Called to Stand Tall

:::celestial chimes ringing:::

“Hellooo, this is your soul calling… “

Basically how I’m feeling currently – as though prompted to reach a bit higher “up the dial” to a nice clear signal that’s reaching back towards me.

Feeling a sense of urgency to stand a bit taller, breathe a bit deeper & beam light more actively… with more defined intention & focus.

Is my inner Master of the Universe rising? The Goddess Kundalini tapping my crown? The Soular Home Team checking in? I invite you to join in this cosmic activation & synthesis, to invigorate your own fabulous, blessed s/heroes & champions from whom you can draw strength, courage & vision for the changing times ahead!

Good stuff follows from Sandra Walter for anyone open to some introspective self-eval as an ascension exercise. (Sounds like great fun eh! gulp) Might be a useful clarification tool or practice, getting clear as we move deeper into cosmic energies that are cracking open humanity’s cosmic consciousness and collective heart. Could get bumpy as incoming energies increasingly flood into the lower frequencies held by the masses, who might require a solid conk to wake them up and start smelling’ some coffee. Could also get increasingly ‘bumpy’ on a personal level as old stuck energies, habits, beliefs, etc flush to the surface for personal review, healing, clearing, and course correction. Maybe. Makes sense to me. If you don’t mind my sayin’. ;)

May all who surf these rumbling waters stay buoyant & balanced, with grace & ease. May all manifest in ways that increase energies of joy & a sense of meaning – as the ride we’re on plays out. 

Bless you, bless it all.




One of the Mastery exercises we did together during Presence was a deep self-evaluation. Mastery always includes self-review, intention setting; and revealing our core motivations. With the energies flowing for revelation, we accelerate the global revelation process by doing the good work ourselves.

Remember: As the frequencies increase (literally faster vibrations), so does the power of Unity Consciousness. Everything we do affects the whole in stronger ways.

Manifesting in the Past, Present & Future

Friends, it’s been a while. I keep intending to create a new website and keep getting intimidated by the prospect! This one has become dated, though there’s still worthy material to take into consideration for those willing to search. Meanwhile – consider what follows in this video, taken from Ashayana Deane’s Voyagers material. Bless all. W

Enki Girl in an Enlil World

I just stumbled upon a bunch of free episodes of Gaia programs on (subscription supported) I included the link to them below. Watched the first one in the lineup, about the Enki/Enlil Sumerian creation story – an interpretation (many believe the truth) of the Biblical Garden of Eden myth.

Enki & Enlil were the sons of Anu, the great ruler of a galactic civilization we know as the Anunnaki (“children of Anu”) whose home planet is the mysterious Nibiru, which travels a lonnnng elliptical orbit that passes right through this solar system approximately every 3600 years. Anu dispatched these two sons to Earth (“giant gods from the stars” by earth-dweller standards) to establish a new domain for the Annunaki to develop and dominate.

Enlil’s MO was to use violence to break the “lowly beasts” (primitive humans) into becoming slave laborers to mine gold, build Anu’s new empire (for Enlil to rule), and otherwise stay out of the way.

Enki, on the other hand, focused on genetically enhancing the primitives with highly evolved DNA to produce an evolved, peaceful, and productive race.

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Jai Ganesh, Obstacle Slayer

Decades ago, I was given a curious dream. It was very brief but included an ‘instant replay,’ which has never happened before or since. In it, an elephant stormed across my mental screen from the right, straight into a tall brick wall to the left, which crashed down into a heap of rubble. Instant replay: same scene repeated, as tho to ensure I’d get it and remember… which I did.

That is to say I remembered the dream but had no idea what it could mean at the time.

Some years later, I learned about Ganesh, the ancient Hindu god known as The Remover of Obstacles – a revered protective deity in elephant form. One of India’s most worshiped, respected, and – I venture to say – busy gods. I figure that, quantumly speaking, the copious love lavished upon this being over millennia surely ensures that Ganesh sustains a vast reserve of spiritual clout to bestow upon all who come to him for assistance. The highly benevolent energy is t/here to be circulated – why not join the flow?

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A New Declaration of Independence

Hello dear friends – it’s been awhile! I just read this aloud, with oomph, and found sending these energized, verbalized words into the Field to be quite powerful. I intend to do this a few more times at least… maybe even as a day-starter meditation for a while. I’m impressed with the consciousness that came up with it. It basically explains how we’ve fallen into ego-level perception & activity, and encourages us to (re)claim the Sacred Source in ourselves – and emanate it into the All by our restored presence & intention. More info about it linked at the end. Please share if it resonates.

I’ll return and share more when I can. WP has changed so much, I have a learning curve ahead! (Btw, the prayer flags pictured are unrelated to the source of this content.) Much love to you, Whitehawk –


A New Declaration of Independence

When in the course of divine events it becomes the Will of God for awakened souls to dissolve the political and emotional bonds of attachment to illusion—including the illusory world, the ego, and all limited conceptions of reality and God—and to assume the powers of Spirit, the separate and equal station, to which the Laws of God’s Nature and Nature’s God entitle us, a decent respect for the opinions of those still asleep to the Truth, requires that we should declare the Almighty Cause that impels us to this separation from all that is false, limited, and degrading, as part of our return to ultimate Goodness and Faithfulness to our Beloved Supreme Source of Being.

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Thought I’d share the following from German graphics artist Jurgen Ziewe (now in England), not only one of the most experienced and skilled out-of-body adventurers around, but also author of illuminating books featuring his fantastic experiences and reflections on their significance.

He is currently involved in creating full-blown virtual reality experiences that recreate some of the “astralscapes” he has visited. Continue reading

Ritual of Attunement


By Lauren Raine (1999, 2016)

(Performed with drum in a much darkened room. Three voices, at different positions in the room, speak the words.)


