SSPs*, Superwaves & The Law of One

*SSPs = Secret Space Programs
[FWIW: I’ve added some remarks (my own) ‘About Corey Goode,’ in the comment section below this post. ~W]

My readers know by now my enthusiasm over Corey Goode’s “coming out” re: the many, many “ET Conferences” he’s attended. He attained  pronounced POI (person of interest) status for me personally this past March, when details regarding his experiences (at that point, still using a pseudonym) at a galactic conference exactly matched an experience I myself had in a significant OBE last November. His verification of what had been a major experience for ME was significant!

Then, my visitation by extremely bright, luminous spheres right here in my yard at 3AM the night of summer solstice further ‘bonded’ me, so to speak, with this whole “sphere being” presence that, apparently, MANY are now experiencing. (Spheres as distinct from orbs… two different things.)

Blue AvianCorey has been discussing this on his blog as well as in his new, ongoing series of interviews with David Wilcock on GaiamTV. There has been some blow-back about the Blue Avians (I won’t get into all that here), but I can personally vouch for the following: A) ET conferences ARE being held between ETs, earthlings “of high placement,” and include “regular starseeds” like myself in attendance, and B) conscious, brilliant “sphere beings” are REAL and they’re HERE, interacting with us.

I’m so grateful that Corey has stepped up and “come out” to the degree that he has!

Following is Michael Salla’s recap of Corey’s 5th appearance on GaiamTV‘s “Cosmic Disclosure” series.

Love all, Whitehawk

PS: Salla refers to Goode as a whistleblower, but to my mind “insider” is a better term for him.

Secret Space Programs Monitor Galactic Superwaves & Study The Law of One

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Plasma Wave Activations

One from Lisa Renee, for your discernment.  ~W

by Lisa Renee

As we have moved into another timeline shift this last weekend, there has been an incredible transmission of plasma waves that may have heightened ascension symptoms. This time is to prepare for the next stages of our spiritual awakening that are focusing our direction in the next cycle.

The period of time between July 16- July 19th is a hidden date that is important in humanities history in Egypt and in relationship to the heliacal rising of Sirius.  During this cycle many timelines have been hijacked or interfered with in order to gain control over expanding consciousness, thus the electromagnetic power on the earth. We may note that many historical or tragic events happen or are instigated during this time cycle, and of course those events are not random. When we better understand the current military agenda underway, it also becomes clear as to why they would choose to engage in war games in many civilian areas in the United States during this cycle, to gain more consciousness power from the earth grid to harvest their 911-Armageddon timeline.

However, many people on earth do not have our consciousness perspective, and can easily step into energetic mine fields because they lack any kind of sensitivity or self-awareness. Mind control amplifies the artificial levels of the egoic mind, creates mind lock, and many people cannot tell that they are losing all sense of mental coherence or self-awareness. These increased plasma waves can overload a mind controlled or unprepared neurological system and brain, so it is possible we may observe some people losing their minds and having psychotic break. Thus, we need to be very self-aware and pay attention to the energies and people in our environment, and not be on auto pilot. Continue reading



… and you are too!

A curious ‘moment’ happened recently that led to reflection, inspiration, and finally the desire to share it with you.

Here’s what happened: I was separating from the physical at the beginning of an OBE (out-of-body experience), and as this happened – as I ‘launched’ upward at high velocity – I spontaneously mentally roared out to the universe at large:


Ha! I have no idea where this came from so suddenly, as I had zero conscious awareness of it arising as a thought, let alone exploding in an impassioned declaration. Rather, I “witnessed” myself doing it as it occurred. Kind of liberating, actually :)

This crystal clear, lucid, and “loud” declaration was so powerful, I shot right back into my body, stunned!

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Pope Francis on Board with Global Bankruptcy

Friends – I intended to include mention of the pope’s call for global bankruptcy in yesterday’s “Event” post, as it is all connected. The Vatican has long been aware of the events unfolding currently (they’ve known about ‘the wave’ for a lonnggg time), and Pope Francis seems destined to be one of the world leaders preparing “the flocks” for the huge shifts we are now entering – socially, culturally, spiritually, and cosmically. I’m adding these two articles as an addendum to the Event post, in case this tidbit escaped your notice when it came out eleven days ago. It will be interesting to see what unfolds when he visits Washington DC in September.

