Mandela Effect Gets Personal?

I’ve only heard the first 12 minutes of this 2-hour “One People” program, but I’m stopping here to post it on this blog because I find the first story shared by Lisa (on the left in the video) fascinating, possibly very relevant, and moreover it triggered a memory of an experience my mother had many years ago, when I was living far from her, in Colorado.

(By the way, if the “Mandela Effect” phenom is unknown to you, a quick google of the term will bring you up to speed, pronto.)

The story I’m referring to in this “One People” video (at the bottom of the post) is a very striking one, about a woman’s visceral experience of an alternate, parallel-plane timeline  (a whole other lifeline for her AND her small autistic son, who ALSO experienced it). The first evidence of something anomalous happening was her sense of extreme vertigo. I’ll leave the rest for you to hear from Lisa, but as most readers are aware, I’ve been experiencing vertigo (to varying degrees) myself, and NOW I’m wondering if it might be related to merging/shuffling timelines!


Pictured: video timeline editor—so many takes, so many versions & characters & scenes  from which to decide placement in the story!

Consider this also, about my mother. Years ago, she and my dad had recently returned from a trip to China and were sitting in their kitchen when suddenly my mom sensed she was dying, right out of the blue. She felt seriously dizzy and thought she was leaving her body. She tried to get someone there to call ME, which didn’t happen, but thankfully she survived that weird experience and told me about it afterwards.

I then turned around and asked “the guides” what that was about, and was told her soul had maneuvered some kind of “partial exchange” among various aspects of itself, which involved/included the “aspect” sitting at the kitchen table. This was something I’d never heard of before (this was 25+ years ago). Her physical experience of this was the sense she was ‘leaving’ right then and there. Remember, the soul is the TOTALITY of the Self – all lives, and all versions of this life are always actively involved with the soul. Continue reading

The Great Turning Progresses: A Status Report

Thanks to Tom Valovic for submitting this Buddhist-leaning piece to the WwW blog for your consideration.  – W

fisica53_01_small.jpgWe are now deep in the midst of a transformation with no known outcome, often described in spiritual shorthand as simply “the shift” or by Buddhist Scholar Joanna Macy as “the Great Turning”. In today’s stranger than strange world, it seems clear that many of the things that have been talked about in Mayan and other spiritual traditions have proven to be true in a broad sense. The world as we know it is being radically changed and re-shaped, and one can only hope that it is a “creative destruction” taking place and not something else. The operant phrasing is “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”

What we are now experiencing has moved beyond the seemingly vague gestures of prophecy and towards harder evidence from the scientific community wherein scientists are now talking openly about the possibility of a “Sixth Extinction”. Sad to say, this one doesn’t involve meteorites and dinosaurs: it appears to be one of our own making. Climate change is the media shorthand for one set of changes; people can argue how much of this is man-made or not. The term even seems fairly tame in comparison to the other ecological disasters that we do know are caused by our own lack of mindful stewardship of earth’s finite resources. Oceans teeming with plastic is just one of the stark realities that spring to mind. Continue reading

Spin Cycle

What a week! Lots of crazy happening on a mass scale, with lots more coming. I’m hearing more predictions that this election may not happen at all, the way things are escalating.

Kiko, Whitehawk & *Little Crystals*

Meanwhile, in my personal realm of existence, this week sent me into extraordinary vertigo, which was particularly strong (overwhelming, immobilizing) on Wed. So strange: I couldn’t walk; staggered and banged into walls and furniture… thought a shower might ‘straighten me up’ a bit; fell into the shower wall. Had to reschedule a doctor’s appointment because I just couldn’t get there. Landed with a thud outside trying to tend to some plants. It was very much like having extreme seasickness on a small boat in a major storm.

I was offline for much of three days and hadn’t heard about the incredible swarm of earthquakes going on in California, as well as extreme magnetic storms blasting forth from a highly active sun this week. All related, I’m sure… and I am feeling much better now, thankfully.

A note about Kiko, my kitty who had a health crisis recently, for which some dear readers pitched in for her emergency veterinary care, and for which I am SO grateful! Continue reading


This post has been appearing around the web; it’s something that speaks to SO MANY of us presently!  Introducing the fresh wise voice of Raven Sinclaire.

I Feel Just as Crazy as You Do

by Raven Sinclaire

Did you see any of this coming?

There are lots of shifts happening out there. Some we can only feel and others are actually in the news, including these:

  • The Catholic Church recognizes Mary Magdalene as an Apostle to the Apostles.

  • Despite some continued opposing efforts, 2015 & 2016 have been banner years for LGBT rights and equality.

  • The Vatican reveals catacombs with frescoes that show female priests.

  • Corey Goode—one of many who’ve spoken out about the Secret Space Program reveals years of info—to Ken Wilbur; revelations from those who are 30+ clearance levels above the president of the U.S. (Ken Wilbur seems out of place here but maybe I’m out of some loop ~ Whitehawk)

These kinds of shifts in our world cause fearful responses when we are afraid to look within our own psyches. This is so understandable. Most of humanity has no precedence for self-reflection. It is not something that’s taught in schools or by most parental figures.

Continue reading

God’s Mission & Planet X

planet x theory

Planet X orbit in red

Friends, I’m posting something written by a man I’ve not encountered before. When I first saw his name, Marshall Masters, I mistakenly thought, Is this the man in Boulder with the ‘Waves of Change’ material?  No… not the same.