Take a deep breath,

feel your feet on the living Earth.

The rhythm of your heart like a drum,

beating in slow time with the quiet,

distant heartbeat

of the planet:


and attune.


Let the breath of the world gather in your chest.

Close your eyes, with each slow breath

feel your hands branching,

becoming green, leafing into the world,

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The Psychology of Conformity

conformity – gracespsychblogSeems to me the matter of conformity vs. nonconformity (cultural vs. personal heroism) hasn’t been as energized as it’s been in recent months since the 1960s. How often have I self-censored in 2020  to avoid conflict, or retain a friendship, or preserve a semi-cohesive sense of community?

What follows – an 11-minute video and the transcript of same – is offered to serve a collective contemplation on what it is we’re all immersed in at this time. Offered, as always, with love and hope for expanding awareness and healing. Whitehawk

“For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure”. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

This remark by Ralph Waldo Emerson makes it clear that the forces of conformity were quite strong when he lived nearly 200 years ago. However, he would likely be surprised at the extent to which the whipping of nonconformists has now been made possible with the emergence of social media and other mass communication technologies.

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Kundalini Conversations

Kundalini Awakening: Symptoms Everyone Should Know! - SpiritualifyAs you are aware if you’ve spent any time here at the Whitehawk blog, Kundalini has been a prevailing theme in my life, beginning with a minor K awakening in the late 80s/early 90s, and a far more extreme activation about a decade later that flowed on dramatically (life alteringly!) for about seven years.

During this second round, a threshold seemed to be transcended upon meeting someone with whom I experienced a particular, profound resonance – unlike anything I had known prior – which set me off on a seriously wild & intoxicating ride. Kundalini changes virtually everything in/about one’s human experience.

A Hindu term, darshan, addresses this spontaneous ignition of Kundalini via transmission through contact with another person, or sometimes even through adoring a statue of a deity that’s been worshiped for so long that it, too, can actually emanate enough energy to transmit darshan to believers.

I’ve noticed a renewed wave of interest in Kundalini, and also in Penny Kelly, whose first book (of the many she’s written), Evolving Human, was big for me on the subject. (I had first encountered the term Kundalini in The Stormy Search for the Self, by Christina Grof, during my first dance with K.)

One thing I appreciate about Penny is her languaging. She writes well and describes her experiences in “plain English” as opposed to others (i.e. the “grandfather of Kundalini for the modern age,” Gopi Krishna) whose concepts can be harder to follow due to the Indian cultural & spiritual orientation.

Penny just posted this YouTube – apparently the first of a series – on Kundalini: Continue reading

Buddhist Monks’ Superpowers

Buddhist monks’ masterful management of form using universal principles has long held the world at large in awe. I can’t imagine anyone not being amazed (and better yet –  inspired) by these monks who work with principles of reality that remain a mystery to the masses.

I’m posting the video here (which links to youtube), whereas below the video I’m providing the beginning of the highly engaging article in which this video was embedded. If you like what you see here, please click through the link provided at the end of this post to read the impressive and informative piece at Universe Inside You.

By the way, I’m particularly fascinated by the monk who passed on while meditating in lotus posture … wearing a mask over his nose and mouth! (Pictured in the video frame.) No escaping ’em!

Love – and esoteric rainbows – to you,

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Designing Reality

Listen to your higher self


A couple of weeks ago I listened to a QHHT session (hypnosis; Dolores Canon method) between Suzanne Spooner and her client Beverly on youtube. QHHT sessions first explore another life stream (past/parallel/future) that holds relevant connections to the client’s present life… and then proceed on to consult the client’s higher self, which typically delivers information of a higher level and broader scope.

I found myself skipping forward in the recording because Beverly’s past life material was going on too long (about 80 minutes) and was too subjectively detailed for my jumpy attention span.  But then enter:

The Designer

When the session came to the part where Suzanne starts talking with Beverly’s higher self, something unique happened. Beverly’s delivery became strikingly mechanical/robotic/choppy, and the information coming through was relatively unique, regarding what we are, what this “reality” is, and how events show up here. Continue reading


Delete Old Files & Refresh

Spotted this on Facebook this morning; the image caught my eye. Interesting – this post by Judith Kusel mentions nothing about AI (artificial intelligence), but she used this image.

I’m now using its tech-human appearance as a springboard to suggest we all check our systems with focus & intent; perform a deep soular defrag for improved coherence (asking for higher help encouraged); delete old memory-hoarding files to create space for incoming blessings; dump the trash that keeps you sluggish & low, and reboot (give yourself a little boot – and boost) further up the dial – as these steps will help clarify & lift your base frequency into higher strata of Be-ing.

Bless all… Whitehawk

Image may contain: one or more people and text

The emotional baggage, the emotional charges, all that we have not forgiven, or dealt with, all which has caused such pain, anger, bitterness, resentment, etc. is busy being churned up, not only in the individual, but also within the collective. Continue reading

Penny Kelly’s Update re: Pivotal Event Prediction

The Fire Inside You - Build You Lifestyle Greetings, Earthlings :)

[Editorial insert: I really unleashed in this post, and may come back later to hose it down a bit. Regardless, I’m publishing it as is.. at least for now.  Whitehawk]

Penny’s experience of receiving a booming message three weeks ago (as covered in this blog) garnered much attention and speculation. We waited to see what might happen. (Her latest video re: this follows.)

I know, by my familiarity with Penny and some insights she once offered regarding my personal situation, that she’s worth giving a listen to about impressions that intuitively come to her.

So, what about that 3-week “biggie” message shared on this blog on May 15? Continue reading