Rush to August Rush

Hi All,

I saw a film over the weekend on DVD that I can’t get out of my mind (or, heart).  It’s called August Rush, and it would never have even blipped across my radar had someone not alerted me to it, for which I am so grateful!  Because it is rare to find a story, cast, overall cinematic ambience, etc. etc., that is as touching, moving, and inspiring as is this art-on-disc.  It’s a gift for the whole family, about a musical prodigy who ‘escapes’ the home for boys he grew up in, and enters into a magnificent, victorious hero’s journey adventure in New York.  

When it ended, I played the last scene several more times (moved to tears each time, I kid you not), Continue reading

Join Me at the Temple

While reviewing the Sovereignty post just now, I had a charming little moment with the flutey primitive music playing (have you tried the player to the right here? very nice accompaniment) while gazing into the masthead up top, of Whitehawk at the Mayan Temple.  Just thought I’d mention it, and invite you to feel the music and let your imagination join me at the temple for a minute or two :).  The air is clear, the vibe fresh, and the view of the emerging world is inspiring — and it was all foreseen centuries ago from this very perch. 

Then, when ready, catch the next thermal and revel in the buoyancy of your forward-moving life.  Buoyancy, as I learned during my merge with Oneness (will post that tale eventually), is a primary quality of Oneness, and is as sublime as it gets.



POST SCRIPT 11 months later: Just rereading (an re-enjoying) this post. However, it brings to light the fact that the ‘player to the right here’ is now nowhere to be found!  Must’ve been a WordPress feature that went away (?) … I see nothing about it on my dashboard here, either.  Too bad.  Really worked with this post.

Sovereignty & Discernment

I’m feeling moved to mention a few things today before adding more posts to this blog.

First: I am a traveler on this Earth Tour just like you and all the rest of us.  My reflections here come about because I’ve had an array of experiences over the course of this life that have not quite jibed with the expected contents of an “ordinary middle-class American girl” file.  I’ve had my own X Files all along;  have been a closet “experiencer,” and the experiences have evolved all along… but the past 10-15 or so years have brought on things that are quantum leaps from what I was used to — being, primarily, OBEs.  For ages I kept these experiences to myself, save one particular confidante (my poor mother, who’d listen and just sort of sigh in response ;-).  (I must add though… eventually she offered to pop for me to go to The Monroe Institute to really explore this “gift” in a big way. I declined her gracious offer, eventually getting to Monroe via my own resources.  I know that, from whatever plane she is observing current events and my trajectory, she “gets” me much more now than she did on earth!)

Now, OBEs have taken my energetic self (or soul, astral body, energy body… I use these terms interchangeably)  into scenes and situations my physical form simply would never “normally” experience.  So, these experiences sent me searching for information re: what they meant.  I’ve sought to understand a greater context for my experiences; this is a great galactic puzzle full of interdimensional holographic pieces to grapple with; no one I’m aware of has received the Big Book of Answers to Everything.  Anyway, what began as simple OBEs opened up into much more, although there is an OBE-related theme being:  explorations of the beyond-mundane.  At this point I believe I have a rudimentary understanding of a very very vast, multi-dimensional, multi-phasic, multiversal orchestration now playing out on our planet, in our solar system, and far beyond.  The vastness of it makes it difficult to express in ‘bytes’ here, as I’ve mentioned before.

I’m clear that millions of “mere humans” are waking up from a profound trance of limitation — such as having been “encouraged” to engage only 8 or 9% of our brain’s capacity, and the same for our “mysterious” DNA, which of course has no JUNK at all, just highly maleable, magnificent elements coming online at intermittent points determined by the greater context (ie, how The Program is assimilating into mass human reality) combined with a more personal level of evolutionary awareness and readiness to inch (or leap) forward another step.


What I share here is *not* intended to be interpreted as gospel, or that I KNOW everything; rather, my missives are based on my subjective experiences combined with many years of sleuthing for clues re: the whys and wherefores re: this rabbit hole.  If you are way ahead of me (or at least believe you are), then what I say here may seem flawed or lacking.  If you are on a parallel trail, or a step or two behind me, then what I say here may help you open up a bit to get a sense of how this Big Picture is playing out through all us Human Cameras — which depends so much on how we are focusing our lenses and developing our findings!

