Called to Stand Tall

:::celestial chimes ringing:::

“Hellooo, this is your soul calling… “

Basically how I’m feeling currently – as though prompted to reach a bit higher “up the dial” to a nice clear signal that’s reaching back towards me.

Feeling a sense of urgency to stand a bit taller, breathe a bit deeper & beam light more actively… with more defined intention & focus.

Is my inner Master of the Universe rising? The Goddess Kundalini tapping my crown? The Soular Home Team checking in? I invite you to join in this cosmic activation & synthesis, to invigorate your own fabulous, blessed s/heroes & champions from whom you can draw strength, courage & vision for the changing times ahead!

Good stuff follows from Sandra Walter for anyone open to some introspective self-eval as an ascension exercise. (Sounds like great fun eh! gulp) Might be a useful clarification tool or practice, getting clear as we move deeper into cosmic energies that are cracking open humanity’s cosmic consciousness and collective heart. Could get bumpy as incoming energies increasingly flood into the lower frequencies held by the masses, who might require a solid conk to wake them up and start smelling’ some coffee. Could also get increasingly ‘bumpy’ on a personal level as old stuck energies, habits, beliefs, etc flush to the surface for personal review, healing, clearing, and course correction. Maybe. Makes sense to me. If you don’t mind my sayin’. ;)

May all who surf these rumbling waters stay buoyant & balanced, with grace & ease. May all manifest in ways that increase energies of joy & a sense of meaning – as the ride we’re on plays out. 

Bless you, bless it all.




One of the Mastery exercises we did together during Presence was a deep self-evaluation. Mastery always includes self-review, intention setting; and revealing our core motivations. With the energies flowing for revelation, we accelerate the global revelation process by doing the good work ourselves.

Remember: As the frequencies increase (literally faster vibrations), so does the power of Unity Consciousness. Everything we do affects the whole in stronger ways.

Kundalini Conversations

Kundalini Awakening: Symptoms Everyone Should Know! - SpiritualifyAs you are aware if you’ve spent any time here at the Whitehawk blog, Kundalini has been a prevailing theme in my life, beginning with a minor K awakening in the late 80s/early 90s, and a far more extreme activation about a decade later that flowed on dramatically (life alteringly!) for about seven years.

During this second round, a threshold seemed to be transcended upon meeting someone with whom I experienced a particular, profound resonance – unlike anything I had known prior – which set me off on a seriously wild & intoxicating ride. Kundalini changes virtually everything in/about one’s human experience.

A Hindu term, darshan, addresses this spontaneous ignition of Kundalini via transmission through contact with another person, or sometimes even through adoring a statue of a deity that’s been worshiped for so long that it, too, can actually emanate enough energy to transmit darshan to believers.

I’ve noticed a renewed wave of interest in Kundalini, and also in Penny Kelly, whose first book (of the many she’s written), Evolving Human, was big for me on the subject. (I had first encountered the term Kundalini in The Stormy Search for the Self, by Christina Grof, during my first dance with K.)

One thing I appreciate about Penny is her languaging. She writes well and describes her experiences in “plain English” as opposed to others (i.e. the “grandfather of Kundalini for the modern age,” Gopi Krishna) whose concepts can be harder to follow due to the Indian cultural & spiritual orientation.

Penny just posted this YouTube – apparently the first of a series – on Kundalini: Continue reading

Are You Experiencing a Spiritual Emergency?

Image of a depressed man and a candle symbolic of the spiritual emergency I’ve been in and out of “spiritual emergencies” during my “emergence” journey since about 1990. My first exposure to the phrase spiritual emergency was via Christina Grof in the book, The Stormy Search for the Self – still a valuable read if this subject speaks to you.

Also: I’ve always considered the Lonerwolf team – Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol – to know of what they speak, so I share this with confidence that someone out there needs it, or at least portions thereof. (It’s also currently published on Wakeup World.)   Bless us, every one!  Whitehawk

15 Signs You’re Experiencing a Spiritual Emergency

by Aletheia Luna

You’ve gone through a tremendous spiritual awakening. Your life perspective has changed drastically. You’re no longer the same person you once were a few years ago.

But something has gone horribly wrong.

While others on the spiritual path are reveling in their deep insights, you feel suffocated under the weight of an existential crisis.

While others are busy reconnecting with their meaning of life, you can barely function in a job or even get out of bed to shower.

While others feel a deeper sense of peace and alignment, you feel like you’re on the verge of going crazy or being sucked into the black hole of depression forever.

What on earth has happened? Continue reading


The Illuminated Rumi is an exquisitely beautiful book, and one of my most treasured.

This page (pictured below), these words, and this image in particular were “mine,” as I left my former life in the wake of a profound kundalini awakening – or opening – to areas of consciousness and experience beyond anything previously known.