Also I mention, in case you are new to all this, that countries are now typically organized as CORPORATIONS, not (ie as commonly believed re: the USA) “democracies.” This “re-org” of nations has largely been kept hidden from the people (big surprise!). This fact alone has paved the way for more atrocities than we even dare imagine (but ARE now coming out), which is such a loaded topic I can’t even *start in* on it here. It’s ALL been about profit (funneled to the elite of course), not respect for Life… or even decency. The pope’s mention of ‘corporate bankruptcy’ at the top of the following story prompted me to mention this.

We are on the move! Please hold the intention for smooth transitions to a healed world—healed lives, healed Gaia, healed future.  MAY ALL BE BLESSED.  ~Whitehawk

Two articles follow:

Pope Francis Calls for Global Bankruptcy Process

pope-francis-endorses-use-of-force-against-isis-in-iraqWASHINGTON – Pope Francis called for an international bankruptcy process in a news conference as he left Latin America on Monday. According to the Associated Press, when asked about the Greek debt crisis, Francis stated, “If a company can declare bankruptcy, why can’t a country do so and we go to the aid of others?” Francis offered further comments noting that too many countries are struggling with high debts and he suggested a United Nations bankruptcy proposal could be the solution.‎

“Pope Francis knows that heavy debt loads cause poverty and inequality,” said Eric LeCompte, who consulted the Vatican on its position. LeCompte is the head of the religious development organization Jubilee USA Network. “The Pope’s statement is a logical extension of the Catholic Church’s strong support of debt relief for struggling countries.”

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The Event – at Last?

imagesWe’ve been hearing about the coming ‘Event’ for a few years now. It may finally be VERY NEAR to happening – one of the huge paradigm-busting plans to be executed over the next 2-3 months. Following are a few sources I’ve jammed into one post to keep it together.

You of course decide if it speaks to you, or if it is share-worthy with others! I personally feel if it IS finally upon us, it would be great to not be totally blind-sided when the world turns inside-out – when Truth at last prevails.

Love to you,


“Our strategy now is to allow the organizations of fear to continue to dominate in appearance while we subtly drain away the source of their power – the fear of the people. This will make their final banishment less traumatic for the human family as a whole, for by then, the numbers of those who believe in them will have greatly diminished.”    Return of the Bird Tribes, by Ken Carey, 1988

Carey’s material (the Bird Tribe messages) cited 25 years from then as the activation period for these changes.

A Brief Summary of Key Points

(Note from the author of this piece:  In order to maximize the usefulness of this article, I’ve included a series of points which paraphrase key ideas. These are the concepts I want others to take away from reading this, and if you forget everything else, that’s OK. Keep what is needed and let the rest fall away.)

  • The EVENT will be the culmination of a massive structure of dominoes which have been created over the last decades. Even though the set-up took a painstakingly long time, the actual process of the dominoes falling will occur comparatively in the ‘blink of an eye’.
  • No matter how simple or complex your personal plans are, always remember the need for adaptability. Your mind and heart are your greatest tools; be creative, compassionate and inspirational – then encourage others to do the same at key moments. Continue reading

Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions

Interesting to stumble upon this today, as much of it speaks to my trail of energetic experiences. Nice span of info in one place… from the metaphysical to the mundane.

A youtube intro from the author (audio) is included at the end of the post. Author did a good job, but applied the “time compression” a bit heavily on the recording, imho as a producer, so the pace is a bit breathless.  :-O

Worthy of attention whether you’ve got “something going on” re: electricity, emfs etc, or not — we live in a sea of electromagnetism. Good to know the nature of this sea we occupy.  oxo W


Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable

by Louis Proud

Plasma_Ball_(short_exposure)Louis wrote this article as a promotional piece for his book Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable.

What we perceive with our eyes is less than one percent of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, the range of wavelengths over which EM radiation extends. This tiny portion of the EM spectrum, called visible light, consists of the colors red through violet. Making up the remainder of the spectrum are extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Although we cannot see these energies, they are an ever-present part of our environment and affect our minds and bodies in profound ways.

Every living creature on the planet is immersed in a sea of EM radiation from both natural and artificial sources. Common sources of artificial EM radiation include cellphones and cellphone base stations, power lines, electrical appliances in the home, and TV and radio transmitters. Natural sources include the earth’s magnetic field and ELF waves generated by global lightning activity.