The bottom line being — use your discernment re: anything I or anyone else imparts.  “Question authority, including your own” and all that.  There IS a great story unfolding in our midst, in the very air we breathe and earth we walk upon and grids we pulse along… and, everyone is unique.  So while in some ways we are sharing commonalities, in other ways we have our own cocktails of ingredients to deal with — our own histories of lifetimes and their consequences on and off this planet; our own ‘human’ lineage of physical and psycho-emotional karmas that influence our trajectory (ie, ancestral stuff passed down through the physical plane), and our own dreams and desires about the future.  (And all of this in a system in which time and physicality are actually illusions for our 3D educational benefit; another whole kettle of fish!)  We are each staggeringly unique.

This is exciting and affirming and also a little scary, depending on how comfortable you are with sovereignty.  Having support during this great passage is wonderful (and why I’m stepping up here, to the extent I can given the medium, which I envision expanding considerably), but ultimately self-sovereignty is an important quality to cultivate.  We are each ultimately responsible for our own experience, and how we manage it.  If it helps you to embrace the idea, maybe look at it this way:  the world does not need another cookie-cutter copy of someone else glomming up the grids; it needs an authentic version of YOU and your own personal, radiant, essential contribution.

One more thing before hitting “publish” here — given the conflicting neurotic issues I have about putting anything out for anyone else’s consumption before it’s PERFECT (being a writer/editor), combined with the nagging sense of having a logjam of things to impart that I just can’t get out fast enough considering the first ‘challenge’ mentioned above, what I’m going for is this:  I’m working on swallowing my desire for perfection in favor of speaking my truth (ha, see right there– I typo’d “turht”). What I’m saying is, I will try to post more often, less perfectly, with the caveat being that I will be revisiting my posts and editing them, adding to them, etc, as I am so moved.  So if you read something of interest, you  might consider revisiting it later because it probably has morphed/expanded a bit (or even considerably) in the interim.

Onward ho,


3D, 4D & 5D ~ A Dimensional Primer

Thought I’d attempt an overview of the three dimensions, or planes, that are most directly involved with we earthlings at this time.  There are actually quite a few more, but these are a good starting point; they are the most immediate to us. Also, each one has many sub-planes of further energetic distinction.   Non-physical planes aren’t really “up” as we tend to think of everything here on earth (ie, heaven is “up,” God and angels are “up,” ascension means “upwardly mobile,” etc.).  Dimensions are integrated in our midst at varying wavelengths and frequencies.  HERE.  NOW.  So the phrases “higher vibe,” or “higher dimension,” etc.,  really refer to fields of more refined frequencies.   The simplest way to imagine dimensions might be a jar full of rocks, where the rocks represent 3D, our physical reality.  In this analogy, then, 4D could be likened to sand poured into that jar, occupying the same cylinder but in a finer form.  And water could still be poured into our jar, which in this case could represent 5D — the most fluid, rarified, interpenetrating “field” of the three.

Note: There is some debate regarding the properness of the term “dimension” being used the way I am here; the term “density” is preferred by some.  I currently consider these terms essentially synonymous, which isn’t to say I’m correct.  Perhaps I’m just perpetuating an erroneous thoughtform?  Anyway — your choice as to what to do with this disclosure. :-)


Not much needs be said about 3D.  Look around — this is it; what you can see, touch, hear, etc. with your five physical senses.  It’s by far the densest of these three planes of existence.  And within 3D (as in any dimension) there are also levels of density:  ice/water/steam being an easy example.  Or dark, destructive actions vs. light, constructive ones; it’s all in play here.


