The Internalized Cosmic Predator

I’ve been on a ride here this morning re: concepts that contemporary culture can largely trace back to Castaneda’s books about a Toltec nagual (mesoamerican sorcerer, shaman, shapeshifter) called don Juan Matus.

Related imageI admit to never really engaging much with Castaneda’s books. I’d start one, then leave it… the content could get more darkly challenging than my “tender spirit” was prepared to take on board. It’s the sort of thing that I had to take in small bites over many years to connect dots and assimilate into my broader sense of existence. Too much at once can create severe cognitive indigestion!

Image result for "assemblage point" meaningIt was actually after his death (or his shift into another realm, as was part of the Castaneda mystique & narrative at the time) that I read with interest the reflective (aka “tell all” ;) writings of his female apprentices Amy Wallace, Taisha Abelar, and Florinda Donner-Grau. Their accountings ran the gamut from fascinating to appalling – like so many cult exposès tend to be.

The Assemblage Point

Image result for "assemblage point" meaningToday’s thematic flow began with my pondering the Toltec notion of the assemblage point – an interesting concept that there is an actual small point (I’m imagining it as a highly condensed or concentrated portal) in, or at the edge of, the human lightbody that determines the reality in which a person exists.

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More re: Mogay, Archons & Us


More re: Mogay, Archons, and Us as We Move Deeper into Higher Frequencies

I’ve noticed a fresh wave of interest in the Interview with a Stranded Alien post from last year, so I watched it again and have more to say about this, and also would like to bring your attention to another interview while here, as both are related imo.

For your discernment

First: the Mogay entity coming through Kim (the channel) sounds like an archonic being putting a more… positive?… or at least more neutral… and expansive … spin on its “interface” with humanity than I’ve heard anywhere else.

In a way it brings to mind the epic Hidden Hand interview that I’ve discussed here intermittently over the years.

It’s actually a fascinating spin to take into consideration, explaining how this very alien “life form,” if one could even call it this (it’s a conscious electric energy), got catapulted into our solar system by a catastrophic cosmic event in an altogether other universe, leaving them stranded in a strange land, and doing what they had to to adapt to their circumstances.

Then: last night I listened to another interview that I’d also heard sometime last year, about a psychologist’s career dealing with scores of schizophrenics in prison (where schizophrenics typically end up, as public mental institutions have largely been defunded and shuttered in recent decades). Continue reading

Genetic Plasms, Filaments, Ecstasy & the Beginning of Life

Once, in a sublime point in timelessness, during a ripe, immeasurable moment…

sophiadreamingIt’s always a pleasant surprise to see a new interview with John Lash turn up, as did this one with Lisa Harrison. John is such a unique voice and point of perception in the world—a gnostic researcher extraordinaire and a natural teacher make for some time well spent, as far as this bird is concerned! Even his name intrigues me: John Lamb Lash. Where does a name like this come from? :-}

Lisa Harrison just spent 3 hours talking with John and I’ve posted the two segments here for your pleasure and ponderance. It’s a vast ride through the cosmos, during which we meet the great goddess Gaia Sophia, and the mysteries of this befuddling existence are explained from a perch seldom noticed by earth-dwellers.

Love to you… Whitehawk

Quoting Lisa: “My conversation with John Lash was so enjoyable and the information so in depth that this became part 1 of a 2 part conversation. John gives his most complete, concise telling of the Sophianic Myth as well as an in depth understanding of who/what the Archons really are.”

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