Getting Lit

This video of Michael Garber’s included many direct hits for me. The past 2-3 weeks have been an exhausting ordeal, as tho my cells – bio and energetic – don’t know what to do with themselves!

It’s rather been like having all energetic channels getting scrambled at once (or perhaps all broadcasting simultaneously in a narrow frequency band and jamming one another?), causing all manner of bio-responses to be integrated or transmuted before a sweet loving respite glows for a day or two and then subsides again as more ‘stuff’ metabolizes the “wave activations” and another round of cleansing/balancing begins.

Anyway I found myself nodding in recognition re: virtually everything Michael shares concerning his own experiences of late, and it’s nice to have this to compare with (or emotionally bolster) my own journey. I found it helpful/supportive, so here it is:

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Event “Dream”?

I awoke today at 4AM from a dream about the event. I’m documenting it here in case it turns out to be something. Some oddness involved here, but hey, it was a dream. Unless it was a “dream” woven around an actual event, which happens. Or a precognitive preparation, maybe. I just don’t know. But I’m curious!

Dream Continue reading

For the Multidimensionally Curious

Caroline Cory is a brilliantly plugged-in being whose capacity for what I tend to think of as Sirian intelligence (primary focus: math & tech) can be beyond my range of reception, but who doesn’t enjoy a nice stretch?  In this video she is speaking at a conference on a subject with which she has a lifetime of experience:

The Science of Contact with Other Dimensional Realities

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Aligning with Conscious Intention

Want a life of purpose? Make decisions with intention.

by Lisa Kentgen

In our culture, convenience is the supreme shaper of individual decisions. At least, that’s what law professor Tim Wu argues in the Feb. 18, 2018, edition of the New York Times Sunday Review. In his article, “The Tyranny of Convenience,” Wu writes that “convenience is all destination and no journey.” Wu suggests that resisting convenience takes a special kind of dedication. He also raises an important question: What is the cost of our collective default to convenience, both to ourselves as individuals and to us as a country?

In my work with hundreds of clients, both in psychotherapy and other settings, I’ve seen how a conscious and active relationship to the way we make decisions is essential to experiencing life as purposeful and our selves as authentic. Convenience can be helpful when it is consciously chosen. Too often, though, it is a habitual default. Unconscious defaults negatively impact our capacity to be the primary shapers of our own lives. Continue reading

Kundalini Awakening from an African Perspective

Here’s an illuminating POV re: the various elements that may be involved with awakened kundalini from the Ngoma African tradition, which is new to me. I respect the author’s degree of experience, level of awareness, and cultural lens.

The ‘spirit mentors’ with whom I consulted during my peak activation years told me my kundalini was addressing all manner of issues passed down through the physical and energetic DNA of my biological lineage as well as my personal incarnational experiences… something referred to here as being “bothered by the ancestors”!  W

By Gogo Thule Ngane

If you are a part of any spiritual community or circle these days you may have come across the concepts of “waking up” spiritually and kundalini symptoms, as well as the concept that the vibration or consciousness on the planet is rising and many shifts are happening.

Kundalini energy naturally dwells within us all. We came into this world with a mission or destiny of sorts. Very few of us are raised in environments or cultural contexts that are fully aware of this and thus, raise children to adapt to their environment, as opposed to seeing who this child came into the world to be and help to grow that soul purpose out of the child at a young age. Thus “spontaneous” or a divine series of events begin to peel the layers of our conditioning to bring forth who we truly are and have come into this world to be. Continue reading

Love, Incorporated

Sophia’s latest message regarding “love” and “the event” follows what turned into a flow-of-consciousness from me on the subject of Big (the biggest) Love.   [Edited down from original raw & rambling post.] Continue reading

Lisa & Allison re: “Event” Analysis & Speculation

Two interesting women in conversation about the event – I’ll say no more, see for yourself. Love… W

By the way (looks like I’m saying “more” after all), I have seen the film they mention starring Natalie Portman titled Annihilation, and it creates a horror around a phenom of a “shimmer” that starts sort of absorbing the planet and making a random mulch of all the DNA here, if you can imagine that. I don’t watch scary, negative stuff but was drawn into this one because of this shimmer phenom at the core of it. But beware, it is a pretty dark film.  W

Your Participation Counts

Yet another post re: the event.  O.o

Here is the latest QHHT session (the 6th between them, spanning years) between Ron Head and QHHT practitioner Suzanne Spooner. Not sure how much more I’ll be posting on this matter, as the to/fro can be exasperating!

This session with Ron also suggests we listen to the truth inside ourselves, as opposed to hopping on collective bandwagons. The bottom line advice seems to be prepare your SELF, heal/reconcile what you can regarding your relationships and situations and not be so preoccupied with “out there.”

