The Psychology of Conformity

conformity – gracespsychblogSeems to me the matter of conformity vs. nonconformity (cultural vs. personal heroism) hasn’t been as energized as it’s been in recent months since the 1960s. How often have I self-censored in 2020  to avoid conflict, or retain a friendship, or preserve a semi-cohesive sense of community?

What follows – an 11-minute video and the transcript of same – is offered to serve a collective contemplation on what it is we’re all immersed in at this time. Offered, as always, with love and hope for expanding awareness and healing. Whitehawk

“For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure”. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

This remark by Ralph Waldo Emerson makes it clear that the forces of conformity were quite strong when he lived nearly 200 years ago. However, he would likely be surprised at the extent to which the whipping of nonconformists has now been made possible with the emergence of social media and other mass communication technologies.

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