Developing Competence for Coherence

Everything Lisa discusses here has become increasingly obvious in recent years, within self and in association with others. This matter of consciously navigating toward, or within, coherence is key to ascension. I emboldened some parts to bring them forward in this long post. W.


by Lisa Renee

This planet is ascending into the higher frequencies of plasma, which greatly impact the principles of Coherence. Coherence is a necessary energetic principle to understand on the Ascension path as we progress towards personal consciousness expansion. When we dismantle the old enslavement profiles from this reptilian based Controller society, each of us must make the effort to explore new models of spiritually beneficial behavior, focusing on those humanitarian traits that support individual and collective growth to help evolve spiritual advancement. As we undergo successive levels of bifurcation, this is the point where the decision framework comes in for each person. People make decisions based upon the kind of motivations, thoughts, and actions they have as general thoughtforms influencing their lifestyle.

The higher the quality of overall energy made available to a person, place or thing, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experiences in that area become. Energetic stability increases harmonization within the overall energy available and this contributes to increased Coherence. As personal coherence increases, this increases the quality of energy that supports the higher functioning of the mind, emotions and body. When Coherence is present in the mind, emotions and body, it supports spiritual links that connect us into our higher spiritual consciousness. Continue reading

Impervious to the Dark

This 10-minute message from Pleiadian mentor Laarkmaa is an all-around good one to have in your spiritual medicine bag as events around us accelerate and amplify in an ever-building (and increasingly surreal) crescendo. I believe you’ll appreciate it – it’s a clear, articulate reminder of the way things work here in 3D.

Transcending Darkness Continue reading

Vivid Encounter with Parallel Plane

woodruff-radial-concord-on-cold-spring.jpgI’ve made the choice to share this man’s unique and detailed experience … which was not only a wide-awake  “bleedthrough” of a curious realm, but his attempts to interact with it  pique our curiosity even more while taking in George’s story (below). George initially communicated this experience to Cynthia Sue Larsons, of RealityShifters.

What do you think might have been happening here? Have you had any sudden experiences of an alternate plane, timeline, or … ?

BTW this was originally in one massive paragraph, which I broke up for readability.  Love, Whitehawk

Extraordinary Experience with Grid and “Dragonflies”
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Herewith my experience I had on Saturday evening 23rd April 2016, around 11.45 ish pm. My wife and I had just come back that evening from Bahamas (8pm) and my partner from our musical group picked us up at the airport.

As we were playing at an early 7am charity event, we decided that it would be best if he slept at our place. We watched a movie and when it finished, we (my partner and I) decided to go to our dock and have a night cap (11.30pm), as we live on a lake and the view is very cool. It was full moon and we were looking at the stars, which was actually very visible that night. Continue reading

Mysticism & Madness

13103448_10153396749876394_1960118158192902923_n.jpgDavid McMillin came ‘into view’ yesterday … his particular niche might be of interest.

He has personal experience with kundalini—so helpful to any K experiencer seeking guidance, as “professionals” who are clueless about this energy tend to push drugs, which is beyond exasperating when you’re ‘in it.’

That said, McMillin is now a mental health professional who’s been around many people experiencing manic depression, for instance, and other states that may well be kundalini-related. He is also an adept student of Edgar Cayce as well as the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which Cayce claimed to be all about the human condition.

This hour-long video presentation features decent PowerPoint support to keep it from being just a lecture. He discusses kundalini, health, creativity, mental illness, and how the answer lies in balancing the energies to prevent flailing from ecstasy to agony over and over. Continue reading