This said, Ron Head seems to be on board with the idea that something major is within reach. Continue reading

Kundalini, Ego Loss, Detachment & Aloneness

Posting another kundalini video conversation with Brooke Robertson. Her blurb follows:

As we move from our old identity many things will be stripped away from us that defined us in that old identity. It may be that the attachments strip away, or the actual forms, or both.

But in this stripping away we can feel so lost and so empty – lost at sea with nothing that excites or drives us anymore – are you coming into the reality of yourself? When I speak of aloneness I am not talking about isolation or detachment in those ways. I am talking about not using anything to make it better for you.

It’s between you and your Kundalini. That’s all that’s left. Continue reading

Agonies & Ecstasies

Surrendering to the Unknown

When kundalini is active, the body may go through… well… various agonies. Yes, ecstasies as well, but the going can get pretty rough and even downright frightening when one’s body is manifesting an often overwhelming variety of difficulties due to something as mysterious and in total command as kundalini.

Trickling K is one thing; full-throttle K on a deep, aggressive roto-rooting mission can be something else altogether.

We’d do well to remember that what we think of as these bodies are really complex, interwoven layers of energetic frequencies flowing and interacting with living biology down to the cellular level. When kundalini takes over the wheel of the vehicle, all of these nested and entangled layers may experience K’s power in ways previously unimaginable.

For instance, as Brooke Robertson shares in this 11-minute video, I too went through many, many episodes of what felt like heart attacks. This literally went on regularly for at least 12 years – maybe more – finally subsiding just about a year ago. This typically happened while at rest… often waking me up in the middle of the night in full-blown, breathless, perspiring agony.  Continue reading

National Get Over It Day


This struck me funny at first glance – then profound, the deeper I felt into it:

Today Is National Get Over It Day

I didn’t pursue what this was about – likely someone playing with creative venting. The thought struck me: what would happen if everyone on the planet just got over it, and themselves, at long last? Not necessarily for long… but happening at once would pack a wallop. This alone would trigger a noticeable upshift in the noosphere – this planet’s collective field of consciousness.

I’m not sure I really felt this before as viscerally as I am right now (amping energies can certainly amp our senses), but jeez, just check in for a second with the notion that billions of people are plowing through their lives, bearing really burdensome grudges, great and small, throughout forever. I mean, this is so elementary I can hardly believe I’m considering it of value to discuss with you.

My mind, for whatever reason, beamed in on this tragic idea of a planet populated with walking wounded, distracted by so much crap it doesn’t occur to them that they can open their clear-flow channel to the infinite, indescribable source, heal their minds, and ultimately enjoy, en masse, an incredibly improved earth experience.

This is certainly understandable, as there’s been powerful negative influencers in this scenario. I’m not trying to beat anyone up here. I’m in this story too.

This dismal image suitably conveys the overall, beat-down condition (and contents) of human souls who have been on the gerbil wheel for a vast, convoluted period of time/ timelessness, accumulating all ungodly manner of problems, pains, resentments, and so forth, all along. The negative end of the vibrational spectrum.

This stuff is basically good for one thing: being in the way. Holding us back. Preoccupying us so completely with troubles we can neither stand nor think straight.

What if we all maybe participated in this “joke” born of creative venting, and discovered our ability to transmute all the sh*t instantaneously into neutral cosmic fodder for future flow, and finally get off our knees to stand fresh and clean and lighter and Lighter – far better prepared for whatever is coming next. Continue reading

What Will Replace Patriarchy?

Looking into the saga of male dominance

I found this interview between Gaia’s Regina Meredith and author/counselor Zeus Yiamouyiannis, PhD (!) interesting, engaging, and just plain enjoyable to watch. If you’ve found the matter of true and deep connection with the opposite sex (or polarity) daunting, this might be for you.

The fact that Zeus is Regina’s husband was a fun surprise to me, right off the bat. A dynamic duo, they are: two people doing the good work of expanding consciousness (and love :) join forces and beam out to us from Sedona. Zeus seems to me an aware, articulate, high-vibe and good-humored man (known as “Dr Zeus”), and as such has earned a place on this esteemed blog. Such an honor! ;)

Intro blurb and the video follow: Continue reading

Winds of Change


The last few days have been ROARING here on the US east coast as hurricane-like winds have been on a rampage of dismantlement. Our power was out for a day (Fri) but some areas have been taking longer to get back up, as is typical when so much devastation occurs. Falling trees have been pulling down wires, and older posts holding up power lines have also been snapping. Shingles and siding have been taking their leave from various buildings… large chunks of debris are blowing around roads; it’s been an active practice of precog to “see around corners” for what might be ahead while driving.

The howling and shaking has made for a great reminder re: the great changes upon us! But we are coming through, strengthened by experience, and reminded to always keep our minds and hearts on the outcome of our highest visions for the future we each, as individuals, desire for our souls’ continuing journey. More on current events (or the events’ current) from Sophia follows.

Love all… Whitehawk

Latest message from Sophia:

Is there someone who wants to connect?

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