A step up the vibrational bandwidth is 4D, also known as the astral plane.  This is a very busy and, depending on the subplane, possibly cacophanous place.  Lots of “noise”  (psychic discordance) and pollution, especially in the frequencies closest to the physical planes of the same “vibe” (which is what I’m primarily describing here).  Think of a thousand radio and TV stations all playing on the same frequency at once and you might get a general sense of it.  Lower 4D is where a huge slew of ‘unascended’ souls get stuck, wandering around in a low-vibe afterlife plane.  These include the so-called “ghosts” that haven’t moved on, and maybe haven’t even caught on to the fact that they have passed from their last physical life; it is typical to just replay the final moments of a lifetime in an endless “loop” in 4D, with the soul in question never realizing the scenario.  Their last battle in a war, for instance, never stops repeating;  or the scene of a deadly accident never “advances” to its conclusion.  The lower astral is also where populations of  “negs” — manipulative negative entities — thrive and do their various forms of damage.

This level of the astral plane (lower astral) is a huge mess of psychic debris — it’s where the energy of negative thoughtforms LIVE (yes, your thoughtforms literally  LIVE) … and I’m refering to the thoughts of people alive now, not merely the held over energies of the deceased.   Thoughts are FAR MORE POWERFUL than we “warm ones” ever imagine, beyond the notion that “our thoughts create our reality,” ie, they’re immediately related to US, like our goals, dreams, and fears, and their influence over personal outcomes.  Our thoughts also create etheric beings; we are literally “giving birth” in the astral realm with our meandering mindstuff.  So — it behooves us to monitor our thoughts constantly (“witness” them), and not let them become destructive runaway trains of “hating this guy or that group,” or “despising” your weight, or WHATEVER.  Because the more you create and recreate such things with an untrained mind, the stronger they become in 4D, and the more troublesome they are — for ALL OF US, because we are ALL swimming around in this murk.  Not to mention, these thoughts are creating the scaffolding of our lives quite directly; so losing weight when all you keep “seeing” (and feeling) mentally is undesirable poundage … THAT is what will keep filtering in from 4D to 3D.  (4D is also called “the causal plane” because it is the level at which what is experienced HERE is CAUSED.  4D might also be considered the subconscious realm of humanity… where all the disowned parts of us live out their sorry, dejected lives.)  The lower astral plane is a nightmare; I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

[Afterthought re: that last sentence, a couple of days after posting this.  I’m going to correct myself openly and transparently here for your benefit.  Firstly, that last sentence above is a blatantly negative judgment which is exactly what I’m advising against here!  Secondly, and very importantly… the entire realm of the lower astral is crying for HEALING and reabsorption into Light.  It doesn’t help anything to just deem it awful and turn away.  This is a core consideration for ascending souls: it’s paramount that we NOT reject/avoid/forget about parts of ourselves we don’t appreciate, approve of, or are otherwise bothersome.  The KEY here is to do our self-auditing (a big job), notice these “parts,” love them and heal them without exception, and allow them — in their healed form — re-UNION with our Selves.  As our dimensions merge (which is happening), all the stuff we haven’t wanted to bother with re: our own personal and collective psychologies have to be taken BACK.  This astral ‘garbage dump’ is being blended back into its places of origin… because WE are being brought back to the ONENESS.  There is no “garbage dump” in God… or more to the point, we cannot push stuff away as tho it is not of, or outside of God, when there IS NO SUCH PLACE.  Nothing is apart from God; all is A PART OF.  Furthermore (to amp up the ante), in our holographic universe, nothing is truly “apart” from US either; we actually ARE everything we love AND hate in this great field of God — Oneness– so healing the world IS an INSIDE JOB first!

One thing about this entire phenom is… all the karmic chicks are coming home to roost — or be healed, more precisely.  Healed first, then re-merged with their ‘parents’ (us in all our incarnations and forms).  This is a time of the ultimate healing; not the ultimate rejection/disposal/escape.  I needed to check myself!  Please keep this in mind when reading everything else here. ]

This psychic pollution is a serious issue for the entire earth plane — perhaps the entire cosmos.  It is why we have the compounding physical mess we have — by not growing up psycho-emotionally, the undertow of this lazy consciousness takes its toll.  Remember:  the consciousness we each create is very much like any other “contributions” we make to the collective environs — we can throw all our litter onto the land and into the waterways of the planet for everyone and everything to suffer with, or we can take responsibility and start cleaning up our judgmental minds.  I suggest to you — God does NOT want us to hate each other or ourselves.  God is into LOVE, which is why all these changes are coming in for us now — to facilitate our awareness of the loving essence of the Divine and KNOCK OFF THE JUDGMENTS!  This all flows into the bigger theme of “duality” vs “unity” consciousness, but later on that.  It’s important and certainly warrants its own post.

