The Famed Hidden Hand Dialogue

I remember when this originally ‘hit’ back in 2008 – it blew me away big time. It represents some of my earlier ‘disclosure exposure’ re: a unique POV concerning why things ARE the way they are here, and the connections with Earth’s ascension. It was shocking. Also ‘illuminating,’ so to speak. Certainly intriguing in a chilling way. I knew of David Icke’s ideas but hadn’t really embraced them… stuffed them in a ‘maybe later’ file, basically. Curious how I couldn’t seem to interest others in this at the time either. :-/  Interesting that Salla is revisiting it now, with insights & commentary, eight years later. As always: open eyes, discerning mind.  ox Whitehawk

(Still experiencing formatting problems in WP, dang!)

NOTE: If you’d be interested to read the ‘hidden hand’ material in its entirety (not to mention properly formatted), I dedicated a post to it in 2013, which you can read here (following initial comments by yours truly).

“Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. Reality is reality. And you have the power to express your reality within the game, once you have learnt how to do so.”  – Hidden Hand


by Michael Salla

The “Hidden Hand Dialogue” is a set of questions and answers given by a self-described Illuminati insider and members of the Above Top Secret Forum that was recorded in October 2008. The insider responds to questions in a sincere and consistent way, and reveals valuable information about the secret control mechanisms used by an elite group of insiders he calls “The Family”.

Among the many insights s/he gives is that the leadership of the family is very much aligned with a group of extraterrestrial visitors. If genuine, the Hidden Hand dialogues provide many answers to how our world is secretly run, how the extraterrestrial question applies to it, and what may happen as we approach what many describe as an “Ascension Event.”

The Hidden Hand dialogue is based on the premise that secret elite groups control our planet and have been doing so for millennia. These elite groups have been described as the “Illuminati,” the “Incunabula,” “Nephilim,” etc., in books such as Rule By Secrecy, Gods of Eden, and The Biggest Secret. The basic idea is that a select group of families with distinct bloodlines have accumulated power and pass this on from one generation to another. In fact, this is precisely how the insider (the “Hidden Hand”) introduces him- or herself, and describes the group to which he belongs:

I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family, our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another. Continue reading

Light on the Dark Forces, the Game Plan, and Ascension

Here’s something *really* different for the WwW blog: humanity’s Game of Life and the ascension cycle according to a spokesperson for the Luciferian team. It is fascinating, illuminating and, I believe, important for our awareness and comprehension of the big picture. It also provides context, I believe, that can help us deal with the nimagesegativity around us.

Several years ago (2008), I read what follows in its original interview format, and found it (in its 60-page revelatory depth) jaw-dropping. What I’m posting here might be considered “Illuminati Lite,” tho by blog standards it’s still fairly lengthy. The person speaking calls himself “Hidden Hand” (and I’m surmising this is a man) and claims to be part of the negatively polarized “catalyst for change” on this planet. I have no reason to doubt him. He explains Life from the point of view of the oppressive ‘hidden force’ that’s been controlling this world and inflicting misery on it for eons. EONS.

If you’re like me, you’re apt to find yourself often exasperated with the whole dark agenda that’s been driving events and instilling fear on this planet for centuries… and which seems to be coming to a climax NOW. We’re aghast by how “godless” the powers that be can be. We’re appalled at the horrific ecological assaults, the relentless war mongering… and the overall extent of downright cruel practices this extraordinarily powerful group perpetuates at every level of earthly existence.

This ‘priest,’ whose soul’s journey has been in service to (or one with) Lucifer for millennia, articulates a perspective unlike anything you may have ever imagined before. (Unless of course you’ve been researching these matters on your own.) Ultimately, I find this information enlightening. I feel that the understanding that can be gleaned here actually provides relief from the perceived insane torment this planet and its inhabitants have suffered for so very long.

Continue reading

Birds, Shootings, Pole Shifts, 2012 & More

Birds, Shootings, Pole Shifts, 2012 & More as Seen by Matthew

This latest message from Matthew has a few unique items, so I post it here for your perusal and discernment.

Blessings, W

Matthew Ward — January 15, 2011

Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks’ effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about happenings in your world as observed from our vantage point. By far the most requests for our comments are two matters of great concern to many, thus we begin by addressing those.

2. The shooting in Tucson, Arizona, was as reported, a mentally unstable young man’s attempt to kill Congresswoman Giffords and as many of her supporters as he could, but it was not the “senseless act” as often described. The shooter was acting under mind control and all who were killed or wounded either followed original soul contracts wherein they had chosen to participate in an event with “a higher purpose” or just prior to the shooting, they amended their contracts to include that incident for that same purpose.

3. While it was unquestionably traumatic on a conscious level for those who were wounded and their families, and a tragedy for all who loved the persons who were killed, at soul level the participants willingly served to force attention on the inevitable results of increasingly vitriolic rhetoric in a society that has become inured to that kind of speech as well as violence. Continue reading