Life’s Mysteries & Meanings

This conversation on “Afterlife TV” between host Bob Olson and author Robert Schwartz about our relationship with our own soul makes for an hour well spentespecially if you’re curious about reincarnation, karma, relationships, struggle, etc… and this mysterious, dynamic, ongoing dance between Soul & Human.

Schwartz is deep, clear, articulate… and provides plenty to ponder. His book is Your Soul’s Gift.

Enjoy :) W

Life’s Mysteries & Meanings from a Soul’s Perspective

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The Cumulative Soul

Every now and then I post a message from Matthew, as received from ‘beyond’ via his mother, Suzie Ward. This one gets into discussion about the soul as well as some encouragement about the future:


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion.

This acceleration is causing the Illuminati to take irrationally desperate measures to cling to their remnants of control in New York City and Washington, DC.

Often fingers have pointed at the United States for self-serving interference in other countries’ affairs, and with justification—all significant federal actions from Day One have been the work of individuals in the Illuminati’s Rockefeller faction within that nation’s government and military forces, all without the knowledge of the citizenry, who mistakenly thought their voices and votes counted.

Let us tell you what evolved civilizations have long observed about your world.

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Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments

383739_489611594423588_505711310_nI’ve mentioned as a resource before on this blog. Tom, the man behind the montauk site, does an impressive job of researching gritty matters that most ‘light workers’ do not want to even think about – but they are part and parcel of the situation here.

This article reminds us how crucial it is to take responsibility for the activity we let occupy our minds. What is alive (even if hiding in shadows) in our consciousness creates not only our experience but the greater world we all share; consciousness is the causal realm of the physical. We’ve been at a distinct disadvantage by being unable to see into this nonphysical dimension, and our ignorance has helped keep us down.

This and other pieces by Tom have been run on Wakeup-World, linked below. Numerous books suggested below as well.

Also related to this subject here on the Winging with Whitehawk blog:   oxW

By Montalk

Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites, so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites, discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their thoughts, feelings, and personality.

The present situation is analogous to how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.

Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thoughtforms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or larvae.

Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of that type.

These thoughtforms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thoughtforms generated by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thoughtforms are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and moments of ill intent.

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Energetic Awareness

by Matt Kahn

Whether you are rediscovering your life from a more expanded level of consciousness, or believe your shift has yet to occur, today’s energy update is dedicated to serving both sides of experience in becoming aware of the new energy that has anchored into Earth.

May it assist in embracing the uniqueness of all subjective experiences to expand perceptions and welcome into view the ultimate reality that each of us so beautifully embody.Summer field with white daisies on blue sky. Ukraine, Europe. Be

In my previous energy update, I noted how the emotional and physical bodies are often the final aspects to shift as new energy dawns. If we now know the last places where shifts often occur, we can take the next step of exploring the initial pieces of evidence where the changes of energetic expansion can be noticed.

Even though a common attribute of new paradigm energy is a palpable sense of vast spacious emptiness, I want to really dive into exploring where these shifts begin for the benefit of all. Continue reading

What Happened?

It almost pains me to post this follow-up video by Susie Beiler, who expected to ‘dematerialize’ on the 28th. I hate to say, this reminds me of other channels who’ve received ‘concrete’ messages that then became an “oops – change of plans!” scenario. So keep raising your vibration…the superwave would have interfered with your progress (???).

For your discernment. ox W