses than the living.

He was right. Most of these “homes” have their own fully-functioning kitchens, bathrooms and even bedrooms where relatives can sleep alongside their buried relatives. In some cases, they live amongst the dead full-time. The tombs are bigger than most houses and line real two-way streets within the cemetery grounds. It’s dubbed “the Beverley Hills of the Dead”.

Lead image (c) Daniel Braun


(c) Edgar on Flickr


(c) Edgar on Flickr

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The House of Eternal Return

LKIMG_3377-980x653Friends: this is one of two amazing places I was excited to share with you, as I mentioned in my previous post (Bowie’s New Project). This one is just beyond beyond. It’s a “multidimensional, multi-portal” real-life full-immersion virtual reality/  dreamscape environment. The sheer collaborative creative juice and effort that went into this is staggering. And exhilarating!

Its mastermind is the author of the Game of Thrones series, and many artists participated in this highly dramatic maze of experiences that are driven by what explorers do in there. I encourage you to click through to the website where a report of considerable depth provides a tour not only of this wonderland, but much of the background of its development as well.

LKIMG_4014-980x653Following are a few opening paragraphs for this piece… which (if you navigate over there) will delight you with two slideshows showing various spaces and concepts in this incredible place, and link you to video if you choose to keep going!

I bow to all who took part in this amazing manifestation, and envy folks who live in/near Santa Fe who can go popping through portals and exploring worlds not found elsewhere. ~Whitehawk

SANTA FE, NM—The Meow Wolf art complex looks like a strip mall from another dimension. Located in downtown Santa Fe, its massive main building—a former bowling alley—is covered in zig-zagging lines of explosive color. The parking lot is dominated by towering metal sculptures of a spider and a robot. Its landlord is George RR Martin, author of the Game of Thrones series, and its tenants are a high-tech artist collective called Meow Wolf, known previously for building a full-scale spaceship that visitors could explore. Continue reading

Bowie’s New Project

Of possible interest to Bowie fans as well as anyone interested in a few insights re: how things work in the afterlife realm – which spans a vast and various spectrum of frequencies generally referred to as 4D.

[The 4th density is where all earth-centric consciousness, dreams, thought-forms, various entities, and discarnate souls “live.” Our graduation to 5D is expected to end any involvement with 3D or 4D, which are said to be “folding up” or expiring once 5D earth is achieved. This in itself boggles and naturally raises questions, but moving on here … ]

Where one “settles” in this expansive realm depends on the energetic signatures held by a person. Naturally.  :)

First Contact w/David

davidbowie-promo-650The day after he passed, I relayed on this blog what I’d heard via a rather adept medium about Bowie’s crossing over. That post is here. It basically shared that David was immersed in luminous energy fields, zooming around in bliss, and not interested in communicating anything beyond “maybe later – kinda busy with my transition here!” Of note was the absence of the usual “reuniting with family, life review, etc.” that we tend to hear so much about.

Well, a few months pass, and our friend began getting little taps on the shoulder (so to speak) from the star man, who wanted to give an update on his ‘afterlife experience.’ Continue reading

Bashar Cliff Notes in 55 minutes

Someone put a script together of ideas taught by Bashar & the Essassani, and in this video (audio) a computer ‘reads’ it for you. I’ve been running around while playing it, but I’m liking what I caught and will return to listen more attentively. Inspiring, encouraging, empowering. Enjoy:

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