Marshall Masters’ perspective (and language) is a bit different than my personal norm. He uses the word tribulation, for starters, which I typically do not. I would also not likely presume to put forth “God’s Mission,” tho I obviously decided to read (and share) his ideas re: this, and find them reasonable, not subjectively “religious/biblical.” Continue reading

As Timelines Shift


The following future shift scenario comes courtesy of ‘ascension guide’ Lisa Renee, who tends to go deep & detailed, so settle in for this one.This is not a fluff piece.

She mentions a “possible collective dark night of the soul” incoming, which I’ve been feeling at every level, and acutely, of late. I suggest that we all hone our cognizance of what is “reverberating” in our bodies/minds/fields and make a practice of continually clearing, clearing, blessing, and releasing (or integrating/transmuting) stuff that may or may not be personal to us. We are swimming in it even though it is (probably) invisible to the eye.

Lisa considers late 2017 as the time of the definitive shift into a higher frequency, which will seat us in a new harmonic universe.

Funny, as I typed in the title for this post, I flashed on how it brings to mind a soap opera name!  I’m now considering this whole enchilada a cosmic program called As Timelines Shift. Yeah, a tad starved for some humor here lately.    ~W

BTW, the boldfaced text below (for screens that can display it) was made so by me, for emphasis to scanning eyes.

Dear Ascending Family,

We are nearing a time of more visible and tangible changes for the planet and for the collective consciousness of humanity.  For those of us who are able to participate consciously in this process, these changes are very encouraging, even as the workload feels like it is increasing. For those who are not able to consciously participate, they will be participating none-the-less.  As planet Earth shifts her station of identity and moves into her soul embodiment, all those who keep their bodies will make this transition with her.

We may soon witness a collective Dark Night of the Soul, as humanity unknowingly moves onto a higher frequency platform, causing all that has been unseen, unhealed, and unintegrated to bubble to the surface.  As chaotic as this may appear in the outer scape, the pressures being applied are essentially supportive. In this newsletter we will delve deeper into the mechanics of this unfolding process, in order to better understand how we might best participate with these changes at both micro and macro levels. Continue reading

A Formidable “Opportunity”

Positively Thriving Through the Collapse of Civilisation

by Open

Have you ever watched something happening in slow motion? You can quite clearly see the end result, but nevertheless, you can’t quite believe in your mind what your eyes are seeing. Like when the twin towers ‘collapsed’. The demolition was happening there right in front of you, but you had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t just dreaming. I feel exactly that way about modern society right now. The collapse is already happening, but in slow motion, so you can’t quite believe the entirety of it. What will it look like as the ‘buildings’ topple? More importantly, how can we not only survive the shift, but positively thrive in it?…

Slow motion free fall

Have you seen the film “Collapse” yet? It’s a grounded, real and at times very emotive interview with the late whistle-blower Michael C Rupert. I believe everybody on the planet should watch it (I’ve included it below). You hear the calling of a soul, put here for a purpose. Never so clearly have I witnessed a man express so eloquently, the destiny that drew him here.

He sums up so marvelously the reason why society is going to collapse. Let me correct myself: why it is already collapsing, just that it’s in slow motion, and not everyone has yet pinched themselves out of the dream that prevents them seeing the reality of it.

Continue reading

Scientists Witness “Woman With Exceptional Powers” Rapidly Grow A Plant From A Seed

Continue reading

Veterinary Emergency… (link fixed)

Dear Friends,

cat-silhouetteThis is an appeal to the dear hearts among you who will read this and respond with a donation for a medical emergency re: my sweet cat Kiko. If you can help her get the help she needs today, I shower you with my deep appreciation, love, and blessings.

Old friends may recall my ‘rescuing’ a couple of very health-challenged kittens a few years ago during my 2-year volunteer stint at the local shelter. One of them needs emergency attention IMMEDIATELY. It’s been a long holiday weekend (no office hours) and today is her day to go in for help.

She is in urgent need, so her “person” urgently requests support to help her.

If you are able and willing to help Kiko, please click on the pink button below to use my paypal account:

and contribute any amount. 

Much, much gratitude to any and all who respond to this call for help for a precious animal in need.

Love to you, Whitehawk


GO FORTH Like the Renegade You Are

flat,800x800,070,fI’m amused to find myself actually describing this person, Victor Oddo (new to me; video follows), as an “Ascension Motivator.”

In my career I’ve worked with numerous motivational author/speakers as well as spiritual author/teachers. Once upon a time not too long ago these two genres were kept *quite* separate from one another in the human potential publishing/production/marketing universe. Each niche had its parameters, which did not intersect. Now here I am introducing a man as a motivational speaker with an ascension focus.

Regarding this post’s title

I know that many are in a state, or space, of simply not knowing which way to go, what to do, or how to even contemplate all that’s going on now! Not exactly a “renegade mindset,” as I know from abundant personal experience.

Allowing FLOW

May I gently suggest, if something is attracting your attention – something new is “winking at you” and arousing your curiosity (in a good way, even if it feels a bit alien), acknowledge that attraction, take a step in that direction. Open to a new experience, regardless where it may fall in the “insignificant-to-overwhelmingly big” spectrum.  Continue reading