So, lower 4D is the realm of all this flooding poor mental/emotional hygiene.  It is also the realm in which most mundane dreams are played out.  Yep — they are created in a realm of ‘ethers’ just like our waking thoughts.  This is all REAL in realms the physical senses don’t perceive, which is what makes it all so easy to neglect or dismiss.  If you happen to be “fluent” in “higher dimensional perception,” or are a being living higher up the bandwidth, all of this is quite clear to see!  Our every thought plays out like holographic movies to those who can “see.”  Could be regular people with a “gift,” or dearly departeds, or any manner of witnesses.  If being your own vigilant guard against poor mental habits isn’t enough to make a good effort to change your mind, maybe the notion of the dismal show you might be providing others will help motivate you?

The 4th dimension (like all dimensions) has its vibrational gradients, and so within this overall “bandwidth” on our dial are many sub-channels of human thoughts, dreams, emotions, afterlife experiences, as well as realms which are home to nature beings like faeries, elves, and so on — yes they exist!  If we could SEE all the activity going on all around us in our neighboring dimension, we would not be able to see our hands in front of our faces, so dense is the energetic quagmire of the lower 4th dimension.  Ponder that a moment.

BTW, I might mention, that when one is IN a higher dimension (in a higher-vibe version of ones’ self, which is the case when “journeying” in OBEs, for instance, or otherwise able to tune in to those levels via consciousness)… it is every bit as “physical” as 3D is to us here.  Imagine your nocturnal dreams:  you still walk/drive/run/swim  around; see and talk to other ‘characters’ and so on very much like you do “here.” Also consider how, in dreams, you might be riding a bike one moment, and in the next you’re “suddenly” flying, or driving a sportscar, or whatever.  Or you’re wearing this outfit in one scene, but then without any segue you are suddenly wearing something entirely different, or maybe YOU are entirely different, as tho you morphed from “Joe” to “Max” in a heartbeat, or even from “Joe” to “Maxine” — !   So you have all kinds of physical sensory input in 4D… AND it is maleable, changing in a flash in response to your changing thoughts.  Which is fine when your thoughts evolve from dark to beautiful… but not helpful the other way around, because that, too, is instantly manifested “there.”  AND, keep in mind, what manifests “there” is a prototype for incoming manifestations HERE.  Another thing to take in and really digest.  This is important stuff I’m talking about, yes?  Maybe to you it’s elementary, or maybe it’s not… but in any event, IT IS WORTH REMEMBERING.


Now, “up” in the 5th dimension is where things lighten up considerably.  (BTW,  dimensional transitions are expansive zones, so “upper 4D” and “lower 5D” are essentially the same; we simply use numbering for human conceptual convenience.)

The 5th dimension is “Destination: Ascension”  for the most part.  At least, it’s the next step up the ladder, whereas 4D might be considered an in-between “sorting out” realm.  5D is beautiful.  A lovely “glow” emanates from everywhere (“the light” IS everywhere; it is what everything is made of), and all activities are loving and lovely and all creations reflect beautiful consciousness.  I have had the delightful experience of visiting 5D (at least, I feel it’s “5”!) via my lightbody during this past year much more than previously; I suspect the influx of photon energy is making this trip a much easier transition.  It is lovely, truly lovely!  There are still buildings and plants and animals, etc. in this realm.  They are just far more pleasant than in the lower realms; perfect actually.  It’s literally like visiting Utopia.  All buildings are architecturally beautiful; none of this mass-produced box stuff I’m surrounded by in the city.   Populated areas I’ve seen resemble the most picturesque European villages imaginable, and all the inhabitants are doing “work” they enjoy; each moment is an outpicturing of an inner joy.  Everyone revels in the ever-flowing expression of their creativity.  When one feels ‘complete’ with a certain activity… no problem; just turn and ‘express’ in whatever way feels juicy in the ‘new moment.’   And — check this — I have seen NO EVIDENCE of “money,” I gather because money is an artificial construct of exchange (and, I might add, manipulation) in the current financial structures of 3D  that is worthless in 5D.  Why?  Again, imagine “dreaming.”  It’s a lighter environment; you manifest instantly in the moment.

