Have You Lost Your Passion?

The following is from Jim Self of http://www.MasteringAlchemy.com. I’m posting it here because I find it of value; maybe you will also.  I consider Jim a helpful way-shower; he ‘gets it’ in general for folks grappling with all the emerging shifts, and always offers practical guidance:

Over the last few months, many men and women have expressed to me a loss of passion; a deep tiredness and desire to “Let my life be over.” These people are all very involved in their spiritual practice and their commitment to fulfill their purpose, yet they were ready to simply stop. What is going on? These are strong, certain people, using their tools, actively and successfully contributing to humanity in unique ways and involved in daily personal-development work.

Many of the mentors, leaders and teachers (“Spiritual Warriors” or “LightWorkers” some call themselves) are tiring of their work. The creative juice and passion that once raced through their veins and kept them moving is no longer there. Their work is wearing them down and many are ready to quit. Something is out of alignment here. If we are truly doing our work, happily on our path, we would be filled with energy, passion, light and enthusiasm. Right?

What is your job anyway?
As this Great Shift into higher awareness occurs, you must distinguish between what is your job and what isn’t. By diving head-first into this 3D game you have volunteered to contribute a very unique, specialized piece of the puzzle. The puzzle is called Adding to All-That-Is. Please notice the difference between “one piece of the puzzle” vs taking on the entire puzzle. The latter is a huge job; the former a bit more do-able. The heart surgeon has a very specialized talent and doesn’t even consider opening a general practice. A successful plumber recognizes her art and doesn’t also try to become an electrician.

Unlike the specialized surgeon, however, many of us have been taking it ALL on. Whatever and whomever crosses our path, we engage with it – in the spirit of contribution and helping others. Your enthusiasm, your passion and drive to contribute have opened a door through which all people in need are passing and standing before you to be healed and helped. Perhaps your job entails just one area of focus, not everything you are asked to do. Perhaps also – you can say “no thank you” now and again.  All of these broken, lost and wanting spirits are not a match to you. Every person and every issue isn’t your job to help. It isn’t possible to do It-All and remain happy and healthy and connected to Creator. None of us can do It-All and stay aligned with who we truly are. You came into 3D to contribute within only a very specific bandwidth. Within that bandwidth lies your purpose, your passion and your well being. Identifying and serving within that bandwidth is your job. That is your only job.

Your bandwidth is one radio station playing clearly the music you love. Not all of the stations. Sure – two dozen stations broadcast to your home, but there is only one that is in true alignment with who you are. Maybe two. The jazz station and NPR. Not the Latino station or country or the hits from the 70’s, Not Frank Sinatra or Christian broadcasting. Just jazz and NPR. The rest is noise. Perhaps you enjoyed those stations at one point, but now it is noisy. And that noise is wearing many people down because they are trying to tune into all the stations, all the time, all at once.

When you identify and focus only upon what pleases YOU, you will be happy and available to contribute your very best to the people and tasks within your bandwidth – allowing all the others to tune into a radio station that better matches their energy.

A Tool to Discern Your Bandwidth:

Imagine a gauge (0-100) and ask yourself these questions as new and current projects and people step into your life. If the number that pops up isn’t higher than 90, consider stepping away from it and therefore allowing more of what IS in alignment to enter your life. Just let the number pop up – no analyzing allowed.

1.  How much fun is this project/person?
2.  How good does this make me feeeeel in my body?
3.  How aligned is this to my personal bandwidth, really?

As you play with this tool, know that even if the person or project scores high today – that doesn’t mean you must keep it in your life forever. These are most important times of Shift and transition. What is true today may not be true tomorrow. Allow yourself and your passion to evolve. You are big, not small. You are significant, not insignificant. You have a very important piece to play as the healer, teacher, leader you came here to be. BE who you came here to be.

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