I actually copied this page and displayed it prominently on my wall. Seeing it again (thank you, Karen Boyden Phelps) makes my heart o p e n  again!

~Whitehawk    (More below image.)

Image may contain: text that says 'But don't be satisfied with poems and stories of how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth, without complicated explanation, so everyone will understand the passage, W E HAVE OPENED YOU Start walking toward Shams. Your legs will get heavy and tired Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you've grown, lifting.'
WE HAVE OPENED YOU. From The Illuminated Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks and illustrated by Michael Green.
Continue reading

When Spirit Leaps

Sharing this review of Bonnie Greenwell’s latest book, posted by “litebeing” Linda on her blog (linked below). Bonnie Greenwell is one of the pioneering psychotherapists who took on the formidable phenomenon of awakened kundalini – which has been an ongoing (and challenging, and confusing, and defining) experience in my life. Gratitude to Linda.

Bless all, Whitehawk

Book Review: When Spirit Leaps ~ Navigating the Process of Spiritual Awakening by Bonnie L. Greenwell PhD Continue reading

The Guardian of Morals & Human Evolution

 The following excerpt was taken from one of Gopi Krishna’s writings. Gopi Krishna was an Indian householder of government employ (if memory serves) whose kundalini experience forced him out of the family home into a remote cabin where he could be alone in silence and contemplation for a very long time – years – as he surrendered to kundalini. His experiences were deep and profound in body and soul. His writing, to modern readers, can seem a bit dense to absorb… as might be said of many spiritual classics.

After his long initiation he returned to “life” and wrote copious documentation about his experiences and also his understandings of what kundalini is. He was the first person to come out in television interviews and discuss this phenomenon – if interviewers were up to taking it on! Gopi Krishna’s material is still well worth studying for anyone interested in or experiencing kundalini.

The evolutionary process of active kundalini is spiritual, moral and biological.

Gopi Krishna considered Prana as the key, and foresaw a time when we would understand more about how this intelligent energy works within our human frame. I pray this time is soon to be upon us! So much has to do with turning away from the battlegrounds of life and turning toward love, nurturance, compassion, etc. Kundalini is the Great Mother, the Holy Spirit, the Heart, the integration of spirit & form.

It’s interesting that Nikola Tesla also mentions this future research of Prana briefly in one of his articles. I surmise that prana and plasma are related, and we have plenty to learn about both. ~Whitehawk

The Guardian of Morals and Human Evolution

by Gopi Krishna

Prana, as has been said, is the purifying agent of the body and the mind – the most important agent of the body and the mind. The most important psychological changes in the character of an enlightened person would be that he or she would be compassionate and more detached. There would be less ego, without any tendency toward violence or aggression or falsehood.

The awakened life energy is the mother of morality, because all morality springs from this awakened energy. Since the very beginning, it has been this evolutionary energy that has created the concept of morals in human beings. It is not an expedience of our social structure that is responsible for morality but rather the activity of the life energy, the guardian of our morals. Continue reading

The Future of Money


Sharing an interview between Penny Kelly and Anja Schuetz, who started a youtube channel to discuss matters re: changes and potential changes coming to affect the current financial paradigm. If you’re  interested in the money segment exclusively, Anja has excerpted that portion and provides a separate link to it in her intro copy – numerous topics are touched upon in the full interview.

As you may be aware, Penny Kelly’s kundalini launched big-time nearly 40 years ago when she was a budding GM executive. This radical experience set her on an impressive and expansive journey (not in the auto industry!), and she’s authored numerous illuminating books about her experiences and understandings. I’m always interested to hear her take on a subject – she’s so down home and out-there brilliant at once.

I also feel moved to remind all that timelines are not only malleable, but multitude as well. Whole other discussion; just mentioning that foreseen events are not cast in stone! Prevailing consciousness is powerful and not to be underestimated.

Anja Schuetz’s blurb follows (I was tempted to make a few edits but left it intact), and below that is the video.

By the way, the three videos Anja linked are Penny’s interviews with Regina Meredith, which were posted on this blog when they became available within the last year.  ox:W

Continue reading

Your Connection to Your Holy Mental Self

MichaelArchangel Michael message
via Ronna Herman

September 2018

Beloved masters, as you move forward on the path of en-Lighten-ment, and you come to a better understanding of cosmic law and the workings of the universe, we welcome the opportunity to occasionally give you a better understanding of some of the concepts of Creation and the complexity of the physical vessel.

Therefore, we would like to give you an in-depth explanation of the composition of the Etheric Body and its importance in the process of ascension. The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body.