As we continue to “electrify” the planet at an alarming rate through technological means, natural sources of EM radiation that have been present throughout our entire evolution and to which we are synchronized biologically are gradually being drowned out by artificial sources of EM radiation. We seem to forget that the use of electricity on a large-scale is a fairly new development in the history of humanity, having only really started in the 20th century with the establishment of power stations and electricity grids.

Our harnessing of electricity is a double-edged sword.

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As mentioned in yesterday’s post, Corey Goode & David Wilcock on 2 free episodes of the new series Cosmic Disclosure on I just watched the first one and it’s possibly THE most exciting moment in the disclosure movement thus far. We finally see a real representation of a Blue Avian!   ox W



“Insurance” is Now Your Community

This woman has a unique blog (recently started), where she writes in a voice as if already years into the New Earth scenario – something I’ve considered doing for years but, well, haven’t.

I’ve read but a few posts (actually there ARE but a few posts)… this one is a rather fleshed out storyline about a couple whose house collapsed in a minor earthquake and what happens from there. Maybe of interest to note the differences to our current ‘systems.’

No Insurance

Five years ago, a house in our neighbourhood fell down, killing one of the occupants. This was an unusual event, and the impact was felt all over the area.

The couple who lived in the house were oldies, like me – but rejuvenated and in excellent health. It was an old house, which they loved, and had lived in for many years. They didn’t have it upgraded when the new technologies came in, preferring to leave things as they were. And no one would argue with that – it was their choice.

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Cosmic Disclosure – BAM – Going Deep

thumbCorey Goode & David Wilcock are in a new Gaiam TV show called “Cosmic Disclosure” – a 52-episode series (!!) on secret space programs, ET contact and ancient earth breakaway civilizations. Information given about the Blue Avians, Sphere Being Alliance and the coming ascension shift that our Sol System is going through at this time.

This video is a trailer for that program. The first couple of episodes  I thought were to be offered free to the public, but when I clicked thru to the Gaiam TV link (below video), they required a subscription to continue. I’ll look into this tomorrow, but meanwhile check out this short slip:

(7/21: Apparently the first two ‘free’ episodes are going up today, tho I suspect one must still give credit card info to become a trial subscriber to GaiamTV. W)

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Greece Sends Illuminati Toward Ruin

This latest message from Matthew covers: Greek vote on referendum; Iran’s nuclear program agreement; Illuminati strength; the shift to 5th density; insects, rats; monatomic gold; teen suicides; petitions; depression; planetary cleansing; Trans Pacific Partnership

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of your analysts think that the Greek people’s resounding “No” on the recent referendum put their country on the road to irreversible economic ruin. The country will manage. “No” put the Illuminati on the road to irreversible economic ruin.

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How Will the World End?

 The following paragraphs — while not exactly in current “ascension language” — easily explain where we’re at now, and where we’re heading if we can truly forgive where we’ve been!

In my own mind, I substitute Christian references like “the Father” and “sin” etc into my own language, but the message fits the moment perfectly, imo. It also brings to mind the Ja’li messages – some resonance there.

A video exploring this material at the end of the post is one you might enjoy if the excerpt speaks to you.

With love & (aiming for) total forgiveness,


“Can what has no beginning really end? The world will end in an illusion, as it began. Yet will its ending be an illusion of mercy. The illusion of forgiveness, complete, excluding no-one, limitless in gentleness, will cover it, hiding all evil, concealing all sin, and ending guilt forever.

So ends the world that guilt has made, for now it has no purpose and is gone. The father of illusions is the belief that they have a purpose; that they have a need or gratify a want. Perceived as purposeless, they are no longer seen. Their uselessness is recognized and they are gone. How but in this way are all illusions ended? They have been brought to truth, and truth saw them not. It merely overlooked the meaninglessness.

Until forgiveness is complete, the world does have a purpose. It becomes the home in which forgiveness is born, and where it grows and becomes stronger and more all embracing. Here is it nourished, for here it is needed.

A gentle Savior, born where sin was made and guilt seemed real. Here is His home, for here there is need of Him indeed. He brings the ending of the world with Him. It is His call God’s teachers answer, turning to him in silence to receive His Word.

The world will end with the benediction of holiness upon it. When not one thought of sin remains, the world is over. It will not be destroyed nor attacked nor even touched. It will merely seem to cease to be.”
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Buffers Off; Cosmic Blast – Ahoy!