Same with “cars” — NOT NECESSARY.  In the lightbody form you are in in 5D, you simply blip in and out of locations.  Big fun!  (Getting around energetically like this is one application of our grid system.)  Of course, if driving thrills you, I imagine you could manifest the wheels of your dreams to tool around in; I suspect you’d magnetize yourself to a community where autophiles congregate.  In MY visits, all I can say is — “roads” are sweet, meandering, and pathlike; they are perfect for pedestrians.  So I’d venture to say, the “vibe” I resonate with personally (which is all-important in these higher-frequency realms) is peaceful, beautiful, and village-like.  (Much like a living Kincaid painting actually, now that I think about it :-}  Pristine countryside awaits me half a mile away, with forests and trails that lead up into nearby mountains.  Various furry and feathered darlings come forth and commune with me as I mosey along.  That’s my bliss.  There’s no traffic.   As a city dweller currently, traffic (and its noise and pollution) stress me out considerably!  Though I do enjoy a country drive on a nice day… the point being: if I want a car in 5D, I’m sure I’d land in a place where nice, quiet, fuel-free cool cars were part of the lifescape.

transcendingI can accept the things that I’m talking about here because I’ve been where it really IS THIS.  I am sharing with you honestly about my experiences, hopefully to inspire you re: what’s available to us.  “Life” is not just in the density of 3D.  It’s also in other vibrational “systems” where beauty and grace and abundance and ease and good will and loving kindness are the NORM.  And it is FROM such lovely frequencies that all creations are manifested in 5D — thereby making everything you experience in 5D a reflection of that beautiful energy.  I could go on talking about 5D for hours; this is just an introductory post!

Can you grok this?  I hope so, because this is Big in my view.  THIS is what I’m talking about when I use the term “ascension.”  I’m not refering to being deemed worthy enough by some “judging entity” to be taken off the planet in ships or by angels to another world while earth is destroyed by the compiling idiocy of human greed.  I’m not saying that couldn’t happen…   if consciousness creating reality is the “rule” here, then all that ‘belief’ being generated by fundamental religions might pay off in such a “rescue” for souls who believe in it enough!  (Which if I’m not mistaken means to truly believe oneself to be “better” or more worthy than all but 143,999 others on the entire planet.)  If someone believes their spiritual fate is to catch the tale of the next comet zooming through our solar system, who am I to say it’s not possible?  Maybe it is, if the thoughtform about it is firm enough.  Mysteries abound :-/

The big question: “How can I ascend to 5D?”   The answer is simply said, maybe not as simply done.  To get to 5D, you simply have to truly live by 5D protocols.  In so doing, your lightbody will activate and become your vehicle to the higher planes, which is to say, you will start resonating to higher-plane frequencies.  5D is HERE, in the same “jar” we’re in, remember; to ascend means to raise your own energy patterns, your own “plasma,” your own beliefs re: what is possible and desirable, and you will see more of that manifesting in your world.  The incoming energies I talk about here are here for this purpose!  VERY SUPPORTIVE of transforming restrictive old 3D thoughtforms (and their limited, highly-conditional  outcomes) into 5D freedom and enlightenment. I’ll get into more about this later.  But the gist of this is — be pure of heart; non-judgmental of mind (including about yourself, dearest! ~ including judging yourself to be superior as well as inferior in the grand scheme); nonmanipulative of others; tend your own garden (the garden of your heart and mind, your powerful dynamic duo), and see what happens.

Love all,


Heath Ledger and the Long Hallway

“Whitehawk’s Afterlife Escort Service”

On Sunday, January 27, 2008, I met Heath Ledger. This may seem impossible (if not worse) for me to claim, considering Health had died the previous Tuesday.