The Etheric Body is composed of the physical aura, which conveys your physical state of health via various colors and the distortions – or lack thereof – within the Etheric Web patternThe emotions of pain, suffering and resentment are thought forms which are keeping you from embracing and becoming the Bearer of Light you were meant to be. Continue reading

The Nature of Spiritual Risk

One from Open, via

Understanding the Nature of Risk on the Spiritual Path

by Open

There will come a point on the spiritual path where there’s nothing for it but to risk all. It’s when you hit the edge of ultimate freedom — to begin to walk the blade edge of life.

The soul wants to flow as freedom. It doesn’t calculate what is logical, safe, or will gain the best practical outcome. It is yearning to be forged by the crucible of life into something immortal, beyond fear and limitation. Not that the soul doesn’t have boundaries, not that it doesn’t blend into rigid realities, it does. But it’s purpose is to be the expression of the unbounded, unconstrained, fearlessness of the One. That’s why there will come a point on the path to risk all.

It’s time to break through the glass ceiling.

Risk is the antithesis of security. It’s where you’re presented with a choice and you have no idea what’s on the other side. You don’t know if what you’re being invited to do will work, or where it will lead. Let’s be clear — truly following the soul will take you to the limit of what you feel secure. This is the crux point, which pulls on all the remaining ties of ego.

And that’s exactly why you’ll hit the ‘glass ceiling’ if you’re truly walking the path. You’ll encounter the final restraint that provides shelter and comfort to the ego. To break the glass ceiling, is to dive right into your fear. At this point, ego explodes and full kundalini is activated.

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Life, Dismantled

[Edited to add 3rd video]

What might happen after one’s kundalini rises? We’re not talking about the next day, like a hangover. We’re talking months, maybe years, maybe indefinitely throughout this life. A deep dance with kundalini creates deep, undeniable change – possibly (imo probably) permanently.

Something prompted me to check around YouTube for kundalini-related videos this morning; something I haven’t done in years. I was surprised to find this young woman (I’m guessing mid-20s?) possessing the breadth of awareness she has re: profound spiritual awakening and the typical 1-2 aftershocks of ego loss and a dark night of the soul. She obviously knows of what she speaks first hand. Continue reading

The Primary Aim of Your Life

I almost took a pass on this video (below) but glad I didn’t, because this man’s message spoke to me. (It also got me writing a lot more here than I had anticipated when I sat down!)

As you may know

A good chunk of my professional life revolved around writing, editing, publishing, and producing media & events that inspire. I grew up pretty much inhaling the classics that encouraged us to, basically, “believe and achieve” . . . and as the joke goes, I evolved from a user to a pusher of this genre that has exploded in myriad directions over the years.

As time went on, my inherent mystical nature expanded greatly and eventually my kundalini woke up and roared. I surrendered to this experience as opposed to seeking a way out of it, ie medical “help,” which of course would involve drugs and diagnoses that would never approximate the truth of what I was experiencing. I felt that kundalini had stepped in to take care of some major business on a soul level, and I was not going to sabotage it. Continue reading

Kundalini Awakening from an African Perspective

Here’s an illuminating POV re: the various elements that may be involved with awakened kundalini from the Ngoma African tradition, which is new to me. I respect the author’s degree of experience, level of awareness, and cultural lens.

The ‘spirit mentors’ with whom I consulted during my peak activation years told me my kundalini was addressing all manner of issues passed down through the physical and energetic DNA of my biological lineage as well as my personal incarnational experiences… something referred to here as being “bothered by the ancestors”!  W

By Gogo Thule Ngane

If you are a part of any spiritual community or circle these days you may have come across the concepts of “waking up” spiritually and kundalini symptoms, as well as the concept that the vibration or consciousness on the planet is rising and many shifts are happening.

Kundalini energy naturally dwells within us all. We came into this world with a mission or destiny of sorts. Very few of us are raised in environments or cultural contexts that are fully aware of this and thus, raise children to adapt to their environment, as opposed to seeing who this child came into the world to be and help to grow that soul purpose out of the child at a young age. Thus “spontaneous” or a divine series of events begin to peel the layers of our conditioning to bring forth who we truly are and have come into this world to be. Continue reading

Kundalini, Ego Loss, Detachment & Aloneness

Posting another kundalini video conversation with Brooke Robertson. Her blurb follows:

As we move from our old identity many things will be stripped away from us that defined us in that old identity. It may be that the attachments strip away, or the actual forms, or both.

But in this stripping away we can feel so lost and so empty – lost at sea with nothing that excites or drives us anymore – are you coming into the reality of yourself? When I speak of aloneness I am not talking about isolation or detachment in those ways. I am talking about not using anything to make it better for you.

It’s between you and your Kundalini. That’s all that’s left. Continue reading