1240666_10151901132181328_1117313199_nHere we have a concise synopsis of recent sharings from two “disclosure darlings” of the moment (not meant as a dig) – Corey Goode (Sphere Being Alliance contactee) and Simon Atkens, PhD (“cosmic forecaster“).   :::  IMAGINE :::   ox :W

Cosmic Energies Predicted to Trigger DNA Changes & Disclosure Events in September

Written by Dr Michael Salla on July 19, 2015.

According to independent sources, the Earth is moving into a region of the galaxy that is leading to increasing cosmic energies impacting our sun and altering human DNA. It is predicted this will lead to many changes in human society including major disclosures of advanced technologies, secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.

Dr Simon Atkens is the CEO of Advanced Forecasting Corporation and has made startling predictions about incoming cosmic energies and their impact. Among them is:

… an acceleration and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the sun and other cosmic energies that will build especially from late August into late September that will cause, circa 23rd-24th September, what he describes as a ‘frequency shift’ in consciousness.

He refers to evolutionary changes emerging from world shaking disclosures as a result of the incoming cosmic energy he describes as a ‘Wave X’: Continue reading

Visionaries in Manifestation Mode

Had to share this film with you. If you are what I affectionately term an “ascensionista,” you might really appreciate this documentary about a community that started out with a vision of “unity in diversity,” and today is a thriving 50,000-strong city living the vision.

This is a realistic, boots-on-the-ground representation of what goes into creating an entirely new society, where money is NOT the bottom line – by any means – and cooperation is the only way to go. Please don’t be tempted to wave this off as a “commune,” this is a major, cross-cultural, evolutionary journey that serves as a model for the world to come… post-“pulse” (the new energies filtering into our world NOW).

I personally found every word uttered here of significant value as we sort of stumble forward into the ascended unknown that lies ahead. Fantastically rich experience packed into under an hour.

Treasure hunt: catch the inspiration for a key feature in the Avatar movie ;)

A not-to-be-missed vision in action, warts & all: Continue reading

The Masculine Wound

Hi all – This newsletter by Lisa Renee about masculine wounds (especially the latter portion of material here, where we see all the bullet points) spoke directly to a situation in which I find myself now, being, in the apparent cross-hairs of a man on the periphery of my life who has suddenly taken to barking at me in a way that stings.

His manner, furthermore, is reminiscent of typical male behavior I knew in my family growing up (unenlightened, bullying, put-down tactics being the norm), so this whole THING has been up for me to see/feel/somehow acknowledge and deal with yet again. It’s one of those seemingly never-ending spirals that keeps bringing stuff back to center stage when you thought you were finished with it.

This article reminds me that we’re all wounded (in fact I wrote on this theme the other day but never posted it), and when these old wounds surface and friction up against another’s wounds, it can become pretty unpleasant pretty fast. I mean, people have been waking up enough, one would think, not to resort to old, unconscious (bullyish) responses to life events. And then come the ramifications…. eh

Love & healing… Whitehawk


Dear Ascending Family,

Through the natural and organic expansion of consciousness happening now, we are also met with attempts to use artificial and inorganic means to block it.  The 2012-2017 window offers unique possibilities to access multiple timelines simultaneously.  We have just come through a wave of transmissions, which have opened timelines ripe for Masculine Healing.  As many of us are aware, the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) also tries to capitalize on these waves.  We will discuss current NAA efforts underway to attempt to further enslave masculine energies.  Some of the information on mind control and holographic inserts may sound daunting if you are new to this type of information. Please do not get into fear around this information.  Stay present and neutral, use the core tools and you will not get caught up in any of the drama.

Recently our planet has received unprecedented levels of liquid plasmic light transmissions pulsing through the planetary grid network, which first enter our atmosphere through the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Several milestones have been reached in the Ascension timeline with the yield of charged particles and subsequent light emissions that result from the interaction between Cosmic Rays, Solar wind and magnetospheric plasma.

The interactions between these cosmic forces have radically increased proton activity in the planetary atmosphere, which produce an incredible amount of potential energy and consciousness available to the planet and to humanity. The accelerated infusion of proton activity is reshaping the Earth’s magnetosphere, creating fluctuations in the speed, density and direction of the magnetic field, which are strongly impacting the Earth’s local space environment. Continue reading