Elsewhere are missives about my lifelong tendency to have OBEs, and my “night job” of escorting souls when they are ready to cross over. This article is about my surprising experience of escorting Heath Ledger after his death. I have no idea how I came to be on this particular ‘assignment.’ My experience in general re: such astral-girl.jpgthings is — I seem to be on a kind of auto-pilot. I’m just minding my own business when suddenly, I’m jetted off and plopped beside someone who’s ready to go, or needs to become ready to go (ie, they’re clueless and typically stuck in a perceptual loop of their last moments alive). I believe another level of myself (my Self) initiates this work, but consciously I just seem spontaneously impulsed to “arrive” and do something.

So — re: Heath — this happened on the morning of Sunday, Jan 27th. Heath had slipped into a ‘permanent dream state’ (died accidentally) on Tues Jan 22, which happened to be my birthday. My familiarity with him was pretty limited; I had seen two of his films, and he’s quite a bit younger than I, so did not loom large in my awareness (until his death hit the media of course).  As it happened, I was up ALL NIGHT the night before. Sleepless… sleepless… which in hindsight seems significant; ie, it helped that I was in border-zone  consciousness to be available in his timing, when ordinarily I’d be up and about, unlikely able to respond to this kind of ‘call.’  Anyway, I was just zoning at 9:00 that morning, which is when this happened, and it happened really fast. I can’t even say how it started; I can only share what I retained for sure when I returned to my ‘humming’ body.

My first lucid memory was of zooming along with Heath at my side… we had an ‘appointment’ to keep with a third party (this was an unusual element). Heath and I rocketed to a location that looked like a studio film lot!  When we saw the door to a particular “sound stage” on the left, we knew we had reached our destination, and there was an air of great joy and excitement in our arrival (between Heath and I, I mean).  (Interesting, this idea of a ‘stage,’ and ‘staging’ for an event such as this… Did you realize that when we pass, we enter an etheric ‘transition’  experience that’s tailor-made for us… probably by our own higher selves?  When I saw this scenario, I just thought, oo-hoo, how Hollywood!)

At the door of this building, a “guard” stood waiting; he was the connection we were there to make. This guard looked just like a security guard one would find at a bank, or place of business… or a film lot full of celebrities and deal-makers. (I later wondered if the guard motif was a representational pun of a guardian of Heath’s, ie, a guardian angel or ancestor or some such… “outfitted” in keeping with the whole studio theme playing out.) When Heath and I reached the guard, there were no words or politenesses exchanged; the guard was all business as he spun on his heel, ascended a few exterior steps, and opened the door to this building.

I knew this was the end of my role in this astral event. The guard went through the door; Heath glanced at me for a signal, and I gestured him toward/through the door with an affirming nod. He walked through after the guard. I stepped inside momentarily and saw that the guard had already sailed all the way down this long, long hallway, and Heath took off running to catch up with him! His shirttails were literally flying out behind him. (Yeah, he was clothed even tho he died naked.) He managed to glance over his shoulder to send me a wave with a beaming smile, which was nice to receive. I waved back and came ‘home.’  It was all quite exhilarating.

I thought about this a lot that day, and offer this bit of commentary. I had the sense that Heath was an old soul who came here for a brief but full experience on earth before the Stuff really hits the fan here. His death wasn’t intentional on the “Heath level,” but once it happened he ‘got it’ and was really moved (and validated) by all the love that poured out to him after the fact. He stuck around for a few days of that, but I suspect he was getting spun around in a gooey vortex of emotional energy, as the whole world was focused on him and obsessing about ‘how terrible’ it was for him to die. (Mourners can impede a soul’s afterlife progress.)

From what I gathered in my brief encounter, he was complete when he left, and he was one beaming, happy, liberated soul when I was with him. He was ready to go to his next ‘stage,’ even though the family funeral in Perth was still upcoming. (I’m sure he could tune into all of that from where he landed! But the energy of all the sad [and exploitative, media-wise] attention was too intense to remain engulfed in for long.)  Heath was conscious of what went on; he was ready and eager for the next thing.

I’ve shared this with some close friends…  and wondered if it would serve to share it in a more public way, with the intention to alleviate some grief, and let people know that from a higher perspective, Heath’s a radiant soul on his way to a beautiful afterlife by all indications.